In Time with You Episode 13 The End

Description: Episodes:
On her 30th birthday, Cheng You Qing received an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Li Da Ren, her best friend of 14 years. Unable to accept that Li Da Ren is like a fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she made a bet with Li to see who will get married first before they turn 35. As she looked around for a potential husband, she discovered that she was surrounded by unacceptable candidates, like gay assistant or cheating ex-boyfriend. The only man who could love her despite her ill temper and stubbornness is her best friend. The only problem was that they both swore that they were not or will ever be romantically attracted to each other.

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415 thoughts on “In Time with You Episode 13 The End

  1. i’m glad the two found their happiness in each other. i actually went though something similar with my best friend and it didn’t work out. Of course, it wasn’t a relationship as strong as their 15 years. it was just 3 years for us. well obviously the longer you know one another, the deeper the understanding and deeper the love, but that 3 years meant just as much to me. it was never really about the time, but the connection.

    from when we first started knowing each other, i felt that we can get along and started having a little “moment” for him. but after all we didnt actually know each other that well, and he started dating his friend of 4 years, so we carried on being friends, i got over the “moment”, and accepted him as my best friend, dated other boys and got in and out of love. however, after 3 years, i realised i couldnt deny my feelings any longer. i know i love him. and it was horrible, loving my best friend. it felt so wrong on so many level and i hated myself for it. however unlike daren and youqing’s relationship with their exes, his relationship with his girlfriend is serious. he loves her, but i couldnt give them my blessing. it’s been almost 2 years since i contacted him. it was for the best. for both of us. but watching this drama made me cry and think of him a lot. i havent been able to love any one since. i guess, i still really love him. or in this case, the memory of him.

  2. 从《我不可能会爱你》到《我可能不会爱你》。只差一个字意思就变了,了不起的片名 ^^ 超贊!

  3. so much realism… no wonder this serial is so HOT!!! i hope the male and female lead act together again in a good story! i have seen so many best friends come together, some even divorce to be with best friend. Its a no brainer – who r u most comfortable with!!!

  4. OMFG. 李大仁准备的真是十分充分。。。体贴到连卫生棉都有备。这种男人人时间根本就没有啦!!

  5. 程又青真的很任性ㄟ

  6. “In Time With You” 真的非常非常好看, 看這部戲是同學們極力推薦我的, 因為我也有個這樣的”好朋友”19年了, 或許我是期待這個moment, 希望我們還趕得上~或許我是時候加油, 像依晨所說的, 要大家都感受到編劇監製所帶出的Message…謝謝!!

  7. 突然覺得..美好的結局是因為在等的是男生,被愛的是女生
    假如李大仁是女的, 程又青是男的
    也許…. 結局會不一樣…

    現實中, 我男版的程又青..
    你要幸福阿.. 我最最最最好的朋友!~

    PS. 我覺得這套讚的地方是, 程又青跟林依晨有些地方好像
    例如最後去旅行, 有些想法,等等~
    我想起林依晨的”美好的旅行” 讚~

  8. the hedonistic, instant gratification type of girls hate boring men, while the mature and responsible women will learn to appreciate a man of quality

  9. this drama has the best ending ever!! usually the ending is all about the two main characters getting together or getting married then thats at!! but this drama actually shows us what happens after in their marriage which makes it sooo good and so romantic;) love the ending

  10. This is unfair…..why everyone blame Ding Li Wei….You Qing really love Ding Li Wei, what’s wrong with him? he loves her so much…why must You Qing be with someone that she is used to, someone that understands her? Why can’t she have the best friend that understands her and be there for her and have the husband that love her and care for her? is that too much to ask for? i still believe that there is friendship between a boy and a girl….they don’t have to always end up with falling in love with each other….

    • but the thing is You Qing LOVES Li Da Ren…and Ding Li Wei cheated…that’s the point. He cheated on her. If someone cheated on you AGAIN would you still give them a chance? 第一次被騙是天真 第二次就是蠢. 如果又青只是習慣的話 沒有愛 一樣沒辦法親李大仁 真的是好朋友的話 連親都親不下去好嗎…

  11. I just finished watching the whole drama. I like it very much
    love the chemistry between the two, love the conversations between the two..
    It’s such a sweet drama..wish I had such great bunch of high school class mate friends
    Thanks for making this drama..

