Autumn’s Concerto Episode 15

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641 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 15

  1. [YT] 很高興他們又在一起了

  2. [YT] I think both actresses do a good job portraying the reality and pain behind such fairytale-like story. At least YiQian will stand up for herself and admit her faults; MuCheng is so pure-hearted that she backs off, and has no mercy on herself.

  3. [YT] There is no one in this drama who is “bad” (aside from the uncle), but there is love, and misunderstandings. It doesn’t matter whether or not she wanted to tell him (halfheartedly), but the fact remains that she didn’t, 1) out of love, to try and suppress his painful memories, and 2) fearful of being abandoned. She will stand up for herself, while MuCheng, who is used to sacrificing herself for her loved ones. Sometimes I wonder which of these two are more courageous.

  4. [YT] i have to say this is a very good series as i like ‘fated’ series but i skipped on that one, this i didnt really skip and i actually remember to watch on Sundays hahah…. n i dont mind the 19 or 20 episodes as long as its not dragging at the end short is actually a good thing.

  5. [YT] i think at tis point of time…guang xi will not trust her even if she told him the truth…he only wan revenge & xiao le for now…is very difficult for him to digest all the things happened during tis 6 yrs at a very short time…

  6. [YT] 安以軒.吳建豪超配的!花絮超親密ㄟ!在一起嘛!適婚年齡!下一 集床戲!好期待喔!肌肉= =
    一定的!演的太好了!如果不是!就較評審自己去演啦!!安以軒. 吳建豪太配啦! 三立宣傳下一站幸福ˊㄟ!一直宣傳第二回合我愛你!不公平!希望以軒.建豪可以一起上過年特別節目!!

  7. [YT] xiao le so funny. cover his face when his dad and mom kissing. XD . and the spongebob bag. HMS and AC love using cartoon characters. pink panther vs spongebob. XDDDDD

  8. [YT] 小樂說 橙說我不可以太想你

    感覺光晞 快發飆了= =…

    『噓~ 光晞淑淑 你可以哄我,


    這句話好像 … 火上加油…= =”…

  9. [YT] 就是愛她才要跟她結婚呀 只是之前慕橙假裝拋棄他時說了很難聽的話 這結沒解開 光晰是不會承認還愛她的 xd 姻緣天注定啦 到最後會合好的 呵….

  10. [YT] 真不知道怎麼說花拓也..是真的蠢呢 還是…在做最後的掙扎@@?? 難道他看不出來小樂有多愛他的爸爸光晰嗎 血緣關係不是說斷能斷的 @0@.. 何況他也明白慕橙還愛著光晰…

  11. [YT] 安以軒.吳建豪超配的!花絮超親密ㄟ!在一起嘛!適婚年齡!下一集床戲!好期待喔!肌肉= =

  12. [YT] @XiahAh

    哈哈~ 對這種虛名不用太在意啦~

  13. [YT] @XiahAh

    哈哈~ 對這種虛名不用太在意啦~

  14. [YT] i actually feel sad for yi qian. She’s really nice and kind. Doesn’t deserve to have such things happening to her after 6 long years in a r/s. Even if it was based on lies i think she was the only one who honestly thought it was for the good of the guy.

  15. [YT] 好像現在人人都可以被稱為”戲精”了﹐對那些真正演戲精湛的演員太不公平了。。。

  16. [YT] 希望吳建豪和安以軒在一起!太配了!花絮超親密的!可以去看看!希望現實生活中真的在一起!好想看床戲喔!希望他們一起拍電影!有機會可以看他們繼續合作!或拍廣告!

  17. [YT] if she spoke out, it feel like, she is saying bad of that old womann.. i think.. so.. then, he will not good with his mum. then mu cheng may become like sowing dissension.

  18. [YT] 好帥好帥!!好想看下一集!
    我認為幕橙嫁進他家 會有更多曖昧的事
    我最喜歡看這些了! :p

  19. [YT] 当光希对以茜说 这六年我对你真心过,加上叮当的歌来得恰好,我简直哭惨了!如果我是以茜真的这样就够了,退出也甘心了.

