Autumn’s Concerto Episode 13

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957 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 13

  1. [YT] @wanli35
    哈哈哈, 以前好像花系列很紅啊, 之前王牌大間諜有做一集關於花系列演員的事, 也提到現在的韓劇幾乎都是抄台灣多年前的花系列. 我想因為花田村什麼都花來花去的, 所以用花系列來形容情愛糾葛特別好笑. 很多演員都是花系列出來的, 當時應該是因為第一檔叫什麼花的紅了, 所以後來的都是什麼花什麼花.

  2. [YT] @ligiaung369
    很多劇情都是如此啊, 不然我看的言情小說這類的劇情多到隨口數來都是啊。

  3. [YT] even though GuangXi knos the truth about how his mother nd YiQian lied to him, but i dont think he gets his memory bac yet, nd even though he gets his memory bac, it might be a while for him to findout that MuCheng left him because his mother told her to, but hes not gonna kno that anytime soon. =[

  4. [YT] @MarciaChiaMa
    (韓劇完全抄襲台劇 但是台灣人才不會小氣去計較啦!)

  5. [YT] @ligiaung369
    因為車禍而失憶的劇碼 早早之前就有很多戲劇演過了 冬劇也很可能是抄以前的劇本
    但是下一站的演員實力 和導演導戲的實力是大家有目共睹的

  6. [YT] I can’t really blame Yi Qian but if she knew what Mu Cheng had to go through then she wouldn’t be able to say that so confidently to her face. I mean sure, Yi Qian was the one who was by Guang Xi’s side after surgery but did she know what Mu Cheng have to give up. She had to give up her love for Guang Xi so that Yi Qian can be together with him. Mu Cheng made the biggest sacrifice of all. In fact, if it isn’t for Mu Cheng then Yi Qian wouldn’t be together with Guang Xi at all.

  7. [YT] 看到最後面慕橙口是心非那段
    我心頭就想到 愛他不一定要擁有他
    因為知道他會因此更幸福 所以才放的了手

  8. [YT] 那你也太移情别恋了。关键是花托也已经心有所属,在他眼里世界上只有一个女人。既然都等了慕橙7年,放手何尝容易。


  9. [YT] 我也覺得她好漂亮哦,但是也是最可憐的一個,居然喜歡一個人那么久都沒有囬報。。看到她這樣我都哭慘了。。她這么漂靚又好是我的話一定會跟她在一起的。

  10. [YT] 愛上一個不該愛的人



  11. [YT] she didn’t!! that’s the point!! she finally said yes!! I’d actually be content if she paired with him and venesse can go with the other grl~~ haha just my thoughts

  12. [YT] 大人怎麼有那個權利去隱瞞一切 那不是很自私嗎..??看到小樂這樣我覺得好可憐啊 大人為什麼要說謊呢 明明自己的爸爸就在眼前了 卻傻傻的 什麼都不知道…..唉

  13. [YT] 其實以茜也很可憐

    以茜也不是一個壞女人 反而他心腸很好

    話說 花癡心那段好感動

  14. [YT] @w7018, 台灣之前有一系列很紅的九點半檔連續劇, 因為都是以花命名, 所以稱為花系列. 劇情都是情愛糾葛, 所以花姨的意思是他們在上演愛情戲這樣.

  15. [YT] 难道光曦恢复记忆了?不然怎么会知道他们在钢琴房发生的事?小林律师他们就算再怎么知道他们的爱情,也不可能知道这些细节嘛!

  16. [YT] 就是說啊,不讓光晞知道是對他不公平,以倩也辛苦.