  12.  瞿友宁导演导的偶像剧还是这么好看那~ 从头到尾都很细腻,连结尾都很精致没有马虎。。 很多好剧通常就被个烂结尾给毁了。。 支持!!

  13. 太美好啦.想一直沉浸在我可能不會愛你裏面..


  14. oh i love the you qing’s mom and father…….i am somehow surprised they did not scold her when she told them she did not want to get married. so touching…..

  15. 我想这部戏会让我特别难忘吧?而且会令我永远都难忘吧?我想这部戏在我的戏在我心里会排前三名。他们会拍第二部吗?

  16. “我只要确定,我那时候是跟你在一起就好了!”天啊,嫁给李大仁,又青肯定会幸福一辈子。这样的结局真的是太完美了。两位主角演得好自然,人物的心理刻画,自然逼真生动。这是我看过的偶像剧中,最令我满意的结局。

  17. 幹嘛這麼快就大結局????搞得我心裡又冒起一陣空虛感…唉!P.S. 大仁,你真的很完美…但現實上有嗎?

  18. 一部好的偶像劇實在是能給演員加分不少

    • 我覺得演員的演技也是很重要的因素
      (曾之喬雖然是最後幾集才出現 但她自然的演技也是一大亮點)

  19. 前面被虐了12集,像是補償心理似的,這集真的好閃喔,難怪連導演都要戴墨鏡了^_^

  20. I am re-watching ep 2 and just realize that the taxi driver who has got cancer is the same as the one in this ep (the director). That means he is cured and back to work? That’s so nice!

    • Yes! Congratulations to ITWY for having such a high rating (5.51) for the finale, in the Sunday night idol drama race. A lot of people really looked forward to You Qing & Da ren’s happy ending. And this show delivered the perfect ending! Glad it ended with a bang!

  21. 我覺得這是很有深度,也讓人值得沈思的偶像劇!!

  22. 太太太好看了! 真棒!
    不拖戲,實在比任何可預測的韓劇都好看,終於看到台灣戲劇出類拔萃的地方! 加油! 再做出令人驚豔的作品。依晨和柏霖好像也要拍電影”戀愛症候群” 超期待啊!

  23. 又青在和丁力威說明不能結婚的時候,應該讓又青說完,丁力威生氣的抓住又青問為什麼,秘書才出來,又青給丁力威一個大巴掌,這樣才好哈哈….
    為在裡面客串 茂伯 致哀,您是我們永的國寶

  24. “我不能活在沒有你的城市裡”.
    同樣的一句對白, 是一時興起的浪漫, 還是終其一生的承諾, 在丁力威和李大仁的嘴裡, 就有不同的體現.

  25. 真的好棒.第1PART和「我可能不會愛你的拍攝日記」
    期待下次林依晨和陳柏霖的合作 :((嘻嘻

    • The director & scriptwriter said, a sequel is out of the question but a movie version is being considered. Besides, Ariel will be taking time off from doing dramas. 🙂

    • They aren’t rich, but they’ve been in the working for a while, and they use their money wisely. Didn’t you see the part when 佑青 ran back from the bus stop? They save up in different ways.

    • hehe! In Da ren’s case, I don’t think he spends much, maybe perks of working for an airline and he’s already a manager. And YQ has occupied a high position from her previous job too. Well, I guess money is not a problem when it comes to love, especially for these two. Lol! :)))

    • Alot of times ppl who work for airlines get the perk of flying for free. And they sometimes can lend passes to friends to fly on their airlines. So I don’t think its a matter of money. 

    • me too. i was a little bit bewildered. i think it must have been EDITING ERRORS? or some modifications the editors don’t know what to do about it and they just pieced them all together???

  26. 為什麼又青跟丁力威的部分沒有說清楚=.=???又青看丁力威跟哪個秘書一起就..暈倒也沒有好好說清楚!!!


  27. This show i cant diffrentiate whether is it real or fakeee , is it really Li da ren and cheng you qing or are they dreaming agn……

    • they did, but not directly. In the previous episode, in one of YQ’s voice mail to Da ren, she “jokingly” told Da ren to get ready to pay up because she’s getting married to Li Wei. And in the start of this episode, in Da ren’s note to YQ, he said: “I’m sorry I can’t attend your wedding but I’ll make sure the red packet gets to you. That’s right, I lost, I lost to you, whom I love so much.” All these, I think, was all about the bet they made in the 1st episode. 🙂

  28. 加班到很晚,所以小秘書來家裡洗澡?? 她家住在沙漠沒有浴室喔?

