Autumn’s Concerto Episode 16

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724 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 16

  1. [YT] Van Ness EXCELS in performing in Guangxi!! And the plot of this dramatic story is great! Like a concerto, “the two parts in a concert, the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition and cooperation in the creation of the music flow.” It will never be beautiful when you only listen to one part (the soloist) of the music.

  2. [YT] Van Ness EXCELS in performing in Guangxi!! And the plot of this dramatic story is great! Like a concerto, “the two parts in a concert, the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition and cooperation in the creation of the music flow.” It will never be beautiful when you only listen to one part (the soloist) of the music.

  3. [YT] The idea of a concerto is that “the two parts in a concert, the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition and cooperation in the creation of the music flow.” It will never be beautiful when you only listen to one part (the soloist) of the music. The plot of this dramatic story is great! And Van Ness EXCELS in performing Guangxi!!

  4. [YT] i think hurt TY most is MC did give him a hope, he thot he actually get a chance from MC since she accepted his purpose, but suddenly MC told him the fact that she wont never belong to him.
    just like 希望愈大, 失望愈大

  5. [YT] 感情只有雙向才能有幸福,強求容易帶來痛苦

  6. [YT] 那花癡心呢?


  7. [YT] 6 years ago mucheng sorta “forced” guangxi and they did that thing then got xiaole.
    but 6 years ago guangxi alsp forced mucheng to take off her clothes thn he let her out mahh. thn he stopped when mucheng cried that time, same as this time, lol. i (HEART) this show~!

  8. [YT] 慕澄真的很差勁,一心想著小樂,都沒有考慮拓也得心情,要嘛當初就別答應人家,反正慕澄對拓也只有朋友的感情而已,哀~這種女人一點都不乾脆

  9. [YT] 對啊!花拓也等了慕橙6年,何言風也等了陳寶茱10年,真痴情,一樣的為了他們愛的人不斷付出,我也有這樣的男朋友就好了

  10. [YT] 仔細想想 這跟海派甜心蠻類似的”兩個情人因為多年前愛情的誤會再度重逢,而男方同樣為了報復而追求女方,且同樣有個癡情守在女主角旁的角色(花拓也.何言風),不知兩部戲後續發展如何?

  11. [YT] Okayyyy…
    5:28 ; he wants her. Not just like sexually, but he wants her because he loves her. You can see it. It’s like… after six years this is their REUNION.
    BUT. at 5:39 ; you can see the feeling and hurt of rejection wash over him… she doesn’t want him (or so he thinks ;] )
    6:24 ; that’s when he realizes he’s being a bitch and this isn’t going to help him in ANY way.

    My favorite scene was 5:39… you can see how hurt he was, symbolizing, he loves her… so so so much 😀 great acting!

  12. [YT] yes he does have to right. and he can sue her for that…BUT if she says no, and he still forces her, then that’s against the law too..
    no mean to go against what you’re saying, i just know a little bit about these kind of

  13. [YT] well they got married and in order to prove their marriage they’re supposed to have sexual intercourse and even if she doesnt want to technically he still has the right i guess ? i dont know lols just sharing my opinino ; )

  14. [YT] @foolcat123,

    LOL, i guess the noise is the violence b/c theres really no real kissing. hes just moving around her face n then just mostly her neck ahhaa…not a bad scene the emotions are more important.

  15. [YT] what the…. first 10 mins into this episode already made people!!! I was just into the first bite of my biscuit and had to stop cos I started to cry until 10:31! Really really felt for tuoye. Ping guan’s song really suit him. At first I was wondering why are they using an old song for this, later I understand.

  16. [YT] 覺得現在的慕橙沒有六年前的讓人影像深刻.

  17. [YT] 吳康仁在這的演技讓人讚許有加~

    他的那句”朋友… 我現在才發現我最討厭就是你這麼說.”和那哽咽的”再見”讓我的心揪了起來.

  18. [YT] I felt that too, that Mucheng has used Tuoye for the past 6 years, despite everything. Although she looks upon him as a friend, as family, she should have realised that Tuoye’s feelings for her is beyond that, even if Tuoye denied/ did not vocalised his feelings for her.

  19. [YT] I felt that too, that Mucheng has used Tuoye for the past 6 years, despite everything. Although she looks upon him as a friend, as family, she should have realised that Tuoye’s feelings for her is beyond that, even if Tuoye denied/ did not vocalised his feelings for her.

  20. [YT] It sucks that they didn’t write in the script/act out what happened in the novel. How he said “he was going to find another woman b/c he does not need to force a woman to make love” and how he went out.. but actually waited outside for Mu Cheng to let him in.. they should of showed that! I think it’s kinda important? lol

  21. [YT] For those who mentioned if this is considered rape because they are married, I want to clarify that it is. Rape is forcing someone to have sex against their will or forcing someone who doesn’t want to have sex. Mu cheng didn’t want to have sex with him therefore you can see her trying to stop him by hitting him and crying. Rape does happen among married couples when one party does not want to have sex/sexual activities but the other party forces him or her to do so anyways.