  17. [YT] 即使光晞恢復記憶
    恨以茜 慕橙和他媽媽夥同騙他

  18. [YT] 即使光晞恢復記憶
    恨以茜 慕橙和他媽媽夥同騙他

  19. [YT] waiting for next episode ! omg 光希将知道真相!不知道为什么超兴奋,高兴他将会知道 :DxDYesYes! 那个律师还是个满好的人哦,肯告诉他他的过去,开始蛮喜欢他的哦! =D

  20. [YT] 之前我去看阿凡達,然後就用這位大大的把妹技巧,沒想到就輕輕鬆鬆搞定了正妹,真的很厲害耶!!! 我很感謝他,所以要分享給大家,他曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的!一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 關鍵字搜尋:不把妹 。

  21. [YT] 之前我去看阿凡達,然後就用這位大大的把妹技巧,沒想到就輕輕鬆鬆搞定了正妹,真的很厲害耶!!! 我很感謝他,所以要分享給大家,他曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的!一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 關鍵字搜尋:不把妹 。

  22. [YT] 他之前幫我搞定一位正妹,真的很厲害耶! 曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的! 他跟大家說她最討厭玩感情的人,只希望大家能穩穩經營下去,我聽了超感動,一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 或是搜尋:不把妹。

  23. [YT] 眼神交會時….真是千言萬語只有心照不宣了~~ 兩個大美女演來更是加分!

    “那個任光晞跟梁慕橙喔,現在在演花系列。我的傻兒子花拓也,也在旁邊插花….” 哈哈~ 這個好笑!

  24. [YT] 慕橙的痛並不是不知情的人可以想到的
    想一下一個女人為了一個男人可以拋下所有 甚至有了他的孩子也獨立的照顧
    想一下即使她再看到他了 也不能擁有 偏偏只能看到他跟別人幸福

  25. [YT] 因為慕橙懷孕期間得了妊娠糖尿而不自知,小樂一出生就因為胰島素分泌過多血糖過低而被迫切除一半的胰臟保住性命,卻因此罹患了第一型糖尿病,必須終生施打胰島素維持生命。

  26. [YT] 唉唉~總歸一句…父母真的該多跟孩子溝通啊! 3個女人都是愛著光熙~但是方法都很極端…尤其是她媽媽~ 一場誤會就是六年~光熙也可憐~以茜也可憐~慕澄也可憐~愛六年的拓也也可憐~曉樂這個孩子也是…一出生就沒爸爸…..大家都在上演一場可憐的戲碼…

  27. [YT] 維基百科上面也有寫了,在穿幫畫面/錯誤那裡。

  28. [YT] 婆婆 你的紙掉了… 好好笑…

    糖尿病 中期 傷口非常難以自行癒合,需靠抗生素等外來藥物配合治療…


  29. [YT] 婆婆 你的紙掉了… 好好笑…

    糖尿病 中期 傷口非常難以自行癒合,需靠抗生素等外來藥物配合治療…


  30. [YT] 如果小樂要是2005年九月出生 表示他們要2004年底上床 但是我們有看的人都知道 2004已經是手術後 他們已經分開 而他們是2003年手術前上的床 證明小樂2005年出生是不對的

  31. [YT] @quaquajam 拜託~~~你也好好看看別人的發言吧 你有認真看過我的發言 再來說”你有沒有認真看呀!!”

    我一直提那個家達的死亡日期2003年10月20日 而他們是在這之前上的床 懷胎九月 再怎麼樣 小樂也不會是2005年才生出來的 雖然2004年9月28日也不是那麼的合理 但是不會比2005年更誇張

    最討厭有人搞不清楚帳況就亂罵人 請你道歉

  32. [YT] 為什么直系血親不能捐?
    輸血后,病人常會發燒,因為病人對外來血液產生排斥。我們常忽略的是,其實外来血液也會對病人體内的血液產生排斥,只是外來的( 即移植物)寡不敵眾,很快就會被病人的免疫系统殲滅。

  33. [YT] 直系血親的血液比較危險,因為很可能病人對直系血親的血液完全接纳(即不排斥,因为基因接近),但直系血親的血液却排斥病人體内的血液(原因與纯合子/染合子有連)。這種情况下,外來血液会殲滅病人的血液。這就是所謂的移植物抗宿主疾病。但是只要血液在輸入病人體内前經過照射處理,一切就没問题。

  34. [YT] What…you mean Xiao Le is Xiao Bin Bin’s son….How is Xiao Bin Bin….last time he was a child actres in Hong Kong…very cute ….but no news of him…no wander Xiao Le Look like him…his son…^^

  35. [YT] All the while I though, the best blood donner should be the parents or sisters & brothers….in this epsiop than I know is a mistake……what the hell….=.=
    Waw..^^…Fishlicious you know a lot….I want to confirm with doctor 1st..^^…ha ha