  29. Out of all the dramas I’ve ever watched (hk, China, Taiwanese, Korean, & Thai) in my 20 years of drama watching, this is by far the best ending EVER!!!!

  30. Nobody could have played You Qing and Da Ren as good as Ariel and Bolin did! NOBODY!!!! Hands down one of the best TW drama I’ve watched. 13 episodes is just right. No need for unnecessary fillers and BS. I hope ITWY will win tons of awards!

  31. When they’re finally together ! I cried !! A little sad that Ding Liwei kept changing partner which makes him look like a total playboy ~ I’m jealous of Youqing to find someone like Daren who loves her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much !

  32. 依晨 part 1 让我哭惨了!她的演技真的是一句赞!her acting skill totally made me feel her every emotion. 当然现在我的favourite名单里也多了个陈柏霖。 Unbelievable acting from the two of them. Fantastic pairing. Kudos to the casting director.

    • totally agree, both of them just brought Da ren & You Qing to life, so REAL and natural. Fantastic chemistry and amazing acting skills! So lovely to watch. One of the main reasons why this drama has been successful. 🙂

  33. > //< 看到他們視頻kiss 好sweet啊 我和我男友每天也都會視頻 雖然我們沒有那麼遠距離 不過一個星期也只能見一次面 5555

  34. 哇哈哈~ 收視率衝到了5.51, 這才是實至名歸, 真正的第一名啊~~ (另一部偶像劇可以再繼續拖下去, 每集玩同樣的梗) 不過收視率可以不必參考了, 重要的是一部片可以帶來多少人的討論, 多少的迴響, 多少的感動, 多少的起伏, 多少的回憶… 這才是好電視劇的參考~~ PS: DVD版入手中!!

  35. ep 13 is juz =.= really stupid ending. might as well stop at ep 12 ..especially the part when suddenly both of them are in love and flying to and fro…totally crappy..这种太完美的爱好不真实.

    • Then, you must not have experienced a long distance relationship before.  This kind of traveling to and from just to see each other is a wonderful feeling and it does happen to many people, including myself….and of coarse, it can’t last long…that’s why 大仁 took action to propose to 又青。It makes all the sense.

      • quite true… if this happened for a long time… it is not good for a relationship.
        in this drama not only you Qing and daren their acting very natural, even You Qing’s parent too.

    • The story is very real.. the did not fell in love suddenly.. they appreciated every minute together because of the mere fact that they were very closed to losing each other. I can relate to everything in this drama. I believe the person who made this comment must be very young & cannot relate to the msg put accross. This drama is more real than all the comedic romance to date, hence the wide-spread rave from audience. will treasure this drama & my dvd set! 🙂

    • suddenly both of them are in love? It took 12 long episodes before they finally got together since they didn’t have the courage to admit to the other person how much they love each other. These two being together has long been overdue. 🙂

  36. 不知道為何突然好想哭,可能真的不捨那麼棒的一部戲就這樣完結,絕對要買DVD跟原創劇本來收藏!!


  37. 真的很捨不得這部戲那麼快就完結,真的很捨不得程又青和李大仁,

  38. 優質偶像劇,讚!就那麼真實的探討了我們真實人生會經歷的!


  39. 十年,台湾又出了一部领军性质的“偶像剧”。李大仁,在之后很长一段时间里, 会成为当年F4一般标杆性质的存在。
    当过你”最好的朋友”?时间是one way, 我们逝去的青春,就是永远无法再重返的梦。

  40. 非常喜歡《我可能不會愛你》 友情愛情親情 都讓人很感動很幸福更學會珍惜!

  41. this show is the best drama I have watched.. full stop.. I cried & laughed so much in this last episode.. *sob*.. That’s it! I’m buying the DVD set when it’s out!

  42. 所以這是一個男人就是狗改不了吃屎,once a cheater always a cheater 的故事 🙂 yaaay da ren and you qing!! 🙂 🙂

  43. overall two thumbs up.  this drama is definitely one of the best twdramas i’ve seen.  but i think what would have made it that much better is if ding li wei hadn’t cheated on youqing… mostly because i don’t think that she needed another reason to choose li da ren over ding li wei.  and in some ways, i think it would’ve made the situation even more real.

    i believe people can change.  and youqing can unintentionally hurt someone and still be a good person.  

