Love You Episode 11

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93 thoughts on “Love You Episode 11

  1. samantha changing is kinda fake, i think shes better at being a bitch, the part when they’re at the supermarket was rly awkward and fake including rainie 2

    • i know especially when they were talking about the main guy’s childhood…the laughing is so obvious that’s not real

  2. hahah when xiao gui ask rainie whether she got diu xia anyone before its like referring to when rainie broke up with xiao gui to enter the entertainment industry!

    • yea.. even if you know they aren’t going to be together… at least in the bts we could maybe see them interact with each other

  3. lLol. Poor deluded avril,little does she know she has successfully severed her ill- fated relationship with jie xiu forever..
    I think my fav moment of this episode was the last bit When jie xiu possessively wraps his jacket around XIao ru n declares that she ‘ s his n only his to marry when she’ s drunk!help…that was so HAWT!!!!If only he would just grab her in his arms n kiss her senseless or kiss some sense into that numb brain of hers!!! How could she even contemplate giving up such a dreamboat !!!!god,song jie xiu is truly god’s gift to women.

  4. i feel like when xiao gui said you sure you’ve never abandoned anyone before… he’s speaking from his heart and memories to rainie T^T…. next episode is gonna be great!! i gasped with excitement when joseph said “don’t touch my wife!” to xiao gui!! 

  5. i feel like when xiao gui said you sure you’ve never abandoned anyone before… he’s speaking from his heart and memories to rainie T^T…. next episode is gonna be great!! i gasped with excitement when joseph said “don’t touch my wife!” to xiao gui!! 

  6. the plot at this point is slightly illogic. b/c now that the actress is “supposedly” with the movie star guy-after the fake revelation at the press conference. there’s no reason for the main characters to live together?? no??

  7. the plot at this point is slightly illogic. b/c now that the actress is “supposedly” with the movie star guy-after the fake revelation at the press conference. there’s no reason for the main characters to live together?? no??

  8. me too, only interested in the main leads. like the look on joseph’s face when he look at rainie..pretty smitten i think. next episode fast pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    • 你不喜欢他,但没必要去批评他。。小鬼的fans只是说小鬼好但没有说别人不好啊。粉丝说自己偶像好很正常啊,如果你喜欢男女主角,尽管去赞美他们,但不用通过贬低他人。。。。

      • 在这自由平台上,每个人都有资格发表自己的感言,即使不是赞美你的偶像的。更何况她也没有贬低小鬼,只是说对他没有兴趣,还有表示自己对他的角色的看法。你未免也太敏感了。

  9. whatever jie xiu do to xiao so touching..
    make me think of “jiu xiang lai zhe ni”
    the male lead always so romantic n sweet,,

  10. 血呀…鞋呀!!!   他們兩個笑得很真喔!!!XD!!!  
    Nok2032 0 minutes ago 血呀…鞋呀!!!   他們兩個笑真很真喔!!!XD!!!

  11. 小鬼可能以前不是什麼大咖,可是七年我們都一直看到他的努力和執著,重要的是他的個性都一成不變,現在的成績真的很亮眼,剛拍完兩部電影,亞洲拿了好多新人獎,跑去大陸宣傳好一陣子,手上還有戲劇主持,專輯也delay了,在這之上他接了這部戲,明知道什麼是焦點他也願意,會一直支持他,最棒的黃鴻升!

  12. 看戏就好  不要太入戏 
    这部戏的主角是丞琳和孝全 支持这部戏 很好看
    不要一直替小鬼叫冤 他又不是大咖 是配角而已
    传一的戏也不多 他也是偶像剧的一哥啊

  13. HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR EP 12?! CANT WAIT FOR EP 12 OMG! I feel bad for xiao gui but for tiffany she seriously needs to move on and rainie needs to admit her feelings to joseph. and josephs mom is such a bitch, why would u slap rainie when she didn’t even say anything bad? erghh.. RAINIE+JOSEPH <3

  14. 到了11集才有小鬼丞琳的對手戲…太坑人了吧!臨時加人也沒什麼戲給人演!明欺負小鬼,給他掛名是主要的配角,我看戲份少得可憐,只能算是友情客串吧,戲中因為男女主角.當然孝全跟丞琳會演得比較有感覺,可是房中對戲的初戀情人戲更好看…

    • 真的!初戀情人一起演戲!有這樣的戲劇也不多ㄟ^^小鬼也越來越成熟 有成熟男人的FU!!

  15. 想不明白鬼為什麼要接這部戲,既然戲這麼站得住腳幹嗎還要被用來被炒熱,不像阿鬼平常的作風…是一個favor嗎?我相信他有自己的理由,不管怎樣都一直支持他,加油!!

  16. okay so i activated my iphone4 to tmobile i dunno why the video can’t play it keeps on showing blank with circle X and its a youtube link it should play and some times it will show the video then it goes “failure to play this video” anyone having problem on there iphone4??

    please help me it use to play before when i had iphone 3gs just dunno whats going on =X

  17. 雖然我不是小鬼的粉絲, 但也覺得他戲份太少了啦~ 其實他跟承琳是有化學作用的, 他們倆的戲絕對有看頭, 不然要怎麼跟美樂加油對打呢?

      • 小鬼上半年都好忙。。还不是为了博收视才被拉进来。导演之前惹出的麻烦。小鬼又要被拉来宣传,又要被骂,好事又全是男女主角来接。。他从来没在剧外说过一句借由和丞琳演戏来炒作的话。。我支持他!!

      • 小鬼上半年都好忙。。还不是为了博收视才被拉进来。导演之前惹出的麻烦。小鬼又要被拉来宣传,又要被骂,好事又全是男女主角来接。。他从来没在剧外说过一句借由和丞琳演戏来炒作的话。。我支持他!!

      • 小鬼上半年都好忙。。还不是为了博收视才被拉进来。导演之前惹出的麻烦。小鬼又要被拉来宣传,又要被骂,好事又全是男女主角来接。。他从来没在剧外说过一句借由和丞琳演戏来炒作的话。。我支持他!!

      • 小鬼上半年都好忙。。还不是为了博收视才被拉进来。导演之前惹出的麻烦。小鬼又要被拉来宣传,又要被骂,好事又全是男女主角来接。。他从来没在剧外说过一句借由和丞琳演戏来炒作的话。。我支持他!!

      • 有規定CEO一定要有什麽氣勢嗎?! 小鬼的這個角色本來就是因為有人呼籲要罷看這個導演的戲才被臨時加進去來製造話題和吸引更多人看的. 而且目的也達到了啦, 的確很多人是因為想看小鬼和楊丞琳的對手戲才來看的.

      • 欸~ 我覺得小鬼的演技, 比 “一般” 還要好至少一截. 我之前有看過家書1949, 對裡面他敲戴君竹頭盔那一幕, 印象依然深刻. 那幕真的演得很動人, 也很自然, 然後才發現他演技原來不賴耶~

      • 演技來說他當然沒男女主角豐富,男主是電影咖,女主是影后,小鬼從偶像到綜藝又能從會偶像,這本來救是不多見的,so proud of you!

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