  36. [YT] 我想是因為他昏倒時剛好從混凝土步道上摔下去了,那高度對小朋友而言很可能造成不小的傷口,而糖尿病人傷口不易癒合。

  37. [YT] 這一段沒錄到喔!
    小樂打針完要找光晞 但慕橙不準


  38. [YT] 托也是一个托付终身的理想对象。 可惜墓橙心里已经只有光希。六年的默默守在墓橙身边,随身携带她们的照片,瓶盖,早已把她们当成他的家人了。。我好同情托也哦。。。为他感到心疼。这番告白,就是铁石心肠的人也会落泪。

  39. [YT] 痛苦, 難堪, 無助, … , 別人投射的眼光 …
    慕橙在她僅有的選擇中, 做了最大的犧牲, 給了最大的愛, 有的這麼少, 卻還得承受所有的誤會.

  40. [YT] 雖然預告光晞好像記起了,但他只是說要小樂和不跟以茜結婚,但沒有說要跟慕橙一起。該不會光晞只想到慕橙離開時的畫面吧?而且方董也不是省油的燈,怎可能輕易給他們在一起?

    都是那一句 預告片不能盡信,要不然下一集不就來個大結局了嘛

  41. [YT] omg….when chixin said “otherwise, im afraid that no one will bring u the biandang” and the background music started!!! that part was sooooooo touching!!! omg~!! really touching, like u hear her heart broke when the music started beating!!! omg!!! good job!!!

  42. [YT] 这是偶像剧 不是古装或有历史性的戏
    这种小细节编剧乱摆对戏不会有什么大影响吧。 (虽说应该实际点)

  43. [YT] 但是也不會懷孕超過一年吧

    第六集中客串角色羅家達死亡日期2003年10月20日 他們上床應該在這之前 雖然懷胎九月也不會到2004年9月 但是會比2005年合理

  44. [YT] sometimes love is a happiness to someonelse,at the same time,it can be a toture to the other as well…some people,no matter how hard they try,they will never succeed….this is wat i learned…

  45. [YT] 太好看啦!!!
    慕橙第一句 “光晞不行” 是直覺反應
    第二句”他不能捐” 說到後來慢慢變小聲變慢
    然後抬頭看以茜 發現ㄅㄧㄚˋ ㄎㄤ 真是演太好

  46. [YT] 她并不懦弱,其实她根本不。她是个超乎想象坚强的女人,她为了自己爱的人能抛弃自己的自尊,被人误解,抛弃自己的幸福,坚强的离开他,因为相信这样才是对他最好的。是我的话我一定没那个勇气这么做。

  47. [YT] 不能這樣講吧
    所以他的痛 他不知道
    他以為 他丟下了他

  48. [YT] 之前我去看阿凡達,然後就用這位大大的把妹技巧,沒想到就輕輕鬆鬆搞定了正妹,真的很厲害耶!!! 我很感謝他,所以要分享給大家,他曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的!一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 關鍵字搜尋: 不把妹。

  49. [YT] 之前我去看阿凡達,然後就用這位大大的把妹技巧,沒想到就輕輕鬆鬆搞定了正妹,真的很厲害耶!!! 我很感謝他,所以要分享給大家,他曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的!一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 關鍵字搜尋: 不把妹。

  50. [YT] 直系血親捐血真的是一個很錯誤的觀念~!


  51. [YT] 拓也是腦筋很快啦,解圍的恰當




  52. [YT] 我跟你們說,我很認真! 前幾天聖誕節看完阿凡達後,一天內就幫我搞定正妹,他的把妹功很強,一天就能搞定,也教導我們如何維持長久關係,我很感謝他,所以希望大家也能得到他的幫助,但有人一直檢舉這是廣告,但我沒有要幫他打廣告的意思,他能一天內搞定正妹幫大家脫離宅男宅女,是人類的希望,大家快上網無名關鍵字搜尋:不把妹 你就知道他有多厲害。

  53. [YT] Throughout my debate, my main point is really just this : Who is one to decide what is good for other people?
    Anyway, I’m ending this debate because it’s pointless. I just want to thank you very much for a debate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Maybe next time. See you around on the internet.