  44. EXCELLENT ending
    sigh the only thing is ping an didnt end up with her best friend
    maggie and nic looks good tgt 🙂 too bad nic is gay D:

  45. Wow, the set of this drama must be an enjoyable place to work in. The actors all seem to get along fine and enjoyed working together. Love Ariel & Bolin’s interactions off-cam. They really have such amazing chemistry. Whoever thought of pairing Ariel & Bo-lin is pure genius! They just brought the level of acting in this drama to another level. Well, all the cast were amazing. From You Qing’s family to Da ren’s family, You Qing & Da ren’s classmates & co-workers, Ding Li Wei, even Nic & Maggie did fairly well. I love the whole cast in this drama. Of course, credit to director Winnie, like in ISWAK, his actors seem to be so comfortable working with him. :)))

  46. awwh  I love this drama! It’s such a good ending, and its totally not as clique as the other ones…where something dramatic happens at the end. 

    haha though the only part that we could really predict was that DR and YQ will be together. 
    DR and YQ <3<3<3

    • Uhmm, I think the bed scene in iswak2 was more passionate while this one was more “playful”, considering the history of this adorable couple. 🙂

  47. 李大仁:怎么办 我好紧张哦 我从来没有跟好朋友上过床


    very real.. it’s just what will happen in real life, no exaggeration at all..after watching this, it makes me think over my life..thanks so much to the director and all the crews who has made this amazing piece of art..:)

  49. 成熟的愛情觀。 真實的感動。


  50. 丁立威那段根本只是為了讓又輕不會看起來太asshole 而以阿..

  51. "我可能不會愛你"像是一個給觀眾的禮物
    拍戲的手法跟片子的editing都很棒… :]

  52. I read the comments first and immediately knew that it was the one i want, i didnt regret it. I was so happy and relieved. I love this show so much………. 

  53. But in the drama he didn’t say,”sex without love means nothing. sex is only a physiological reaction .” so, the series really did not depict him as quite bad as in the script book.
    i am pro-da ren. But if you didn’t enlighten me about liwe’s character in the scriptbook, i would have continued to believe that he didn’t cheat on her because 1) youqing did not find the girl on the bed with liwei. she found her in the bathroom. what if she misinterpreted about the situation? what if the girl was wet and was only drying herself? (It was raining hard that night). 2) he fired the girl (WHY?). remember the scene when he introduced the woman at the airport as his NEW secretary who acted like his girlfriend already. it had been awhile since their breakup and liwei thought that it was all over between him and youqing so he let the matter DROP and did not explain further.3) he said he was sorry at the airport. he was apologetic about the wedding being cancelled or apologetic that he cheated on her? this was not clearly stated in the series. it was left hanging. 4) maybe, the secretary carried a torch for her boss, liwei(it was only one-sided.). you youqing can only take her words when she said throught the phone to youqing “you believe in your boyfriend?” that can be hearsay and circumstancial evidence at the most. what if she was telling a LIE to destroy the relationship between the boss and youqing. i really tend to believe IN THE SERIES that liwei truly loves youqing, if not he would NOT offer marriage to her.
    Anyways, it was a RELIEF that youqing saw the girl in his bathroom because it simplifies matters . she doesn’t need to EXPLAIN to liwei that she wanted to cancel the wedding.

    • Bcuz it’s on TV and so they had to modify the dialog a bit. And why are you picking on something that’s minor anyway… the fact is, he is still cheating on her, physically, and she thinks she’s not too faithful to him, mentally. So she figured they were both even and wasn’t mad at him at all. Nobody ever says DLW didn’t love You Qing. He’s a control freak and too used to cheat on You Qing over and over again. It seems a habit to him after all.


  55. 雖然對丁力威那段有點無語


  56. man, this drama is amazing.  

    for the last episode, I was expecting something dramatic to happen where YQ runs to DR right after she faints.  Kinda disappointed at first, but then I realized how so much more realistic it is.  I also loved the ending.  While it was cuteness and fluff, I loved how they put in the fact that they DO fight, but in the end, they make up.  I also like how, even tho their story had an ending, not all storieswere tied up, like the one with ping an, and maggie. In total,this drama had a very realistic feel, made me ponder a lot of things in life, and is one of a kind.  Amazing Amazing drama.  Thanks!

