Autumn’s Concerto Episode 08

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413 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 08

  1. 可怜的慕橙…总是被色老头纠缠! 先是阿财叔,现在又来一个花老板~她条件明明那么好,怎么净是惹来这堆老苍蝇?? =.=lll

  2. [YT] u mean in the beggining of the drama? he lied and got the grl(forgot her name..main character) in trouble and blamed everythin on his “girlfriend” cuz he wanted to dump her but she wouldnt let him so he told the “grl” (main character) to get in the call n tricked her to crash into a bus. n caused a whole scene…does that make sense? lol

  3. [YT] 拜托~已经很紧凑了!你都没看其他的偶像剧哦?这一出都能分开成两出了。如果你绝的不怎样就别看阿。要不然看些烂一点的来衬托出嘛~

  4. [YT] 母亲对自己的孩子的最大希望是孩子快快乐乐地长大与做自己爱做的工作, 光唏的妈根本不配做妈,利用孩子得到自己想要的一切。

  5. [YT] arh看來要拖個20集了.就不能緊湊一點嗎?學學人家日劇阿-11集認識誤會分開生小孩重逢,中間有高潮有懸疑,還沒回過神來故事就結束了.這樣才口齒留香啊!

  6. [YT] 我只能說吳建豪演技真的演得很好

  7. [YT] 那只是他對光晞的期盼

  8. [YT] 這個不凡的夜晚

  9. [YT] ahhhh, i went over the limit -.-”
    i’ll message you ^^
    i’ll also message anyone else who wants the translations!
    if anyone’s going to use the translations for subs please give me credit. thanks =)

  10. [YT] i don’t have the patience to wait for the next episode let alone the subbed version of this. oh boo D:
    and i’d prefer mucheng. yiqian is just too…fairytale-like. unrealistic much?

  11. [YT] I think quangxi’s mom wouldn’t let him to be with his friends who knew about mu cheng and his past because she would like her son to be like what she wants since quangxi had lost the memory of the friends.

  12. [YT] I may choose Mu Cheng because they have a son and guangxi needs to be a responsible father. About yi qian, she is innocent but it’s fate to make them together, not true love. And it’s fate again to meet mu cheng again. I would say thank you and sorry to yi qian.

  13. [YT] lol.. but mus see which gal he luv more. cus that time guangxi n mu cheng realli luv each other v v i think it’s realli hard to forget this relationship after all, this applies to guang xi too!! tat’s why he still have mu cheng vague images in his brain :):)
    but afterall i think guangxi eventually will still fall in love wif mucheng in his current it will eventually mean that guangxi luv mucheng in the past n now!! 😀 yeah!

  14. [YT] i hav a question to ppl who is watching this show.

    if you are in guangxi’s shoes, and something like that happened to you, and you regained your memory.. which girl will you choose? both of them are nice girls.. will you choose the one whom you loved dearly in the past, who gave you the motivation to change to be a better person, plus have a child with you..or will you choose the one who had been there for you taking care of you for SIX years, teaching you everything from tying shoe laces?

  15. [YT] 花霍:也不照照鏡子.不知道被哪各野男人搞大肚子.躲到我門花田村來偷生小孩.被我看上是妳的福氣.不知好歹.算我看走眼.人家丟掉不要的破碗.我還檢起來當寶勒.你有給臉不要臉歐.等光晞恢復記憶想起這段對話時.應該可以體會慕橙這六年的辛酸了吧!

  16. [YT] 何董買走的是那些人他們的家和整個生計來源耶! 五十萬? 拜託! 買房子都不夠!

  17. [YT] this is so wierd, i thought he didnt remember her, so why did he say that they are meeting again? according to the preview from the last episode, he totally thought they are meeting for the first time

  18. [YT] i am wondering whatever happen to vanness’ friends in the beginning episodes? one of them or both of them cares about him quite a lot? they didnt mention them at all now??? 🙁

  19. [YT] yes, it is hahha but basically the part w/the village ppl was funny too esp the part where he says he cant drink, it looks like he wants to go to the restroom damn funny n the village names too my god….

  20. [YT] 有看前幾集的大大們 不知道有沒有人發現軒軒 後面幾集臉長了一些肉唷 ^^哈哈哈

    愛吃美食的軒軒 從內地回來台灣實在是”太幸福了” ~~~~~~~~~~

  21. [YT] yup i agree with u…fated hahaha..he will slowly realise tat …n i think he have some image of his past in the next ep…fighting..when will he remember muchen? aigoo…fighting!!!

  22. [YT] see in the preview he mentions he remembers a girl who stays with him through his surgery… its gonna be Yi Chen =P hate how fate fools around with people in this world. lol. BUT! Xiao Le is gonna be kidnapped by me soon lol hes so cute!

  23. [YT] 光晞在這齣戲〝露很大〞耶~ 一直看到他的上半裸身,要不然就是開開的衣襟(羞ing),比較少看到台灣男藝人體態這麼好的咧。

  24. [YT] 可惜劉亮佐在這齣戲戲份不多,只看得到他頻製造反差烘托其他角色,卻沒什麼機會沖分發揮長才。不過我還是喜歡他演的小林律師,比《痞子英雄》裡的簡大德討喜多了!

  25. [YT] 我覺得以茜可能知道慕澄的存在。六年前光晞因麻醉失敗從手術台衝出來時,曾在以茜面前對媽媽咆哮說沒有慕澄他活著也沒有意義之類的話。不過不容置疑的是以茜真的很愛光晞,長年的陪伴與協助復健,還決口不提腦瘤病程的發展,壓根沒把復發的風險當一回事,就答應求婚了~

  26. [YT] no, she wouldn’t think he’s talking about her because he said “i only remember a girl, we met at a hockey rink…”
    guang xi and mu cheng met in the middle of a road lol.

  27. [YT] its funny how they are so poor but their house is so big n pretty and letting a guy into their home when they are mother n a young son? hahaha…its funny but i guess that is how you have a story.

  28. [YT] 就算以茜不知道慕澄的存在, 她应该知道他那时候准备官司的专注,她该猜到的,他有一段刻骨铭心的爱情。 但是,她这样爱他,一切也都情有可原。

  29. [YT] thats exactly what i think :/ .
    i think in the end he’ll fall in love with her while not remembering anything . then when they’ll all be in court or something and he’ll finally remember her .

  30. [YT] this is adorable. good for xiao le that he didnt misunderstood that the lawyer is just a lawyer. i thoguht in most dramas theyd have the weird mixups but this time they got it right on ;P

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