  54. [YT] “So because of these fears, then MuCheng should just join with everybody else”

    That’s right, she should. That’s how the person wrote it. And you know why? Because her love is strong.

  55. [YT] Okay. I can see your point now. Because of the necessity for the “truth” to be revealed, who cares how’ll they all end up. They can be miserable the rest of their lives, who cares? Isnt that right? You’re really ignoring the future possibilities, so that GX can know the truth and be miserable, so that Xiao Le can know the truth and be miserable, so that YiQian will be hated by GX and be miserable, so that GX’s mom will be blamed and be miserable. Who cares if everyone is miserable? -.-

  56. [YT] ok, I said, “she’s doing this because she really doesn’t want to get back together with him.” Do you actually think that she wants to get back together with GX? Although she still loves him but it doesn’t mean that she is hoping or wanting to get back together with him. Didn’t you say that she didn’t want to affect his relationship with YiQian? But you think that she’s just faking it?
    Anyway, thanks for the debate.

  57. [YT] what if Xiao Le can’t accept it? So is it really for this reason that MuCheng should lie to him forever about having a father? Just because of all these fears that may or may not happen?
    People have the tendency to think that they’re doing things for other people’s own good. And they would sacrifice this and that. But the question is, is this what GX really want? No one ask him what he wants.

  58. [YT] 拓也 is so freaking heartless…he could at least try to be more understanding of her feelings and be nicer…ESPECIALLY since he was in her position once so he should understand her pain more than anyone…ugh hes acting so damn immature…i cant stand it

  59. [YT] 幕橙之所以會這樣就是想保護光晞

  60. [YT] I see that you are really solid on your points. Xiao Le can have his father, knowing that his father does not want him, but the Cookie Lady. Xiao Le will end up hating them, knowing how hurt MuCheng is. I strongly believe that MuCheng’s not at fault. I think her lies portray how selfless she is. It is very evident that MuCheng still loves GX deeply by the way she looks at him. Right now, what she sees is that GX and YQ are happy. Thus she is sacrificing her own happiness.

  61. [YT] When I ask what kind of love MuCheng has for GX, this question doesn’t mean in anyway that she doesn’t love him. The kind of love that she has for him is “CRUEL LOVE.” And that’s my opinion.

  62. [YT] So because of these fears, then MuCheng should just join with everybody else and decide for GX that it’s better for him not to know?
    As for Xiao Le, all he wants is a father.
    Just because GX is getting married to another woman, then Xiao Le shouldn’t be having a father then? Because for the reason that it’s hard to explain to him?

  63. [YT] I guess we’ll see as the story unfolds. This pointless debate can be endless. Both sides have their reasons. It’s been really nice debating with you though. I enjoyed critically analysing the drama. ^__^

  64. [YT] 就一瞬间,被以茜和慕橙对视的眼神触动了,一种无比震惊的,同时饱含了一个女人对另一个女人的理解。这一段的冲突真的拍的太好了!一直看了好几遍!!真的好赞啊啊!!迫不及待下个礼拜了啦!!!!

  65. [YT] Sometimes lying is the easiest way to cope. I don’t think she wants to lie. Say that she tells Xiao Le the truth. What will Xiao Le do knowing that his father is marrying another lady? Say that she tells GX the truth. GX will hate her, hate YiQian, hate his mother, hate everyone who didn’t tell him the truth, end up feeling betrayed by the world. What good will the truth do? GX does have the choice to decide who to be with RIGHT NOW. For all that matters, he can decide to break up with YiQian.

  66. [YT] 不過在醫療系統的記錄下 電腦不會算虛歲 否則他沒有必要顯示四歲11個月 可直接顯示5歲 而且六年前光晞住院期間認識另一位腦瘤患者家達 死亡日期是在2003年10月20日

  67. [YT] @cheungluluuu

    這不是測試的手段, 這在醫界有普遍的共識…若想知道更多相關訊息,你可以google “直系血親 不能捐血” 會有很多資料可供參考…
    另外, 想問為什麼是”木”橙? 不是”慕”橙嗎?

