Story of Time Episode 28

Description: Episodes:

In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears.

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Tipster Rednimer

168 thoughts on “Story of Time Episode 28

  1. [YT] 不懂不懂 你們都不懂 暈倒時不要隨便亂般病人 要先躺下來將雙腳抬高6-12英吋 拿冷毛巾敷臉 如果醒來可以吞嚥的話 餵病人喝點含糖份的冷飲 除非有糖尿病只能喝水 然後叫救護車 要不等情況好點再就醫

  2. [YT] 百分之百一定出事 不是我壞心要咒他 節目剛開始就說他是友情客串 肯定之後不會出現囉 要不沒死也跟馮爸一樣 不露臉囉

  3. [YT] 襪賽 我在美國那麼久都不知道有水晶蘋果 好漂亮喔 茜茜請問你從基隆到台北要搭飛機嗎 要不然嫌重是怕被航空公司罰錢嗎 怪怪的女人

  4. [YT] 小孩子有時本來就對父母有強大的佔有感 如被其他人搶走了 當然會氣 況且以前的眷村小孩跟現在的小孩嘴巴一樣壞 誰沒爸媽的就羞辱一頓

  5. [YT] 夢遊應該是閉眼啊 我想應該是台灣俗稱的卡到陰 還有 孫媽你擔心你小孩名落孫山 那就取一個比孫中山更好的名字啊 “孫串出”

  6. [YT] 逃負滑 你不要再唱了 你唱歌真的是比我還難聽ㄟ 還有以前不都流行鳳飛飛 崔苔菁 楊美蓮嗎 怎麼這裡播的歌都不知是誰唱的 負滑你乾脆練練國旗歌 奧運得金牌的時候 再唱 到時再難聽也不會有人罵你

  7. [YT] 好多人都在等美元戀,偏偏編劇就是賣關子,擱著不說,跟復華爆彈一樣,然後一直節外生枝,觀眾不得不邊看邊等,哪頭先開花結果,

  8. [YT] 復華炸彈終於要爆炸了!這幕已經等很久= =強力膠事件哪這麼容易結束;陶家夫婦真正的問題沒管到,反而管復邦戀愛擱著不定時爆彈不拆!(都中編劇的計了= =,跟著他的本兒在這嚼起舌根來,這回不看下去也難~)

  9. [YT] 我覺得這道具很多地方都不考究….

  10. [YT] 茜茜太好强了!好自私!就因为别人的说三道四,宁愿断送自己母亲 的幸福。张妈嫁了好人家,也算是对自己的小孩尽了责任。辛苦了张 叔!

  11. [YT] 反應這麼激烈幹麻阿?

  12. [YT] 我爸也是跑船的

  13. [YT] 從小國語就沒學好,搞不懂哪個字該捲哪個字不該捲,蠻多人都這樣子,因自卑而自大,但卻越是為了掩飾,越是拼命的出糗而不自知…………..

  14. [YT] 其實茜茜很照顧家人的,只不過太聰明,無法忘掉過去不愉快的事,容易在過去受到傷害的漩渦裡打轉,如果她像一美依樣,把受到的挫折大而化之,跌倒後也沒什麼,再從新站起來,不要太執著於過去,降茜也不會那麼痛苦了

  15. [YT] 那时候联考落榜很多补习的么?

  16. [YT] 對了 關於娟娟的腳 以前我叔叔也是一隻腳小兒麻痺 他沒有用拐杖也可以走啊 還會開快車勒 我想只是走路沒法用快的或跑的 但是還是可以走的 如果只有一隻腳麻痺的話

  17. [YT] 我媽在我重考時也曾騙我說他朋友會看卦,說我會上理想大學,只要我有努力就會有得到收穫…….現在我也大三了,其實我有上萬的感謝,我說不出口

  18. [YT] Resources, resources.
    It is rather unfortune to say, but going to extra tuitions provide these kids with the resources they need to enter universities, and like hib467 mentioned, universities are rather difficult to get in. But sure there are some kids who went to university without these classes. Unlike now… anyone can go to university if they want.

  19. [YT] There were not many universities in Taiwan back then. One had to be very very good, say, top 20% to enter college(that includes private schools and 三專). Therefore most people need to take extra study classes to pass the exam.

  20. [YT] 『老師,斯卡也達』是中影公司1982年的電影作品,在描寫一位年輕老師(胡冠珍)到偏遠部落教書,和居民與學生互動產生的一些故事。作詞小野,作曲陳雲山,演唱者是楊芳儀。



  21. [YT] omg the mom is such a wimp !! at a time like this a mother should be the head of the family and take charge and let her children feel that its ok not get mad at them when they ask her to eat and say what they want from her wtf what kinda mom is that and y in the world did she have soo many kids?? dam she have like 6 kids she is soo dependent on other ppl!!!

  22. [YT] omg grandma wang is soo annoying she is soo senstive just say somthing to hee she gets sad and want to run away or think everyone in the family think she is annoying and useless

  23. [YT] i dont get it how dumb are these kids y do they have to go to study classes ?? why cant they just study at hoem?? is not that hard maybe math u need to see examples and stuff but arent those in the book just read it and maybe english u need somone to tell u how to rponouce and stuff but mostly all u have to do is read the text and somtimes memorize it

  24. [YT] ok does yi ruan still likes yi mei ?? i dont see their parts any more wha happened ?? like thats the only thinki look forward to i think fu bang and chang chang’s relationship is soo heartbreaking to watch yi mei’s family stuff is soo much easier to watch they are all funny and understanding nothing too seriouse happenes in their family and thats what i like god there soo much stuff happeneding in fu bang’s family

  25. [YT] 其實我覺得復華的橋段不太順,雖然我沒吸過強力膠,不過據我了解,凡是毒品是不可能像他這樣直接跳到精神不正常的。光是戒毒的過程,就要很久了。

  26. [YT] 不管怎樣…一個人做錯事情應該要讓他好好承擔

  27. [YT] I knew somethin like this was along the story line….
    somethin tragic always happens to good guys….

    I hope hes fine though! good guys shouldn’t have a tough life.

  28. [YT] 陶爸陶媽有夠不了解自己的小孩 生病了都不知道 這樣也叫關心 光看他們兩夫妻就很討厭 自私自利光只會站在自己角度看事情的全部 怎麼能在那充滿人情味的村裡生存呢 半思不解

  29. [YT] 當一個小孩背負全家的期望時,又或是家人過度保護



  30. [YT] 茜和复邦其实也配,一个是没智商又冲动的孬种,以为一个女人就是他人生的全部;一个是以为自己说的就是人生真理的被宠坏的心理不健全的高智商女人

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