  22. [YT] If I haven’t forgotten, he didn’t find another woman as per the novel. He waited outside the bedroom and when Mu Cheng didn’t come out, he left and went to the office.

  23. [YT] one thing i dont like about the female lead is that shes always so emotionless , i can hardly see any emotions on her face .. seriously . but i do love the storyline !

  24. [YT] is the song at 10 30 an actually lyrical song? or is it just background music..
    if its a lyrical song..anyone know the name?
    and does anyone know if theres going to be an actual autumns concerto OST album?

  25. [YT] @ahbit1006: well, the drama is only based on the novel. Not everything will be the same… so they left the part out about him “finding another woman”… Instead, he goes and sleeps in his office. haha he loves his wife too much to cheat on her 😉

  26. [YT] @wendychiang ,

    i know ME too… even thou its like u r so pitiful when u hv spent so many wasted years on this woman but then again his crying and all of his help to her n her son…. so sad for him… they both cried so rightly for this part

  27. [YT] @went06,
    i know i think the director should explain how why the cute kid is calling her mom by name i am used to it too but still want to know y calling her like that u know how it began….

  28. [YT] It’s only Monday! Good shows are torture due to the waiting. Alternate plot – since GX keeps thinking MC pretends/acts, MC should just let her love for him show and just love him to death, see how long he can hold up that cruel revengeful phase. Only 4 episodes left. Sad.

  29. [YT] 好可憐好可憐呀 雖然想要光睎和慕橙在一起 可是任誰看了拓也真情流露 笑自己傻又哭自己天真的這一段 都會想要慕橙至少也要有那麼一點點愛拓也吧 希望編劇也給拓也一個好的情感歸宿吧!

  30. [YT] 如果我是花拓也..
    so sad….

  31. [YT] 之前有一幕和這幕感覺很像
    感覺挺怪的 = =a

  32. [YT] Loving this drama more and more. Brings yr emotions up & down like a ride. One moment sad, & another moment hilarious. Natural acting fr young Bin Bin to senior Village Head. Also the smart, power dressing by Vaness & the simple, feminine yet housewife look by Idy. Wonderful cast & production team.

  33. [YT] tuo ye is such a good guy. i would’ve been moved by him. 6 years is a long time to hold out for someone, especially when you thought they were dead. as for guan xi, 6 years with yi chien, that’s a long time as well. I can’t believe he ended that like it was nothing.

  34. [YT] There was something mentioned in the drama’s novel that was left out there.
    When Guang Xi left the bedroom, Mu Cheng asked where he was going. GX replied: I don’t think I need to use force on a woman for these things (meaning going to bed). I’m going out now to find a woman.
    He left the room leaving Mu Cheng thinking that he was going out to find a woman, but he ended up waiting outside the bedroom for her to come ask him in, which she didn’t.

  35. [YT] 我覺得他這個床戲是有計畫過的

  36. [YT] wtf, a lawyer is supposed to defend his client no matter what. thats what he/she is paid to do. if u want someone who always defend the morally “right” person, become a DA. stupid newspaper. it’s def slander.

  37. [YT] 這跟第16集的預告不一樣,花拓也追車那幕刪了,如果不播就別做成預告,這也太吊癮了吧!如果為了收視,刪了花拓也追車那幕,太可惜了,那幕一定很精彩。

  38. [YT] 安以軒的演技是沒話説的;
    I love this couple !!!

  39. [YT] 當光晞回到家時,看到桌上有人為他留著飯菜,和看著那個他誤會了 帶著目的接近他而他卻深愛的暮橙和小樂時,臉上偷偷的浮出了笑意 但又不能被發現..那一刻他是幸福的..一個他渴望的家…. 只是這幸福好酸好酸…他以為暮橙愛著別人!!!!!

  40. [YT] As if GX doesn’t hate his mother enough, I don’t think the scriptwriters will make it worse by having her cheat on his father =x. Should be more along the lines of his dad cheating on his mom but his mom wants to protect his father’s image so she didn’t explain. I think that’s more reasonable and makes for a happier ending.

  41. [YT] why the hell is gx so freaking stubborn and stupid? im sure he has an idea that deep down mc still loves him but no he has to be freaking stubborn and use tuo ye as an excuse and shit. freaking retard. and his mom is such a bitch.

  42. [YT] this has like the same plot as My Lucky Star. first they like each other, then they split up. after 5 years, they meet again and the guy “hates” the girl, but the girl is still nice to him. xD

  43. [YT] I would think it’s because it reminds her of when her stepdad was trying to rape her. It could also because she feels hurt that he’s doing it to her in hate.