  68. [YT] 哎…为什么那个方董事长要那么凶狠的眼神呢
    小乐是她孙子耶.应该为她有个那么可爱的孙子感到开心吧..如果是我 早就开心到飞了!!

  69. [YT] 為什麼搶人老公的

  70. [YT] @crazy4vamps :

    我覺得那是以茜用來測試”木”橙的手段, 因為她之前已經看了小樂的出生日期, 用邏輯推論, 她已經在懷疑小樂的生父是光晞. 但她只能用這種間接的方法去test…正如動過腦手術的人其實也可以捐血, 以茜對光晞撒美麗的謊言想他主動退出主要是為了”木”橙的考慮一樣

  71. [YT] i loooovee vaness’s face at 4:50. lol he was like wtf! man this is getting better and better!!!!!! i have to say this drama is NEAR perfect!!! when i first saw the preview, i thought damn so cliche, but i looked forward to it cuz of vaness’s new transformation. yet after i started watching it, i just couldnt keep my eyes away!!! their acting improves so much and the camera shots, script writing, plot development, are all so great!!!! now we all wait for some closure and happiness for the couple

  72. [YT] this is one of my favorite episode of this drama, i cried like a baby when xiao le was chasing guang Xi. next week is gonna be so interesting, cant wait!

  73. [YT] this is one of my favorite episode of this drama, i cried like a baby when xiao le was chasing guang Xi. next week is gonna be so interesting, cant wait!

  74. [YT] I never say that she doesn’t love GX. But her love is very cruel!! Both to the kid & GX!! She’s really deciding for GX who he should be with when she lies and lies.

  75. [YT] I never say that she doesn’t love GX. But her love is very cruel!! Both to the kid & GX!! She’s really deciding for GX who he should be with when she lies and lies.

  76. [YT] @lalaluye: I feel that it really all comes down to what she herself thinks is good for the kid & GX. Xiao Le wants so much to have a father. GX wants so much to know his past. But she actually joins the other people in lying to him. Doesn’t GX have a right to decide for himself who he wants to be with? What do other people know what is best for him?

  77. [YT] @lalaluye: I feel that it really all comes down to what she herself thinks is good for the kid & GX. Xiao Le wants so much to have a father. GX wants so much to know his past. But she actually joins the other people in lying to him. Doesn’t GX have a right to decide for himself who he wants to be with? What do other people know what is best for him?

  78. [YT] @AlbeeC50: So you think that it’s better to lie to Xiao Le and GX for the rest of their lives? Never leting Xiao Le knows that he indeed has a father? Or maybe wait until Xiao Le is 18 yrs old, then tell him?
    Anyway, I agree with you that if MuCheng tells GuangXi the truth, then the drama won’t be as exciting. I just want to say to people that it’s really not ok in real life to deny your child his father. And to keep lying to your child the way she does.

  79. [YT] The reason is not only that she wants to keep the promise to his mom, but also that she doesn’t want to break the little happiness that YiQian, GuangXi and their family have at the moment. Moreover, I believe that MuCheng wants to continue to live peacefully with XiaoLe. If MuCheng fights GuangXi’s mom to be together with GuangXi, no one will be happy. What MuCheng doesn’t want to risk, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him as much anymore.

  80. [YT] it’s not MuCheng doesn’t want to get back together with him anymore, it’s that she doesn’t want break the relationship between YiQian and GuanXi. Also, drama is always like that, if MuCheng tell Guanxi the truth, this drama won’t be that exciting.

  81. [YT] it just shows us that in life, its so rare to find two ppl who love each other. so once u find that someone who loves u back, HOLD ON!! thats why i dont like it when script writers make the evil moms try to split the main couples, and they always break up and give up each other. FIGHT for being together for pete’s sake. unrequited love is a pain in the ass.

  82. [YT] if Tiffany is ugly then there are no pretty girls haaha… u can hate her character but she is def NOT UGLY she has always be the most beautiful second lead. She is not that bad i think still …sure its not her place to blame someone when u dont no anything but shes not completely evil, she actually has a heart i think.

  83. [YT] if Tiffany is ugly then there are no pretty girls haaha… u can hate her character but she is def NOT UGLY she has always be the most beautiful second lead. She is not that bad i think still …sure its not her place to blame someone when u dont no anything but shes not completely evil, she actually has a heart i think.

