Inborn Pair Episode 65

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84 thoughts on “Inborn Pair Episode 65

  1. This doesnt make sense, why does weixiang’s dad get so angry because yijie kissed dongyang but not getting angry of kefan having sex with other girl? 

  2. This doesnt make sense, why does weixiang’s dad get so angry because yijie kissed dongyang but not getting angry of kefan having sex with other girl? 

  3. ZhaoDongYang…He makes my heart shatter into a million pieces…The pain that he can portray when he sees YiJie hurt is just so immense it brought tears to my eyes. It was a beautiful scene to watch. Although I wished that he walked up to YiJie and let her see just how much he cares about her and loves her…that wouldn’t be his character. He will forever be the martyr…the one constant next to YiJie’s side just because her happiness is greater than his. He is the epitome of what a love should be like. Props to the actor that portrays ZhaoDongYang.

    • i really wish chris wu (zhao dong yang) could be lead actor!

      he is really good actor,,his heart can speak through his heart!

  4. ZhaoDongYang…He makes my heart shatter into a million pieces…The pain that he can portray when he sees YiJie hurt is just so immense it brought tears to my eyes. It was a beautiful scene to watch. Although I wished that he walked up to YiJie and let her see just how much he cares about her and loves her…that wouldn’t be his character. He will forever be the martyr…the one constant next to YiJie’s side just because her happiness is greater than his. He is the epitome of what a love should be like. Props to the actor that portrays ZhaoDongYang.

    • i really wish chris wu (zhao dong yang) could be lead actor!

      he is really good actor,,his heart can speak through his heart!

  5. To lighten up the mood. The first scene when WeiXiang’s assistant tried helping WeiXiang by pretending to be YiJie was absolutely hilarious! Cracked me up!

  6. To lighten up the mood. The first scene when WeiXiang’s assistant tried helping WeiXiang by pretending to be YiJie was absolutely hilarious! Cracked me up!

  7. This interview segment with WX and YJ gives some indication for their divorce.. they ask for us to keep watching to understand why the divorce has to take place. So, let’s hang in there!! 

  8. This interview segment with WX and YJ gives some indication for their divorce.. they ask for us to keep watching to understand why the divorce has to take place. So, let’s hang in there!! 

  9. At this time, it actually look like Zhao Dong Yang with heart disease is able to win Yi Jie’s heart, but Wei Xiang don’t give up!!~ I wonder will Yan Ni ever know that Jia Jia betrayed her sleeping with Ke Fan? will she still try hard to salvage their marriage? now Yi Jie and Wei Xiang’s marriage are at the peak and I’m so excited for the ending.

  10. At this time, it actually look like Zhao Dong Yang with heart disease is able to win Yi Jie’s heart, but Wei Xiang don’t give up!!~ I wonder will Yan Ni ever know that Jia Jia betrayed her sleeping with Ke Fan? will she still try hard to salvage their marriage? now Yi Jie and Wei Xiang’s marriage are at the peak and I’m so excited for the ending.

    • Well, at first they’re not going to register their marriage but was found out by Granny. After their ‘honeymoon’, over breakfast, Granny asked them about the marriage resgistration when WX pulled out his ID and showed to everybody that he’d registered it, since YJ name is written on WX’s ID as his spouse. Which meaned that WX indeed had registered their marriage, but he did not said when he did it.

      Luckily for WX, he’s already registered his marriage, thus up to now he still has a hold on YJ as his wife on paper since he had not, and will never going to legalized the divorce paper. Giving him a chance to get YJ back.

    • Well, at first they’re not going to register their marriage but was found out by Granny. After their ‘honeymoon’, over breakfast, Granny asked them about the marriage resgistration when WX pulled out his ID and showed to everybody that he’d registered it, since YJ name is written on WX’s ID as his spouse. Which meaned that WX indeed had registered their marriage, but he did not said when he did it.

      Luckily for WX, he’s already registered his marriage, thus up to now he still has a hold on YJ as his wife on paper since he had not, and will never going to legalized the divorce paper. Giving him a chance to get YJ back.

  11. I think YJ should just accept WX and then dont go back to the family and leave for a while. Then come back with a surprise and no one will remember the bad times and then everyone will be happy =)  

    O and I also think to solve YN and KF’s problem is that YN is gonna get pregnant and that JJ will have to leave 

  12. I think YJ should just accept WX and then dont go back to the family and leave for a while. Then come back with a surprise and no one will remember the bad times and then everyone will be happy =)  

    O and I also think to solve YN and KF’s problem is that YN is gonna get pregnant and that JJ will have to leave 