    • you’re right, I was also expecting a more dramatic ending but I find it so refreshing that the ending was done in a “light” and cute way. I guess we’ve had so many heart wrenching episodes that it’s a wonderful treat that the director chose the more realistic tone. 🙂

    • I know! I totally agree! 🙂 Another thing I totally liked was that in the end, instead of saying the end, the director had put The End? with a question mark! It makes me think how stories don’t end just at a simple “happily after”. There’s always many more stories to tell. I really liked the ending. Them taking their time made me feel as if esp. You Qing really has matured. And it also shows that the two are perfect for each other, how they always have each other’s backs. Very different from You Qing’s relationship with Ding Liwei. 🙂

  57. 你喜歡哪一邊  … 這 … 什麼呀 … (哈)
    婚禮儀式也太好笑了 ~ 這就是三年孝班的風格

    P.S 看完幕後花絮後 … 第一個感覺就是 … 真的演完了耶 … 然後就開始感慨
           維尼導演拍的戲真的很好看 … 當然 … 演員們和工作人員也是一級棒”
           這類片子真的很少見 ~~

  58. 真的是好看極了


    還好   導演跟編劇有良心發現





  59. i love the ending!!!!! so thorough! a lot of idol dramas are nice but the endings are always in a rush…. this drama its ending is PERFECT!!! *heart* 🙂 very sweet…. how could anyone not love li da ren.. totally love li da ren .. perfect friend.. perfect lover.. perfect husband… ^_^

  60. OMG!!! That kissing scene in the 1st minute of part 4 was so freaking cute & hot! That scene was enough to make up for all the angst & heartbreaking moments in the last 5 episodes!!!!!!! O M G!!!!! This couple is soooooo adorable! :DDD

    I hope it’s true that the production team is considering to do a film version of this drama. Well, based from what I’ve read from an interview with director Winnie. 🙂

      • Hey I ain’t complaining though in fact I want more hahahahahaha. I totally take back my words I thought DLW will have more kisses with YQ but damn every scene with YQ and DR in this ep they always end up making out.

        • hahaha!!! I’m not complaining either. :DD Yup, DLW may have a lot of kisses with YQ but Da ren’s kisses with YQ are full of love, you can just feel it. :)))

          • Bo Lin’s aegyo kills me. I’m so happy Da Ren is all cheery and cute. And I really liked it when they included maggie, nic and henry in their wedding. If the DLW-YQ relationship wasn’t so fresh maybe they’d invite him too LOL.

    • no…ping an confessed to lin kai but he told her she will always be his “bro” and that’s why she decided to study abroad in london…

        • In a way, what happens to Ping An and Lin Kai’s relationship is not that conclusive. I sort of feel like Lin Kai has feelings for Ping An too. Maybe he’s like Da ren, it will also take him 15 long years before he confess! LOL!!! :)))))

  61. Oh. My. God. This is what I’ve been waiting for 13 episodes?!

    why did it have to end 🙁

    • yes, i’m not getting the story with the dog.. i rewound and watched it again, but i’m still not getting it.. anyone care to explain? Thanks! 

    • When they were still in school! The dog was there! They were debating about something, the cat & dog thing. sorry i’m bad at explaining heh

    • what if he was set up? i mean, maybe there is a story behind why she took a bath?(i am not malicious-minded)hahahaha! as liwei said”please believe me. things are not what they seem to be.i love you”i mean, if he was only fooling around, he should not have asked youqing to marry him.but i think this is the only way to wrap things up to give the story a happy ending.

  62. 這裡已經凌晨兩點 我卻像瘋子一樣,又哭又笑的。  
    真是佳作 (哎~ 忽空虛感來了)

    老實說    真的超想知道剩餘的初老症狀是甚麼
    這種想要把東西揪出來的心態   好像真的老了

    • Oh, you’re really heaven sent! My understanding of Mandarin is not that great so I still re-watch this drama with subs, since this drama has such beautiful lines. Thanks, you’re awesome! Btw, I already saw your posting. Same as you, I love this drama to bits. It’s been a while since I felt like this for a show. 😀

  63. finally this week we didn’t have any site downtime!! haha  
    i really like director qu’s directing!! all of his dramas seems alot more real than other idol dramas!!!

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