  84. [YT] Besides, what kind of love does MuCheng has for him? 6 years later, why can’t she tell him the truth? Is it really because she care too much about keeping her promise to his mom? Each time, she lies and lies. She’s not doing this for the benefit of him or her child. She’s doing this because she really doesn’t want to get back together with him anymore.

  85. [YT] Besides, what kind of love does MuCheng has for him? 6 years later, why can’t she tell him the truth? Is it really because she care too much about keeping her promise to his mom? Each time, she lies and lies. She’s not doing this for the benefit of him or her child. She’s doing this because she really doesn’t want to get back together with him anymore.

  86. [YT] @achieveyourdreams: It has nothing to do with whatever other people do- MuCheng raising the kid as a single mom or TuoYe liking her for 6 years. The fact is YiQian was the only person who was there helping him when he needed help the most. This is not something that he should just forget about & not love her.

  87. [YT] @achieveyourdreams: It has nothing to do with whatever other people do- MuCheng raising the kid as a single mom or TuoYe liking her for 6 years. The fact is YiQian was the only person who was there helping him when he needed help the most. This is not something that he should just forget about & not love her.

  88. [YT] if mucheng were to stay with him at that time, yi qian wont even get a chance to be with him… idiot yi qian… mucheng sacrifice so much n yet yi qian jus say till like that…

  89. [YT] if mucheng were to stay with him at that time, yi qian wont even get a chance to be with him… idiot yi qian… mucheng sacrifice so much n yet yi qian jus say till like that…

  90. [YT] 緊張的劇情 用不穩定的掌鏡方式 很容易讓觀眾有如在現場一樣 . 上次光晞被阿財刺. -一直到光晞送緊急開刀. 一路跟隨的不穩定掌鏡方式 .觀眾不在只是觀眾 .已經是現場旁觀者了*

  91. [YT] 緊張的劇情 用不穩定的掌鏡方式 很容易讓觀眾有如在現場一樣 . 上次光晞被阿財刺. -一直到光晞送緊急開刀. 一路跟隨的不穩定掌鏡方式 .觀眾不在只是觀眾 .已經是現場旁觀者了*

  92. [YT] gosh i wanna marry tuo ye!!! such a wonderful, but foolish guy. hahaha. *sob sob* what a complicated situation!!! i dont think its anyone’s fault. its not all black and white. each of these 2 women had a reason to do and feel what they feel. but did mu cheng really say xiao le is an accident?!??! i think that was badly written in the script. first she says he was a gift, now an accident?

  93. [YT] gosh i wanna marry tuo ye!!! such a wonderful, but foolish guy. hahaha. *sob sob* what a complicated situation!!! i dont think its anyone’s fault. its not all black and white. each of these 2 women had a reason to do and feel what they feel. but did mu cheng really say xiao le is an accident?!??! i think that was badly written in the script. first she says he was a gift, now an accident?

  94. [YT] 只能說

  95. [YT] 只能說

  96. [YT] 相愛和付出是兩回事吧


  97. [YT] 相愛和付出是兩回事吧


  98. [YT] omg…this part is way too exciting!!!!!! everything just blurt out of mu cheng’s mouth when she anxious, and i was way too shocked to react when she says guang xi cannot donate his blood. ^0^

  99. [YT] omg…this part is way too exciting!!!!!! everything just blurt out of mu cheng’s mouth when she anxious, and i was way too shocked to react when she says guang xi cannot donate his blood. ^0^

  100. [YT] 其实最可怜的还是幕橙啊
    不是吗?, 她把自己讲的那么脏
    其实, 她才是那位最勇敢的人也是最爱光晞的人
    嗨~ 幕橙真的很让人心疼吖~~

  101. [YT] 其实最可怜的还是幕橙啊
    不是吗?, 她把自己讲的那么脏
    其实, 她才是那位最勇敢的人也是最爱光晞的人
    嗨~ 幕橙真的很让人心疼吖~~

  102. [YT] @tinjmail: if that’s the case, what about mu cheng’s 6 years of raising xiao le as a single mom? she went through just as much as well. like tuo ye, what yi qian did for guang xi during those 6 years was voluntary, so like mu cheng, guang xi shouldn’t have to be obliged to be with her to repay her dedication towards him, especially if she’s not the one he loves. love is unconditional, so actions should be that way, too.