  13. 奕婕上輩子是欠柯家什麼阿, 為什麼要被誤會的那麼慘.  而且柯家怎麼看起來好像是柯方雪如在當家阿, 奶奶是葛屁了是不是, 柯有信你也不過是個妻奴, 有必要討好你老婆害你自己親生兒子遺憾終生喔.  我都在懷疑柯方雪如給偉翔簽的那張離婚協議書是不是之前要給你們倆的, 年份不同要不然怎麼格式跟王客凡給柯雁妮的不一樣XDD.  柯方雪如本來打從一開始就不喜歡奕婕, 欲加之罪何患無辭 剛好又遇上妻命是從的懦夫柯有信, 還什麼 “我也不會妥協 柯家不承認有這樣的媳婦”, 也怪了 是你們夫妻倆娶了宋奕婕嗎, 要不是當初人家爺爺救了你們, 你們現在會有機會說 威海柯家聲譽重要咧, 喔我知道了, 當初是閻王派鬼差取你們的性命結果被宋爺爺給救了, 所以閻王要懲罰宋家擾亂生死簿才會報應到奕婕身上, 慘.. 羅芸拜託妳這個厲鬼趕快投胎吧, 需要男人大不了燒幾個紙糊的給你咩.

  14. 奕婕上輩子是欠柯家什麼阿, 為什麼要被誤會的那麼慘.  而且柯家怎麼看起來好像是柯方雪如在當家阿, 奶奶是葛屁了是不是, 柯有信你也不過是個妻奴, 有必要討好你老婆害你自己親生兒子遺憾終生喔.  我都在懷疑柯方雪如給偉翔簽的那張離婚協議書是不是之前要給你們倆的, 年份不同要不然怎麼格式跟王客凡給柯雁妮的不一樣XDD.  柯方雪如本來打從一開始就不喜歡奕婕, 欲加之罪何患無辭 剛好又遇上妻命是從的懦夫柯有信, 還什麼 “我也不會妥協 柯家不承認有這樣的媳婦”, 也怪了 是你們夫妻倆娶了宋奕婕嗎, 要不是當初人家爺爺救了你們, 你們現在會有機會說 威海柯家聲譽重要咧, 喔我知道了, 當初是閻王派鬼差取你們的性命結果被宋爺爺給救了, 所以閻王要懲罰宋家擾亂生死簿才會報應到奕婕身上, 慘.. 羅芸拜託妳這個厲鬼趕快投胎吧, 需要男人大不了燒幾個紙糊的給你咩.

  15. 如果我是奕婕,我是絕對不會再回柯家,

  16. 如果我是奕婕,我是絕對不會再回柯家,

  17. at this point…i agree with the other comments.  Zhao Dong Yang’s love seems more real & more passionate.  I feel like unless something changes, I’m going to wish Yi Jie would go back to him.  He seems to love her so much and in such a selfless way.  Wei Xiang’s love seems so new and even his personality seems so weak in some ways.  I hope this gets flushed out in the later episodes.

    • if any of you are interested:
      In baidu forum there is a person who wrote about the possible reason why WX behaved the way he was. However, this is written in chinese.The good news is that teadramatime-a kind hearted blogger, translated the chinese passage into English. Thus you could read the Chinese as well as the English version at teadramatime forum for IP.

  18. at this point…i agree with the other comments.  Zhao Dong Yang’s love seems more real & more passionate.  I feel like unless something changes, I’m going to wish Yi Jie would go back to him.  He seems to love her so much and in such a selfless way.  Wei Xiang’s love seems so new and even his personality seems so weak in some ways.  I hope this gets flushed out in the later episodes.

    • if any of you are interested:
      In baidu forum there is a person who wrote about the possible reason why WX behaved the way he was. However, this is written in chinese.The good news is that teadramatime-a kind hearted blogger, translated the chinese passage into English. Thus you could read the Chinese as well as the English version at teadramatime forum for IP.

  19. The actor plays WeXian is Fairly a new actor. DY is played by a veteran actor. I thought that Wei xiang’s acting skill got a lot better in this show already.

    • Actually, WeiXiang has been around for a while and he isn’t a new actor.. DY is no veteran actor either, his first drama was Autumn’s Concerto in 2009.

  20. The actor plays WeXian is Fairly a new actor. DY is played by a veteran actor. I thought that Wei xiang’s acting skill got a lot better in this show already.

    • Actually, WeiXiang has been around for a while and he isn’t a new actor.. DY is no veteran actor either, his first drama was Autumn’s Concerto in 2009.

  21. 為什麼重離婚到現在都沒看到偉翔掉一滴眼淚啊?? 只有哽咽  你看奕傑都快哭瞎了 你卻在跟偉呈 聊天 難道這就是你的真心嗎?? 

    From the divorce till now I didn’t see WX drop one tear. Look at YJ she almost cried her eyes out and all WX did was chat with his brother about his divorce. I don’t mean that its bad that he’s not crying but it just makes me feel he doesn’t really love YJ.

    • I totally agree, I didnt feel any sadness from WX.  I can see YJ has her heart broken and I can even see DY is so sad to see her get hurt (which show the true love).  I can see WX always take the easy way out.  I have to agree with some other readers…..DY is the one truly in love with YJ.  I hope this show is going to take a better direction which show more care from WX (from the heart).  Do you think it is because of the actors?  DY seems a better cryer?? 

