Sisters Episode 11

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

28 thoughts on “Sisters Episode 11

  1. 品冠如果演一个深情款款的斯文男,就没什么特别啦!他演李正方才有突破啊!虽然这个角色超讨人厌,但总要有人演。而且他演得不错啊!

  2. 給女性朋友們:”千萬別在公婆面前數落老公的不是,因為老公永遠都是公婆的兒子,媳婦只是外人。誰能忍受一個外人批評自己的小孩。” 

  3. “要看未來媳婦長得是圓的 扁的  四方的  還是長方行“  難道是指屁股嘛? 呵呵呵呵呵

  4. I am pretty sure that for all the audiences that are watching this drama do not want 正方and 如芬to get together. Everyone please pray and hope that the producers do not write out that these two get back together. 正方 and his mother really kills the show. 

  5. Undergoing abortion and starting a new life with Jim…otherwise, domestic violence or it might end up staying in the mental health hospital……She can’t marry him to screw up her life for real

      • I dun really get this drama. So the sole reason that she’s marrying square is because they had sex once. Now that they broke up, she’s gonna force herself into a marriage(with whom she hate) cuz of a baby? (not to mention square set her up for it). Oh well, i guess 可憐之人必有可恨之處…if she can’t think for herself, no one else can help her.

  6. 歐買尬~~~~~~~noooooooo 懷了那個小氣鬼的孩子

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