  20. [YT] He can rage and threat all he wants but just the thought, the sight, the scent of her really already drives him crazy and he is already captured by her. She will wear him down until he becomes a tame puppy. hehe. He loves little XLsonny too and he looks like him and her. How can you not love her who gave you this precious boy??? GX – you are unknowingly defeated already. 🙂

  21. [YT] he wants to lie to his son..just because he wants whats “good” for him
    doesnt he understand that was what they were doing to him and he didn’t like it? gAHH hypocrite

    MU CHENNGG its not time to play nice and kinda and dont want to hurt peoples feeligns now!
    think of your own feelings!!!
    and tuo ye stoopp!!! she CLEARLY still likes guang xi

  23. [YT] ★★★★★MOVIES, SPORTS, MUSIC★★
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    ★★★★★No subscriptions/monthly fees★★

  24. [YT] @.@但是沒辦法呀!!一開始以茜也沒有說實話….所以以茜這段愛情會這樣的結果也是必然的…畢竟光熙想起過去的機會也不是說很小….

  25. [YT] 怎麼會責怪慕澄ㄋ???她也並不願意這樣做~她沒背景她救不了他~她能做的就這樣!只能說一齣劇若沒悲哀的角色~又怎麼會賺人熱淚!!兩個女人都辛苦~!

  26. [YT] er.. i meant mu cheng. why cant she just say it out. that its his freaking mother who stop them from being tgt, thats why she left him.. then maybe he wont be that angry at her for leaving him.

  27. [YT] i heard the ratings are still not that great. thats y alot of ppl dont u/s how ‘fated to love you’ was so HIGH compare to this one. whats up w/that? hahhaa fated was a great one but i am disappointed a the ending, so lame w/3 sisters giving birth on a picnic at the end… weird… oh well….

  28. [YT] @sweetcandi92 ,
    thats very true. alot of girls CAN CRY hahah esp now they cry all the time…nothing special right? look at how tao yea can cry too hahaa…but its only drama so 🙂

  29. [YT] 真的無法體諒幕澄
    現在的光熙 整個被怒火跟以前的感情全被沖昏頭 而以茜卻跟他爸要去美國
    光溪為什麼不追出去 唉 = =我哭慘了

  30. [YT] It’s sad that Xiao Le thinks his dad does not exist in this world anymore. No matter how much Guang Xi is trying to tell him that he’s his real dad. Poor kid.. At Such a young age have to go through so much drama ..

  31. [YT] yi qian doesn’t know about her dad and guang xi’s mum’s deal at all…so no way she can tell anyone what exactly happened six years ago. she also thought mucheng left guangxi for no reason

  32. [YT] 光烯



  33. [YT] 以茜超级可怜的. ):
    but damn, her scene when she confronted guangxi about things was acted real well. i think it was one of the best yiqian scenes so far 🙂

  34. [YT] 他爸爸自己捅了個大婁子~現在卻說以茜已經長大自己可以做決定之後要不要光熙在一起?!會不會太過分了一點?!明明就是當初他錯的事情~現在一句話說不管有夠差勁!

  35. [YT] omg i really really wish guanxi’s mom will realize what she did wrong someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………..
    so sad..guanxi loves mucheng but he feel stupid to say it and mucheng dont like tuoye but no one believe her
    tuo ye help mucheng a lot but they’re still friends and yichien loves guanxi but guanxi’s mom made her lie..:(

  36. [YT] 明道下次要好好選劇本, 上一次他推掉命中注定我愛你, 這次又推掉這部, 每一次接替他的男主角都會大翻紅, 他應該很懊悔吧

  37. [YT] 超酷的啦!!我也是見證者之一!真的很感動,他幫我搞定了正妹,也幫我妹妹搞定了型男,他傳授的功力真的很棒,我一定要把這東西分享給大家,我不得不告訴大家,不然我良心過不去,我很高興這年代還有這種人!不會玩世不恭,而是對社會有幫助!,現在還有免費贈書活動呢! 他人真好~好有慈悲心喔! 快上無名:asd88640 或搜尋就對了:不把妹

  38. [YT] it’s not that i dont like tuo ye..
    he;s really nice but he knows the truth that it was guanxi’s mom who force mucheng to leave her!!mucheng was suffering from being misunderstood by guanxi, the one she loves..
    if tuo ye really loves her he should tell guangxi the truth!!….:(

  39. [YT] yup i agree with u…he loves mucheng so much…he soon will find out that he married her becoz he loves her not for renvenge…n he dont want to lose her ever again…fighting!