      •  i think its becuase WX is not a cryer (you know what I mean?) like the director told him to like cry but he couldn’t really do it so like showed a bit of sadness but YJ was a better Cryer and did a better job of expressing the sadness. I believe the plot made the 2 actors to feel the equal of sadness, its just the WX didn’t do a good job of expressing it.  Man I feel really bad for YJ and I dont think DY should be with her because of his selfishness. How could he break her heart when he knew he couldn’t give her happiness form the start. WX is better but just has to do a better job.

  22. 為什麼重離婚到現在都沒看到偉翔掉一滴眼淚啊?? 只有哽咽  你看奕傑都快哭瞎了 你卻在跟偉呈 聊天 難道這就是你的真心嗎?? 

    From the divorce till now I didn’t see WX drop one tear. Look at YJ she almost cried her eyes out and all WX did was chat with his brother about his divorce. I don’t mean that its bad that he’s not crying but it just makes me feel he doesn’t really love YJ.

    • I totally agree, I didnt feel any sadness from WX.  I can see YJ has her heart broken and I can even see DY is so sad to see her get hurt (which show the true love).  I can see WX always take the easy way out.  I have to agree with some other readers…..DY is the one truly in love with YJ.  I hope this show is going to take a better direction which show more care from WX (from the heart).  Do you think it is because of the actors?  DY seems a better cryer?? 

      •  i think its becuase WX is not a cryer (you know what I mean?) like the director told him to like cry but he couldn’t really do it so like showed a bit of sadness but YJ was a better Cryer and did a better job of expressing the sadness. I believe the plot made the 2 actors to feel the equal of sadness, its just the WX didn’t do a good job of expressing it.  Man I feel really bad for YJ and I dont think DY should be with her because of his selfishness. How could he break her heart when he knew he couldn’t give her happiness form the start. WX is better but just has to do a better job.

  23. Eish. I don’t even know what to comment. ep 66’s preview doesn’t even have WX and YJ.

    Man I cried when she cried at the bridge.Oh boy even I don’t know what’s going to happen this week… even though we know how the plot is supposed to go. Now what? What are you going to do WX when YJ is determined not to risk her heart anymore. DY is acing in the role of the tortured 2nd lead- now I feel sorry for him as well  🙁  
    Before all that, his parents are pissing me off for saying there are other girls and not even trying to think it was a misunderstanding. What happened to the nice father?

    • I think the father is also concerned about his company’s reputation, instead of trying to figure out the truth, he just want this “affair” thing to end asap. 

      • agree, all his father concern only reputation… instead of knowing the truth and his soon feeling… usually like his father but now feel like his father not as wise as before….. 🙁

    • Ikr. YN’s husband slept with someone else and the father still wanted to forgive him. Now, DY ‘merely’ kissed YJ and he’s like ‘oh no, she will ruin the reputation of the company, we can’t have a daughter like this’ blah blah. Double standards much?

      •  That’s the double standard we have for men & women There’s a harsher standard for women for YJ’s case when you compare it to YN’s husband’s case.

    • well…that’s how taiwanese drama work tho~ 15 more to go….
      and actually… WX’s parents are just like my bf’s parents… “手臂不會往外彎” my mom always say that~
      and I hate LY so much! all these things are cause by her!

      • Wei Xiang’s mom really reminds me of my mother in law.  and my husband is just like wei xiang, does not now how to express and react and protect. I think that is why I am in love with this drama.  I really want to see WX stand up and move out from his family unless they change.  It is so true that most mother in laws will never love there daughter in law as there own.

  24. Eish. I don’t even know what to comment. ep 66’s preview doesn’t even have WX and YJ.

    Man I cried when she cried at the bridge.Oh boy even I don’t know what’s going to happen this week… even though we know how the plot is supposed to go. Now what? What are you going to do WX when YJ is determined not to risk her heart anymore. DY is acing in the role of the tortured 2nd lead- now I feel sorry for him as well  🙁  
    Before all that, his parents are pissing me off for saying there are other girls and not even trying to think it was a misunderstanding. What happened to the nice father?

    • I think the father is also concerned about his company’s reputation, instead of trying to figure out the truth, he just want this “affair” thing to end asap. 

      • agree, all his father concern only reputation… instead of knowing the truth and his soon feeling… usually like his father but now feel like his father not as wise as before….. 🙁

    • Ikr. YN’s husband slept with someone else and the father still wanted to forgive him. Now, DY ‘merely’ kissed YJ and he’s like ‘oh no, she will ruin the reputation of the company, we can’t have a daughter like this’ blah blah. Double standards much?

      •  That’s the double standard we have for men & women There’s a harsher standard for women for YJ’s case when you compare it to YN’s husband’s case.

    • well…that’s how taiwanese drama work tho~ 15 more to go….
      and actually… WX’s parents are just like my bf’s parents… “手臂不會往外彎” my mom always say that~
      and I hate LY so much! all these things are cause by her!

      • Wei Xiang’s mom really reminds me of my mother in law.  and my husband is just like wei xiang, does not now how to express and react and protect. I think that is why I am in love with this drama.  I really want to see WX stand up and move out from his family unless they change.  It is so true that most mother in laws will never love there daughter in law as there own.

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