Autumn’s Concerto Episode 12

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Tipster Rednimer

419 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 12

  1. [YT] 快點走啦!!!一直在聊。聊。聊!大事來的還不趕去給他們!過了十二點,花田整個就沒了,真服了你們,還有空在哪裏囬味當初。。。。

  2. [YT] 安以轩演得太好了,我此生看过无数偶像剧,如此的剧情本应该是烂到俗套,但是没有一个女主角能把角色拿捏得有像安以轩那么精致和到位。


  3. [YT] 安以轩演得太好了,我此生看过无数偶像剧,如此的剧情本应该是烂到俗套,但是没有一个女主角能把角色拿捏得有像安以轩那么精致和到位。


  4. [YT] guang xi`s mother so evil.. Is she tell mu cheng to leave then mu cheng think that it is th best idea for guang xi . cannot eveything scold her rite.. what kind of mother is this?

  5. [YT] @LACRY08 From some source i came upon,this show is base on a novel so it will have 90% of possibility of the show following it.

    Someone might had read it and already know the whole plot

  6. [YT] 這部真的很好看




  7. [YT] 這部真的很好看

  8. [YT] 有的时候我很希望以茜可以坏一点,因为这样光希最后才可以毫无顾虑的和慕橙在一起
    haiz = l

  9. [YT] 【夢之緣免費交友中心】
    免費註冊, 免費使用, 真正100%完全免費交友網站.
    【愛情攻略】: 男孩追女必讀二十四式 / 俘獲任何女孩子的愛情技巧 / 什麼時候適合說我愛你?
    【愛情測試】: 你未來的女友是什麼樣? / 看看你的求愛時機是什麼時候? / 你的戀人好色與否?
    【兩性探秘】: 8種讓人銷魂的接吻花樣 / 處女的做愛姿勢 / 發人深醒的第一次性愛.

  10. [YT] 許方國 probably will tell all since hes pissed i think n he does like the rich girl n nothing is reciprocated so he might spoil everyones fun… which is good for the main lead…

  11. [YT] yi qian dun know.the real truth why mu cheng has to leave guan xi…it is becoz mu cheng loves him so much and wants him to have the operation…aigoo…Guan xi pali pali remember…

  12. [YT] guang xi should find that pic he took wit mu cheng nd find out the truth, but in baidu it says that guang xi got his memory bac because mu cheng was playin the song that she was playin in ep2, nd he remembered everythin.

  13. [YT] 可能是因為以前以茜都是以「便當妹」的身分認識慕橙,而且打官司的時候以茜在美國,只有用電話跟光稀聯絡,也沒見過本人吧?

  14. [YT] Arghhh…
    One more week!

    But at least I am half-right… YiQian didn’t know that Mucheng is the person that the ex-Ren Guangxi loved.

    Except that I didn’t expect her to… follow what Guangxi’s mom asked her to do…

  15. [YT] 小樂(小小彬)有異位性皮膚炎,所以必須打類固醇的藥,臉會突然腫,所以會有一下腫一下消的狀況。。。。。真的看了很不捨,可憐的孩子。。。

  16. [YT] but i think that most girls would bel ike yi qian; and hide his past love. It’s kinda hard not to be selfish in this kind of situation. haha.. oh dang, gotta wait another week!!

  17. [YT] I guess, just guess…the grandma found out 小樂 is her grandson and make 慕橙 gives up…saying sth like we will provide better environment to 小樂….

  18. [YT] but i want tuo ye to end up with hua chi xin becuase she loves him so much! remember last episode,when she cried so hard, and he told her she’s only like a sister to him? thats so sad.

  19. [YT] 可能對寰宇來說失去一個工廠不算什麼大損失。畢竟還是把集團的名譽維持比較重要,而且光晞完全抓住他們的把柄了。

    最重要的就是劇組都知道我們想看他們家庭和樂+談戀愛的戲 🙂

  20. [YT] 到底什麼時候才能把他們分手的事實說出來?說出來後,如果以茜真的是一個好人的話那就應該主動離開光晞。

    and to aznxxazn, of course she will accept xiao le, because he is guang xi’s son, but obviously she will still not support them getting back together.

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