  103. [YT] 每一段我都想稱讚編劇導演= =!!

  104. [YT] 編劇哪位啊~很會編
    他的劇情架構 可以跟電影相比(文藝片)


  105. [YT] @122685tt: I know 慕橙 didn’t leave GX willingly. That’s why I said it’s not her fault. I’m just stating the fact that only 以茜 was helping him during those time of needs. Whether 慕橙 leave unwilling or not can’t deny the fact that it’s 以茜 who was the only one helping him during those times. This has nothing to do with who’s at fault. I just want to say that 6 years of dedication should be taken into account.

  106. [YT] please, she didnt want to leave!!!!! did you watch the preview ep.? it will tell you why she leave him by that time. but both of the girl are good girl, just not the same type. and the kid is soooooooo cute!!!

  107. [YT] @mclin7: Agree. 以茜 was the only one helping GuangXi to stand up again and have a new life. During those 6 years, she was by his side. 慕橙 was with GuangXi for a short period and she was not there for him when he needs help the most. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not her fault. I’m just saying that 6 years of devotion shouldn’t be something that you just brush aside and claimed as not important.

  108. [YT] @lalaluye: I know it’s hard not to confirm when the evidences are there and YiQian also doesn’t want to lie to GuangXi. But if it’s me, I’ll pretend that I don’t know and I will not go to Mu Cheng to confirm about it.

  109. [YT] Even if it’s because of her promised to GX’s mother, but 6 years later, knowing Xiao Le’s feelings, she should stop all those lies & stop separating the father & son. If she’s afraid that GX would go after her again, she can tell GX that she has a boyfriend now.
    Anyway, thanks for the discussion.

  110. [YT] Xiao Le wants his father so much and I can’t say this enough. Whatever she feels about GX has really nothing to do with what is best for her child. What is best for her child is “having a father.” But because she can’t get past her own feelings, she denied Xiao Le to have a father.

  111. [YT] @little0bee0bzzz: I really don’t think that it’s because she can’t tell him that they were lovers before. It’s more like she doesn’t want to tell him. There’s a difference. But how could a person deny a child, a father?

  112. [YT] 我覺得光晞要的不只是小樂.


    (其實我已經看了第三遍了… 可惜, 得上班了!)

  113. [YT] but how about 慕橙? she’s never stopped missing 光晞 during these 6 years. i can see how 以茜 loves 光晞, but i believe 慕橙’s love is even stronger. much stronger and deeper.

  114. [YT] OMG, I DONT EASILY CRY ON SERIES LIKE THESE BUT GOSH MY EYES ARE WIMPY HAHAHHAA…. 花拓也 u r something else so sad knowing she still loves the EX like crazy but still giving him false hope. sad sad and sad for the girl who loves 花拓也 as well… my god unbelievable… now where are my tissues….. hahahaa

  115. [YT] I don’t know how I would feel, but I’m sure I won’t say those things to mucheng if I were her. It is not her place to judge someone when she is unaware of the past situations. She can feel sorry for guangxi as much as she likes, but it is definitely not her place to blame MC or tell MC how she should feel.

  116. [YT] The scene showing MuCheng & GuangXi together near the pool reminds me of the drama “The Prince Turns into A Frog.” It has similar scene at the end in that drama.

  117. [YT] 我覺得小樂的不安來自於他沒有爸爸的事實.


    花癡心,夢該醒了. 花拓也,也該夢醒了.

  118. [YT] 也不能怪以茜. 畢竟,他不知道事情的來龍去脈.
    真的是一場可憐的四角戀,而這整場戲劇的始作俑者就是光晞媽媽. 最不能原諒的就是他的自私.