  40. [YT] Omfg. I watch this episode I think it’s the awesomest episode. i see the preview to the next episode and I think that it’s gonna be the most awesomest episode. Will the awesomeness like never end? xD I also feel bad for teh reception lady. She’s like… I feel bad for Mu Cheng. xD

  41. [YT] Well, try putting yourself in Guang Xi’s shoes. If you thought that the girl you originally love was leaving you. What would you do? You don’t know that it’s a misunderstanding. Then the second girl you love is also a fake because it was just your mom’s plan from the beginning. The second girl you loved kept you in the dark for 6 years. How would you feel?

  42. [YT] yeah they can cry really well on the spot

    the thing that confused me was how Guang Xi was like “Girls that cry are sincere” then the first time Mu Cheng cries, okay it’s like WOW a girl that can cry then they made her cry like every ten minutes it really was not special anymore

    I can’t wait for episode 16 for when Tuo Ye saves Chi Xi!!!!!!!!!!

  43. [YT] yeah, thats why he had the complicated look on his face after the kiss. if he only purely wanted to play with her, he would smirk right away. but he paused, as if not even expecting himself to kiss her

  44. [YT] one of the highlight of the drama is no one is purely evil and no one is so perfectly good. every single person has his or her reasons and can justify their actions. so i dont think we can say he is stupid or she is retarded. we can only say what a freaking amazing story! the script writer is realllll good.

  45. [YT] yi qian is a very very generous person. even tho we all know this is the right thing to do, very few ppl in the world can actually let go and give their blessings from the heart

  46. [YT] dont kill me for saying this but vaness is DAMN hot acting all evil and meany. XP his acting def improved, but of course some of it is due to his appearance and the awesome script writing and directing this drama has.

  47. [YT] @sweetcandi92
    yeah, the REAL TO YOU gets ppl teary i am sure hahha…. my god its kind of really real and tiffany xu is so pretty even when she cries…so sad n for tou ye too sad but he probably wl get hua chi xi so thats probably good but so sad in the drama all the actors n actress can cry so natually so cool hahah

  48. [YT] 我覺得光烯以為報復慕澄很痛快

  49. [YT] 只能說 光晞是打翻醋罈子

    其實 如果慕橙不是坐拓也的車離開
    只要和拓也有關 光晞就抓狂

  50. [YT] i don’t think so and doubt, because now that he is full of anger as he just remember the last moment she dumbed him 6 yrs ago and she hid the fact that she has XLwith him without telling the truth….but I do believe he will soon realize what he did was wrong and open up his heart to feel her unconditional love…..

  51. [YT] 很少看一部戲,讓我看到超心疼的第三者,而且還是犯了錯的第三者.


    這段談話不但讓我們看到他們兩個的感情/友情, 還讓我們知道以茜一直的不安和惶恐.

    當光晞說完, “謝謝你, 這六年來,我曾經對你真心過,”那些回憶片段真的讓人心痛.

  52. [YT] He still loves Muchen more.

    Remember he kept thinking about the woman in his very blurred memory? Now that he recovered, he probably subconsciously realised that he would only be able to love Muchen 100% and it will be unfair to the others.

  53. [YT] 真希望。。 光希的媽媽 可以 發現, 幕藤6 年前是怎麽 讓她的兒子變得那麽上進和珍惜生命的

    還有,既然,依茜的爸爸都放手了,難道他不欠他女兒和光希 解釋。。 關於他以前的威脅?才導致幕籐 的離開 !!

    幕籐 自己也應該和光希坦白一切。。 是時候了!

  54. [YT] 編劇大大在賣官子了~(老巫婆會說出真相嗎)

  55. [YT] 突然又不喜欢拓也了 明眼人都能看出来慕橙答应跟他结婚时有点被迫的~
    唉 慕橙也是的 为什么要点头点头答应啊?!lol

  56. [YT] @smoothiemaker 就是不敢說啊 u shuld understand her feeling..她不想讓別人覺得他們沒有結成婚是跟另一個女人有關係 面子上過不去 cuz everything in her life had been so perfect

  57. [YT] also, he’s acting like such a stupid kid. so what if mc didnt tell him that he has a kid?! he lost his memory and she was only doing what she thought was best for him. she didnt wanna be a homewrecking bitch by saying OH DONT MARRY HER COME BE WITH ME. and also, gx STILL does not know that his mom is the biggest person to blame here. and he’s tryna use his money and power to take revenge. freaking retard.