  44. [YT] she thinks hes only like that to get revenge, not cus he loves her. but boy is she wrong, he still loves her! otherwise why the hell would he plan all this if he didnt care?

  45. [YT] 慕橙也真是的,當初既然不是真愛拓也就不要答應和他結婚嘛..
    弄得現在大家都傷心 唉

  46. [YT] actually the bed scene wasnt that hot i mean theres no real kissing or forced kissing, hes just touching her neck a bit …. totally agree shoulndt mention the tao ye guy at all, drama drama …..hahha

  47. [YT] 可能的結局:

  48. [YT] 拓也這段演得很好
    情緒哽住 抽搐  顫抖

    不過也好 他徹底看清了這段不會有未來的感情  不要傻傻守著一個不愛你的人

  49. [YT] 為什麼拓也還是不明白,慕橙始終都是喜歡光希,慕橙答應他只是敷衍,不希望那麼狠心的告訴他真相,但,作為旁觀者,愛情真的令拓也盲目了6年,希望他不要再這樣下去,放手,雙方都好過些….還希望拓也能一直保持這愛的勇氣,為了所愛,可以不顧一切….

  50. [YT] 喜欢这个偶像剧除了演员演得好以外,还因为剧情很紧凑没有什么累赘的地方。最近这两集感觉好松散,好像把一集做成了两集。希望不要把剧本做low了。

  51. [YT] 他等了慕澄六年,那花痴心等了他多久呢??前面有一集里面他还凶花痴心,白目一个,不是我看不起他,就他这样也就只能自己讽刺自己是种花的了!!!

  52. [YT] 这个花拓也烦死了!!!神经病啊,爱情是没有先来后到可言的,成天逼着慕澄跟他在一起干嘛呢,慕澄又不爱他。他如果真的爱慕秤,就应该放手让慕澄跟他爱的人在一起。他还好意思谴责慕澄,不看看自己是怎么对痴心的~~~痴心都出走了,他一点也不急!!!真男人真是恶心透顶!!!

  53. [YT] hm is it considered a rape?? actually they r married aren’t they..besides nothing really happned xD i think guang xi is jst pissed at mucheng.. coz he thinks she’s in <3 w/tuoye hehe he's jealous

  54. [YT] 為何法官沒有被批評 最後判決是法官決定的阿 如果法官只是看證據跟辯護律師的專業 那律師只為自己當事人說話那也是 專業的阿 台灣對法官過於崇敬 對於律師過於貶抑 對於體制過於麻木或視而不見

  55. [YT] i dont think mucheng should keep talking about tuoye in front of guangxi…that’s how he keeps thinking the person she likes is tuoye. i just want them guangxi and mucheng to be together soon(:

  56. [YT] up to 0900 it’s the saddest part and honestly, I feel like Mu Cheng used him for the past 6 years…..yes, Hua Tuo Ye can’t force her to love him but she has to be honest when talking about love….Something wrong about Hua said he met MC first but it doesn’t mean she has to love him…..hope Hua can move on and still be friend with MC

  57. [YT] 我又來等了,下一集有好多爆點哦,整個大躍進啊

  58. [YT] 好朋友讓人痛阿,但是有誰又不希望在對方心理有個位置,總會希望對方可以堅定的說出自己有什麼不一樣


  59. [YT] there is nothing more soul destroying than seein someone having their heart shattered into peices :'(

    Hua Tuo Ye has suffered the most in this drama more so than mu cheng, cos at least mu cheng has been loved/is loved by the person she loves (guang xi), but poor Hau Tuo Ye has never been loved by the one he loves most 🙁

    his speach about mu cheng being stolen totally had me in bits 🙁 didnt help with the beautiful song playing in the background

    Hua Tuo Ye fighting!

  60. [YT] i don’t get this girl….
    is she always trying to be mean to the guys that like her so that they won’t get hurt in the long run?
    b/c she really should tell them exactly what’s going on and for them to understand her…..she might think it’s the best of them but what she says hurts more than realizing reality.

  61. [YT] TQ~!

    MC so poor thing!!! Argh, TY so bad to her here, if MC didnt marry him, TY might have really gone to jail! ARGH, poorthing MC and TY for different reasons! T.T

  62. [YT] 轩轩~~~你太令我感动了。。。虽说你是非传统美女。。。你的战略太明智了。。。在大陆拍了这么多的戏。。。演技真是跨越式进步。。。鼓掌~~~虽然情节老套。。。可你还是很棒~~~聪敏的女人~~~!!!

  63. [YT] 我说gar大,妳怎么这几个星期都有直播啊?不是说要休息?哈哈~ 是不是有太多人都超想念你的直播,所以就索性重出江湖啊?
    但是别累坏自己了哦,要多保重啊~ 还有谢谢妳的直播,超想念的啦!!


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