Lucky Days Episode 06

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

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41 thoughts on “Lucky Days Episode 06

  1. [YT] 其實這幾集看下來真的很討厭任孝國耶!!
    上帝給他重來的機會他還是一直執迷不悟= =

  2. [YT] 很多這種婆婆= = 自我感覺太過良好~總覺得外來的媳婦配不上他家兒子…然後就變成婆媳問題@@


  3. [YT] very touching!
    I realized that this story covers many aspects of the marriage life and I love it a lot.
    (Not like the typical rich guy meet poor girl, quarrel, liking, fiancee stopping them etc.)

    But this story is very real, covers financial difficulties, loving what the other person loves, in-laws, extra marital affairs, children etc.

    I will continue to watch this show, even though the granny is so irritating. My only reason for dumping this show.

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