Office Girls Episode 14

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Tipster Rednimer

129 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 14

  1. OMG. His stare really melt my heart… so intense but he does it so well since he does not move or even blink YET u can feel his emotion and love for her…  wow.

  2. omo.! 以前看office girls 的時候都是笑繙了,這一集啊!!
    🙁 哭慘了這集!

  3. 這集還是蠻感人的,不過還是更期待下一集啦。話說上一集三立又亂剪預告片!!真心無語。。。

  4. 尤其是在子奇跟杏仁告白的时候,我特别觉得子奇的眼神很神奇,虽然他是看着杏仁而不是镜头,但我被他的眼神电到了。

  5. 柯佳燕是不是打太多肉毒嘞,除眼睛嘴巴會動,其他地方都不會動耶,看那麼多集了沒什麼臉部表情,Orz要當好演員,臉還是不要打太多肉毒吧,演技大扣分!倒是邱澤演技進步很多,尤其台詞長的時候更厲害,超有男一的氣勢!

      • 可能邱澤演技出色許多,對比之下覺得她還不夠(還是覺得她只有眼睛和嘴巴會動肉都不動呀)

        • 不一定要表情做足才叫演技,  像柯這種內斂,
          用眼神和細微表情傳遞情感的演法才令人回味,  才符合角色
          我覺得她超讚的, 依晨來演可能會太油, 從湘琴和范小敏推測

          • 不否認柯有些神情不錯,但很多眨眼.放空.唸台詞,不是說這集,之前幾集大部分。

          • 眼神和細微表情傳遞情感..內斂厲害的演法,這種境界~~我只想到湯唯耶>///<

          • 真的不可思議, 第一次聽到有人說林依晨演戲會太油.
            湘琴那個角色的設定本來就是那樣子, 而她還憑惡吻二拿過金鐘影后, 難道油膩的演技可以替她贏得這個獎項嗎? 難道評判都是瞎了嗎?

    • 我覺得演得很好啊! 劇本說她是演一個不懂得表達自己的情緒,沒談過戀愛的內斂女生….

    • 沈杏仁的眼神非常有戲!當刮刮樂揭曉的時候,子奇往前踏出那一步的時候,杏仁又驚訝、又緊張、心跳不已、手足無措的表情和肢體,這真的是「怦然」!

  6. ohmygahohmygah. i REALLY HOPE this show doesn’t go like this:
    almond (hehe xingren) goes to france or ny, or whatever, and ends up staying overseas for awhile. then Ziqi gets into an accident and goes back to his oldself and forget about almond. Then she comes back heartbroken. and goes like, ‘but you promised to make the best spaghetti in the world for me!’  and somehow they fall in love again.

    please please don’t go like that, that’s too predictable.

  7. yessss finally!! After 14 episodes we finally get a kiss! they’re so cute together!! and Zi Xi’s intense stares are so swoon-worthy….omggg i’m gonna faint lol

  8. did anyone notice that SHEN MA is also in material queen as the da nai ma? she had super thick makeup there and here she’s so clean…its such a drastic change~

  9. Before I go to France to study, I asked my mom the same questions. Xing Ren’s mom replied her the same thing as my mom did, saying that I grew up and I should decide for my own future too. Watching this from France now :’) I’m homesick T___T

  10. 秦子奇:你不可以忘记 七个字:“沈杏仁, 我喜欢妳”你懂不懂?你告诉她:”我 是秦子奇。我喜欢沈杏仁!”
    ok 吧。 你快去。你快去告所她。

  11. I like the way the script put together the broccoli and scratch card – totally shows how QZQ has put much thought in his love confession to SXR. What a lucky gal!! His gaze when she was scratching the card is to die for!! Piercing right into her heart – how can anyone not melt under that charming gaze???

    • Right after SXR scratched the card, QZQ told SXR that he loves her. Actually, he loves her very very much. Those were his exact words. I am so happy! 🙂

      Then I saw Tia in the mall, I felt very very sad! 🙁

  12. 中的頭獎竟是秦子奇。

  13. 不知道為什麼我覺得樂樂這個角色有時候會討人厭…尤其是她很不耐煩的樣子
    maybe it’s just me, but do think her acting has improved though.

  14. There seem to be some video problems. The interaction between the cast is frozen (at a stand still) you can hear them speaking then you see the interaction between the cast…it very slow speed.  I did pause to buffer. When the buffering is done I hit play.  It still has the same problem as I stated above.

  15. where the hell i cant get that custom scratch card??? it just… SO SWEET!!!
    and…. have to wait 1 more week for the next ep. how can i live this week???  ;'( 

  16. 我本來在想… 沈媽演得好爛喔…但是 我發現他不是演得不好… 
    應該打了肉毒所以顴骨附近不會動… 才會皮笑肉不笑

    • 沈媽楊麗音其實很會演戲的, 她擁有專業的表演訓練背景, 2006年還得過金鐘獎最佳女主角! 我認為可能是沈媽這個角色沒什麼特色不好發揮, 還有她的髮型真的….很難看….

    • 而且很多时候都是硬要笑,跟鬼一样,还那么多人非要说她以前多么多么的有名多么多么的会演,真恶心

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