  58. [YT] as much as i’m rooting for mc and gx, i feel really bad for yq. i mean how can he just turn off all his feelings for her right before they almost got married?! yes it’s frustrating to have all the past memories come back all of a sudden and realize everyone around him was lying, but he practically owes his life to ye qian. she was the one that helped him learn everything all over again. without her, he wouldn’t be where he is now. what a stupid bitch >:(

  59. [YT] who gives a shit for yu qian! GX AND MC FTW! 🙂 they totally shld be tgt and she butt in! and the mom’s fault for asking mu cheng to leave. but well, all in the name for GX so one day he will know everything and love her again 🙂

  60. [YT] 第15集,以茜到办公室找光晞正式分手那段。

  61. [YT] Why can’t she just say she found out that GX already had a son with some other woman? thought that’s a pretty reasonable excuse. 為什麼以茜不能就說 她發現原來光希跟外面女人有個兒子 這應該是很能讓人信服的理由阿

  62. [YT] 以茜對光晞最後一席話,真摯又有令人為她疼惜的善良。光晞的決定其實也有痛苦的一面。bottom-line因為他還是深愛慕橙,所以他也無法避免必須放棄与以茜的一切。他最後的謝謝,令人嘆息命運捉弄人。

  63. [YT] i think she meant tat when she told them a reason(first lie)then she need to think more lies to cover the first reason cause they will pro ask her more questions when she said out the first reason!

  64. [YT] @hayashimai 动脉可是很深的, 要割到动脉那是大伤口.

  65. [YT] okay I totally agree with your comment and your username!

    I was like rewind at the part where GuangXi was like I’m sorry because in the past six years I have been real to you before.

    When Xiao Le was in the closet and Mu Cheng opened the door it was too cute.

  66. [YT] 不喜歡這段的不要看就是了,以茜有什麽錯,她從頭到尾都是個不明真相的人;就連她爸爸都不見得是什麽壞人,他所做的事都可以考慮自己女兒的感受,爲了女兒的婚事可以放棄自己在花田村的工廠,證明他還不是徹徹底底的坏透了——這段也是要為光熙的母子關係作個比較吧

  67. [YT] a part of me wants YQ to be with GX too.. she deserves happiness too!

    Aish, I hate dramas like this (LOL not really, seeing that I’m addicted to them) where there’s always a love triangle, and the third person never gets their happy ending, especially when the person is a kindhearted loving girl like YQ.

    I hope that she finds her happiness..
    OOOOH maybe her and Tuo Ye will be together! 😉 happiness all around!

    Tuo Ye needs to find someone too!

  68. [YT] 我對ending23的想法也有同感 之前就兩部都有在看 還有一個共同點 都是因為媽媽而導致兩人分離 希望結局都是好的

  69. [YT] @chickenonmybutter
    4:00 开始的那首歌的名字是
    專輯:夜貓 日期:2009-09
    作曲:劉沁 填詞:劉沁 黃婷 編曲:阿滾(動靜音樂) 監製:馬毓芬

  70. [YT] 這一集比上一集精采超多的啊
    說真的 上一集真的沒舍看頭 我以前看下一站幸福都不飛片 上一集我都在猛飛 還好 這一集很多爆點 讚啊!!!!!!!!

  71. [YT] 最近还在看海派甜心、发现这两部有一个幽默的共同点、

  72. [YT] 覺得這集好短喔…光晞跟慕澄kiss bye 之後的表情超複雜的,那麼多誤會要從哪裡解釋起啊?幸好這是演戲,如果是真實事件那可慘了

  73. [YT] 單親媽媽大作戰~以我自己也曾經是單親的立場

  74. [YT] 等等等等,除了等還是等啊,等到了這個還要等下一個,等死了,早知道應該等他全部更新完在一起看,不會那麽難熬

  75. [YT] 其實看了直播。但是還是要謝謝gar0922能讓我們馬上回味和分享感言。 




  76. [YT] ahh hum this looks like part three- but must admit really loved guanxi in this 😀 he looked so evil- but you could also feel he didnt want to be like that but the situation made him like that. poor couple they’ve got a long long way to go 🙁

  77. [YT] 台语好有意思哦,叽里呱啦说一通,完全听不懂耶!



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