Office Girls Episode 23

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Tipster Rednimer

87 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 23

  1. 一部电视或电影作品之所以吸引观众,它其中包括了绝大部分观众的共识:故事内容精彩,导演技艺高超,演员演技精湛,及个人魅力的影响,。。。。。。由其是偶像剧,演员自身迷人魅力,更占相当份量!不论出于何种考量,那种俗称:萝卜搭白菜的思维都不可取!(对某些演员观众所提出的意见是值得参考的,必竟我们在讨论艺术,而不是讨论如何善待和包容“你周围的同事”。)艺术的魅力在于:观众可以欣赏到在生活里难以寻觅到的近于完美的境界!(我解释一下123-456-789观众没说完的部份。希望没离题太远!)

    • 雖然我看過的連續劇/偶像據不多但沈杏仁真的是我看過最沒魅力沒氣質的女主角了
      不過我繼續看的原因是因為秦子奇演得很自然又長得不錯 還有史經理很搞笑
      這部戲不會讓我去幻想或羨慕裡面的人物 而是看看笑一笑就好了

  2. haha i started off watching the whole episode and perhaps rewatching it… up until now, i’m literally skimming through half (or more) of the episode. fail.

  3. the drama started off with fun jokes and interesting ideas, however, it’s getting really draggy……….. Gosh, should have ended it so so much earlier, may be ep 15 or no more than ep 20. Even though i like most of the actors and actresses, i found that the team is trying to make more money by dragging the story line.

  4. Don’t ever let these petty things to deter you from climbing the corporate ladder……believe in yourselve and focus on your goal. 🙂

  5. There are people like Kai Er in real life..I experienced it myself, not for man/woman relationship,  but for work related, they would do whatever it takes to climb up the corporate ladder even if it hurts others.  In the end, we have to weather it all just like Le Le.  

    • 问题是她会演并有心地去演,虽然是有很大的进步空间。大家这样说她还不是羡慕她长相普通都可以去演戏。大家问问自己如果是自己演能演得比她好吗。制作组会选她演也一定有他们的理由和水准。请大家不要再批评演员了!想想看如果是自己这样被观众说会有何感受!

    • I think she is very pretty. Big wide eyes, straight nose, slim figure. There is no one more suitable to be shen qing ren than Alice!  In this drama, her role is plain,simple and a very economical girl who hardly spend money for her appearance! And alice has this “down to earth” and “sincere” feeling when you looked at her face in all the scenes of this drama. Try filming yourself with simple outfit, hair, and bare make ups..let’s see what happens!

      • well yah, I guess she is suitable to play the role as a “simple, down to earth and sincere” character. Since, she did say in the begining “學歷一般般 薪水一般般 長相一般般………” (something a long this line, I think)

        However, her emotion in her eyes seem vapid (is this part of the act)

    • 人是看內函不是看外表不知你的外型美嗎不要亂做批評有人說大奶霸及太性感女人頭腦簡單的不知你是哪一種?

  6. 我覺得沒那麼簡單耶!!! 應該是秦夫人先假裝答應他們交往, 然後故意帶沈杏仁去赴那種上流社會的高級趴體聚餐 讓杏仁知道自己沒辦法融入不適合, 知難而退!!!

  7. everyone’s complaining how slow this drama is, and i’m a little disappointed too, however. Isn’t this what real life is? We have high expectations in something happening, and it takes forever. at least in my life, when I might possibly have something going on with a guy, something makes it stop, turns it around, etc. it’s full of trials.

    • Yes, but this is not real life, it’s a drama. It’s telling a story, and a story needs progression. It needs a beginning, climax, resolution and conclusion. Besides, we’re watching a plot about a rich, good looking, generous guy fall for a poor, door mat girl, and you want realism? Because of course, we all know how many handsome, sweet, secretly rich guys are living a story right above us.

  8. 看不懂! 鄭經理爲什麽會看了那一張表就知道封副總要說什麽了?


  9. 史經理是在模仿小梁哥嗎?還前世是民族英雄投胎來的! 爆笑! 

  10. 要杏仁原諒子奇還要董事長用賣面子這一招。這招絕了。誰能不給董事長面子嗎? 還說把子奇交給杏仁,可是子奇媽不放手啊!!!

    • 杏仁開始不開心是因為子奇媽說不喜歡她

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