Inborn Pair Episode 25

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48 thoughts on “Inborn Pair Episode 25

  1. de drama is getting a bit boring with SYJ getting unreasonable at times..draggy coz lots of misunderstanding not resolved.. about time to add some spice to the story line..

  2. You all should thank Luo Yun, without luo yun evil plot, Yi Jie will not so fast fall in love with Ke Wei Xiang. So Luo Yun is the important person in this drama, not only she fail to get Wei Xiang, she also help Yi Jie and Wei Xiang to love each other more.

  3. If Lou Win did not play those little tricks then I don’t think Yi-Je would be that mad. Also, living with a big family is hard transition for her. She is a little spoiled becaus by her family, so it is hard to take that kind of pressure and adjust in such a short time. Marrying into a big and wealthy Taiwanese family is not easy. 作個臺灣媳婦要求是很高的。尤其是嫁入豪門。

  4. Finally, it’s about time they brought in someone new to stir up the story. Should’ve done that 10 episodes ago… But then again, these previews are so deceiving; it might not actually happen for another 2 eps.

    • 劇情是假結婚—>漸漸地真的愛上對方。這個是ok的完全沒問題,戲劇嘛。我們火大其實是因為女主角性格太不討喜,令整件事看起來不那麼合理。

  5. 作為大集團總經理,偉翔帥氣、多金、溫柔、不是神經病,一定會有很多工作上要合作/認識的女人看上他的;今天不是羅芸,明天也會有其他女人來纏他。奕婕,妳現在不清醒自己的感情,作為成年人也該成熟一點吧。哪有女人妳這樣當的。我們女人的臉真被妳丟光。

    • 所以你的意思是成熟的女人都應該對這種事妥協嗎? 表面上很多麻煩事都很容易解決沒錯, 可是必須不斷的催眠自己矇蔽自己的心耶, 到底是誰丟女人的臉了?

      • 沒有人說應該妥協。我只是不認同她亂發脾氣。成熟的女人不該亂發脾氣,而且已經到了擾亂一家人生活的地步了。她難道沒有錯嗎?難道她有跟"老公"良性溝通嗎?Sorry,我看到的只是她一直以離家出走威迫偉翔就范、向她妥協、向她低頭。要向偉翔拋娓眼的女人將來多的是,她出走出得了多少次?氣那麼多她真的是可樂嗎?如果閣下還是認為我說錯了,我無話可說。

          • lol yea, I know we should not be not be arguing about this haha; but it’s a good show if it causes arguments; if it creates no reaction in the audience then it’s not a show worth watching

          • plus, isn’t most people scared of the idea of getting married and having to face mother in law and xiao san small three cheaters/affairs?

        • when you in her situation. you can understand why she do so. lo yen is bothside face woman have you  forget in cinema what loyen talk to her and mutter in law steht in loyen side

        • yea, but the girl was he’s old friend and is set on getting him back =.=”” most people, like ba zhen, likes wei xiang but doesn’t want to ruined his marriage like luo xun wants

          • plus the whole thing was a scheme set up by luo yun in the first place; on top of that, she was already gonna forgive him, it was her mom that called her and commanded her not to go back to his house; her mom has a bit of a selfishness to kep her own daughter at her old home; but which mom is not like that???? huh?!

          • LoYun is another story. I don’t like what Lo yun does neither (not to mention that I don’t agree with WX not giving LY a proper rejection). but there must be a villain in this kind of drama after all. I just think the character of Yijie is so poorly set in this drama which makes me find it hard to feel they ought to belong together. I keep coming back only bcoz of the male lead and i like Li-er + WC, they’re so funny ^^

          • The problem is that Luo Yun knows the marriage is fake. Obviously she’s worried that Yi Jie would fall for Wei Xiang, which she senses already (Yi Jie is already making the marriage out to be more than the original prenuptial agreement). The way that Luo Yun sees things at the moment is that Wei Xiang is single (unofficially) and she’s fighting for him before it’s too late. The real problem is Wei Xiang’s inability to let Luo Yun go, which is unfair to her as well. So if you think about it that way, he’s the real villian here.

        • 你好衝喔! 看你的回復很難想像事情如果發生在你身上你能夠做到像你說的那樣好耶, 如果你堅持做得到的話… 那很好啊, 哈!

          • 她會衝嗎? 不覺得…girl說得也都是在針對劇中的角色, 反倒是你因為不認同她對於劇中角色的分析就攻擊她個人才很不應該…

          • 被你看穿了, 不過我說girl應該做不到她所說的那樣好並沒有攻擊的意思, 反而覺得做不到才是正常, 因為我也很難做到… 我只是覺得最好要以本身為出發點作出評論, 那些近乎聖人的道理誰不會說, 所以一看到這種說大道理的就忍不住想攻擊, 所以你們都被我攻擊了, 哈哈哈! 

      • 而且,你扯到說什麼妥協、什麼矇蔽自己的心,也太超過了吧?請不要硬套這種不要得的觀念在我身上,然後說是我丟臉。

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