  119. [YT] True. But YiQian already ‘accidentally’ knew. She saw the Xiao Le date of birth and she noticed how MuCheng wouldn’t let GuangXi donate his blood. It’s an obvious fact right there. YiQian only asked MuCheng to confirm that it’s true. If YiQian didn’t ask, she would keep thinking about it… EIther way is difficult

  120. [YT] If I’m 以茜, I will not ask Mu Cheng about it or go find out if Xiao Le is his son. Because once you know about it, you would have to face the difficult decision of whether or not to tell Guang Xi. Sometimes, not knowing is better.

  121. [YT] to be honest,yiqian is so poor..she’s not that kind of the people who try to lie about something..she just loves guangxi so much…she’s a really good girl…it’s so hard for her to do things like this…

  122. [YT] 你們說痴心終于醒了之後 最後最後的拓也,在慕橙跟光晞在一起之後,會不會重新開始認識痴心。。因爲感覺痴心離家出走其實是開始去走自己人生的路 不再是一段以拓也為中心的生活

  123. [YT] 其實看那個電視劇的時候 不管裏面是幾角戀 只要是覺得很好的人 都喜歡他們最終會意識到那個人是不屬於我的 然後真的可以找到自己的幸福。。慕橙根光晞一定會在一起的。。不知道編劇幫以茜根拓也還有痴心都安排了怎樣的好歸宿

  124. [YT] 我倒覺得她的五官搭配起來挺迷人的,雖然以混雪兒來說眼睛是不大,但世上的美沒有一定的標準,況且一切都合乎美的標準也不見得好看。她給人恬靜優雅的感覺應該跟她內在的氣質也有關係吧?!

  125. [YT] 以茜,如果不是你的存在,慕橙會毫不猶豫把一切都給光烯,比你能給的要多億萬倍!慕橙已經為光烯做的,你死也沒辦法相比較。說這種話,知道真相以後,你恐怕不能原諒自己,沒膽去正眼看慕橙呢~~

  126. [YT] Well, technically, with Mu Cheng’s type of personality, she’s lived so long without Guang Xi and when he lived with her, she didn’t even tell him the truth. She has no intentions of telling the truth. So if Guang Xi did really say “But I’m not his Dad.” I think with Mu Cheng’s personality she would’ve just said, “You just CANNOT donate blood to him.”

  127. [YT] That 以茜 thinks she is some vigin-mary-like person when she don’t even know the truth. I don’t care if she is not aware of what guangxi’s mom did, because it is still ignorant of her to make those assumptions when she doesn’t even anything! She is so judgemental!

  128. [YT] OMG !!! I can’t wait for the next ep. TOO exciting. Guang Xi finally know everything. GOSH, I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. This is just too good.

  129. [YT] agree with forever333
    @ibberrys: i tnk she cast her role fairly well if not why most of the audiences are touched by most crying scenes. So i’d say tt she did success in portraying her role.

  130. [YT] Wow, the BEST part is when Yi Qian asks them to donate blood and Guang Xi & Tuo Ye both fight to donate and Mu Chen is like “GUANG XI CAN’T DONATE!” And Guang Xi was all mad, his face was just like “WTF.”

  131. [YT] YES!! FINALLY!!!!!!!
    he knows *sigh*….
    but poor poor yi qian..she’s such a pure hearted person =(
    my only consolation is that her marriage won’t be happy w/ guang xi anyways from the guilt.

  132. [YT] 慕橙爱光晞爱了六年,拓也爱慕橙爱了六年,但痴心似乎从被送到他们家的那刻,就注定得爱拓也。

  133. [YT] mucheng must make her decision on who she wants to be with.
    if she wants to be with guangxi, she must let him know.
    if not, why not consider tuoye. he waited for her for so long.

  134. [YT] i don’t blame 以茜. if i were in her position i’d have come to the same conclusion. perception is reality and 慕橙 gave off this image of someone who’d rather leave than stay.

  135. [YT] 哀…以茜是這麼好的女生 光晞居然這樣對她….
    這六年裡 她是這麼的支持她….

  136. [YT] hoho!!!拓也の真情告白:不要勸我放棄你,因為我不知道該怎麼放棄;不要問我到底喜歡你哪裡,因為我只會這樣一直喜歡下去…

  137. [YT] Ah…. Takuya, how I wish I can say, you finally get what you deserved but… Muchen still loves Guangxi.

    And the song that was matched with the scene was just wonderful.


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