Startling by Each Step Episode 13

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Tipster Rednimer

23 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 13

  1. I have to admit I am really enjoying this show. Its not just the about the show itself but the additional commentaries that you made at the top portion of the videos. These comments and thoughts of yours are truly amusing adorable witty funny and true to a certain extend. I also would commend you on putting in the effort to have the eng sub done esp so for people like me who just never bothered to learn mandarin in school when i was young or even at this age….lol…Keep up a job well done and be sure I will recommend this site as one of the best if one needs additional commentaries and laughter….Thanks once again.

    Herbie (OCBC)

  2. 我覺得演八嫡福晉的女演員好像找太老了, 而且妝有點死白
    明慧跟良妃在一起簡直像姊妹, 不像婆媳
    而明慧和若蘭在一起, 超像惡婆婆和苦命媳婦

  3. honestly i agree i cant stand seeing the the brother in law fall in love with sister in law.. i find it abit gross tho its just a drama/show hahah

  4. 現在知道作者為什麼為八阿哥哭了好幾回,我想他大概是全劇裡命運最可憐的一個了。這麼風姿卓越,心思細柔的優美男子,下場怎麼會那麼慘?他對若曦那份心那份情,真是溫柔到心坎裡去了,多年的付出,終究還是盡付流水,真是想他一回就哭一回~

    • 真的吗?我有点铁石心肠不觉得他可怜。他有这样的下场只是应为他太想要皇位最后聪明反被聪明误,而且你如果看了小说或者看下去,你就会觉得他没有很爱若曦,而且他没有相信过她,一直在猜疑

      • 我會覺得他命運可憐是因為他從小就因為自己的母親出身低微而受盡排擠與欺負,逼得他小小年紀就要學會堅強,辛苦的靠自己往上爬,他每一樣擁有的東西都是得靠他自己苦心積慮費盡心思的去獲得,這和其他阿哥自小就養尊處優高高在上比,就多了幾分心酸。我覺得他最後會那麼想要皇位也是受了若曦一番話的影響(自己的命運為甚麼要聽別人擺佈?)再加上也很想得到若曦。至於他没有相信过若曦一直在猜疑她,我覺得是因為他心思敏銳的看到若曦和四爺之間的互動,早在若曦自己都還沒發現自己其實是喜歡四爺之前,他其實早已看出來了,所以才會一直無法完全相信若曦。在這裡看到他驚喜開心的發現若曦其實心裡是有他的,他是有機會可以完全擁有若曦的,那種狂喜與真心的高興令人感動,加上想起他以後悲慘的下場,難免替他難過。

        • I completely agree. The part where he says how much he went through over the years to establish his position makes me feel sorry for him. Seeing the way he’s been there for Ruo Xi, not one, not two, but many years, is very touching. Knowing what will happen to him breaks my heart to watch.

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