Material Queen Episode 13

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85 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 13

  1. even though this ep was not that excited as the previous one BUT I still like it. There’s some scenes that made me laugh and also a bit sad. Thats just how drama is ,isn’t it?

  2. 真討厭一些愛看又愛批評的人

    劇情就是拜金女王 女主角不敗金 符合主題嗎?一直說人噁 先看看自己吧

  3. I guess because Chuman has does some not-so-moral things in the past that she needs to suffer a bit in order to repent. But Jiahao is overdoing it a bit.

    • actually i dont think so, its cus we knew of chu man’s motivations and reasons for hurting him.. thats why we’re a bit more understanding towards her actions.
      and to jia hao she’s really cruel and heartless to him.. that’s why hes doing all of those things. and chu man knows it too, thats why shes sticking by and sucking it up:)
      YAY vannnessss<3

  4. OMGG! the preview!!!!!!!!! im so speechlessss, and the kiss was hawt LOLOL he obviously couldn’t hold it in, and he still loveyyyy her 😀

  5. omg seriously part 2 of this when she was jumping was way too sad to watch)’: i feeel so bad for chu man cus it must’ve been super scary to jump down, and obviously jia hao cares about her still<3 
    & yaaay i like sasha now, shes actually pretty nice:)

  6. omg seriously part 2 of this when she was jumping was way too sad to watch)’: i feeel so bad for chu man cus it must’ve been super scary to jump down, and obviously jia hao cares about her still<3 
    & yaaay i like sasha now, shes actually pretty nice:)

  7. 好討厭的男女主角,先說蔡家豪…成名前就是個普通的宅男去煞到美麗的名模,膚淺、幼稚、又帶著無之的英雄主義,成名後,擺一付有錢屌就大的嘴臉,傲慢、油裡油氣。再說林楚曼,拜金這點就不批了($對很多人來說就是這麼重要,尤其苦過的人,可以理解),但是要拜金也要有拜金的職業道德嘛~ 跟嚴總在一起還跑去和家豪勾勾纏,搞到兩頭空自己也黑掉,根本就是貪心想要錢又想要人的最佳典範。兩年後的她境遇很慘,但是卻更令人討厭,蔡家豪回來身邊已經有女友了,還自我感覺良好厚著臉皮去”再續前緣”,自我中心到不行,對旁人的態度更差,動不動就給別人臉色,虧她還是在娛樂圈混的,完全不了解為何Peter會對她這麼好,要是在別齣戲有這種女配角早就被人家吐的口水給淹死了,只能說幸好妳是女主角。

    劇情更不用說了,扯到不行…最好出國兩年就可以從谷底翻身,賣臉皮的藝人就不說了,爆紅很正常…但是真正的藝術家、音樂家哪個不是台上10分鐘台下10年功的? 剛畢業就聲名大噪,蔡家豪也真夠厲害….

    • 很同意喔 這部片我還是有看 努力的不要去討厭他 但是 整部片子就是不是太討喜耶….
      其實… 不好意思 不要罵我 只是比喻而已
      男女主角就是王八配綠豆吧…. (逃!!)

  8. Yi Xian that stupid girl doesn’t want to believe Ke Mai Long that true love will bring sadness too. Her ideal love is a love that God has for his followers, not mortal love.

  9. isn’t the girl deaf on her right ear? why  is it on ep 13 part 3 14:06 she’s hearing the mobile on her right ear? something is definitely fishy

    • 因為她的童年好嗎..坦承這一點她做到了.她至少敢面對自己對金錢的看法.後來也發現了對愛情親情的價值觀.

    • 13集就這樣畫上了句點 :'(


  10. This is a wierd show, did not account for:
    1. yan kai ming’s disappearance,he loved her so much too how could he just vanish?
    2. chu man’s mum, there wasn’t any results and they did not put a bit more focus on their relationship
    3. why chu man dont want to use the 5 mins and when they were locked to PROPERLY explain things out

  11. not what i expected ;[ so disappointing.ep 14 preview looks promising. hopefully. pray that it work erk me out to not watch it 🙁

    • I know I was soo sad.. I love this showw.. I can’t wait for episode 14.. could any translate for me episde 14 preview.. Its funny I kind of understand what is going on.

    • I don’t think its bad….. I mean yea i agree among the previous eps , this is like the worst.
      I think its just too much scenes on the mv part.

  12. I wish Chu Man could give up on Cai Jia Hao. Seriously, he ain´t worth it. He just FREAKS me out. He is the perfect match with Yi Xian, who is as annoying as Cai Jia Hao. Can they bring Yan Kai Ming back please?!

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