Summer’s Desire Episode 01

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594 thoughts on “Summer’s Desire Episode 01

  1. I’m fond of watching this drama. Ou Chen did great for this role. It’s so amazing to remember this love.

  2. [YT] 泡沫之夏,如果有兴趣的话最好看看这本书!

  3. [YT] 大S怎麼沒啥長進? 看過她一路來的TV作品和電影,演來演去都是一樣ㄉ表情和表演方式~弱! 而且這部戲感覺她很不自然笑的時候甚至有點做作~頗失望!

  4. [YT] @Xcut33-barbie explain through her manager why she has make-up like that . She said Xiao mo has ivory skin. I forgot the exact expalnation of Xiao mo’s character. Just visit asianfanatics & u will find barbie’s thread & ” Summer’s desire thread” if u like.

  5. [YT] @TheDingfish I read that the suicide part wil not be included. I wonder why ? About the bed scene of Xiao mo & Ou chen, Peter said it’s a hot & steamy bed scene between him & barbie.

  6. [YT] @CookieMcFlurry cuz in the books they are all described as some like crazy popular/scary/hot people… they are jsut trying to act it out llol

  7. [YT] @lavidalocaliving 因為他說的並不是國語,, 他是來自內地的,
    所以講的是普通話. 可能你是覺得北京腔怪,,聽不慣吧.

  8. [YT] the kissing scene was beautiful!!!
    i love peter ho, but i have to admit that HXM is very charming and hard-to-resist in this drama!
    barbie xu, you lucky girl XD

  9. [YT] 電視和原著的劇情發展以及編排順序不ㄧ樣
    感覺很流暢 也沒有一些枝枝節節
    現在~~ 哇!~~好喜歡他們!

  10. [YT] @celes001
    the three of them knew each other since high school. S and her younger brother are all adopted, so is Luoxi (Huang xiaoming). S and Ouchen(Peter) were lovers back in high school. Ouchen loved her so much that he couldn’t bear Luoxi lived with S. Ouchen was so rich and powerful, so he forced Luoxi to leave S and study oversea. On the day that S saw Luoxi off in the airport, a car accident happened to S’s parents, which left S and her brother orphans again.

  11. [YT] 五年前,

  12. [YT] can someone somehow tell me abit about the storyline or plot???
    its a great show butttttttttttt there’s like a lot of unknown stuff?? im rather confused somebody help??? HAHAHAH!!!

  13. [YT] 我覺得何潤東一直有一種很奇怪的「熱血」的感覺

  14. [YT] 洛熙本來是个很可憐玓人,


    但這戲映得他很坏, /_\





  15. [YT] 大S進步了超多…
    她的戲我只看了流星花園, 戰神 跟這一部,
    少爺的角色暫時看得不多, 沒有甚麼感覺耶…

  16. [YT] @car5782 你應該沒有注意看到我回文說《 2010Windwater 網友說》:『两位帅哥在弥留之际还叫着她的名字, 感动死了. 』

    你說我胡說八道,我說過~~是因為我看到前面的網友 2010Windwater 那句:『在弥留之际还叫着她的名字, 感动死了』,所以我就猜 彌留之際 就是快…..


  17. [YT] 別PIA我哦,我認識的名星不多。 演洛熙那個長的有點像大東,只是說的囯語怪怪的。好像咬文嚼字。


  18. [YT] @siukityu211 真不好意思!是廣東話吧~~只知你說:結局出來,其他的….我看不明白意思,是罵我嗎?

    結局是我自己用猜的~~因為看到 2010Windwater 網友說:『两位帅哥在弥留之际还叫着她的名字, 感动死了. 』

  19. [YT] 好好看啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. [YT] 在這部戲劇裡,大 S 看起來皮膚很白皙,而且她的皮膚看起來好像很不錯 !

    我看到有網友回應~~『两位帅哥在弥留之际还叫着她的名字, 感动死了. 』
    這麼說~~結局是兩位男主角都死了,留下女主角孤獨、難過… 是個不完美、令人遺憾的悲劇吧 !!!

  21. [YT] @Poppy20121231 也沒拍的很清楚是有多高啦~可就算不是~頭先著地是很有可能斃命啊~我覺得這段處理很好~拍的太清楚會失去神祕感也有點恐怖><

  22. [YT] 很多人討論是好事 至少不會沒人看 加油!!

    畢竟他們都是辛苦拍攝的 多一些讚美給劇組人員吧!!

    何潤東一點也不像中年人 ! 帥

    大S 也美極了 比流星花園那時好太多了

  23. [YT] before watching the ep, i thought the three main characters may be a little too old for dramas like this. but now i think all three of them do very well. and the story is told so well. can’t wait for the next ep!

  24. [YT] @TheDingfish Yeah, the editing is good I think, it’s more like a movie than a TV show though, and it really is not confusing if you read the book, and yeah the book can be find online almost everywhere

  25. [YT] @mavisyy Peter不老啊~他如果沒板著臉根本是陽光男兒一枚~大S本人根本是清純女孩臉~很白很漂亮!!曉明的形象太MAN了但是有演出洛熙的邪氣~還不錯啦~

  26. [YT] @junf9531 每個人心目中最適合的演員都不一樣,一定有人喜歡也有人不喜歡,純粹個人喜好罷了!!我不是明曉溪的小說迷,是因為得知他們三人要合作才特別把這部小說看完的,故事很棒,但令我想看這部戲的原因是因為主角是我喜歡的演員,我覺得何其有幸剛好都是我最喜歡的人,如果今天換別人演或許我還沒那麼期待,總之,喜歡他們的就喜歡,不喜歡的就會批評,但我很高興我喜歡他們,所以才讓我看得這麼爽,那些小小的瑕疵就覺得沒什麼了!!很遺憾他們不是你心目中理想的演員,但還是請給予支持,畢竟明曉溪的作品能讓更多人知道不是很好嗎?^^

  27. [YT] @TheDingfish Yeah I read the book last summer when I found out that Xiao Ming will play Luo Xi, and oh I love the parts when LX and XM are together, and I saw a little bit of the part when they were in the waiting room in the trailers and it look so nice, but then Ou Chen walks in and punches LX 🙁

  28. [YT] @sacredkikyo amazingly this episode covers the first 11 chapters or so of the first book and it really is much easier to understand now that im rewatching it after reading, the way its edited also starts to make sense, its actually a pretty good way of transferring the story from book to screen 🙂

  29. [YT] @k66tm i know right! since you sound like youve read the books too, i bet you agree with me that you CANNOT WAIT for all the loving scenes between LX and XM, im crossing my fingers they wont unsexify that scene after she wins the award, the one in LX’s waiting room haha its like my favorite one out of all the ones iv read so far in the first 2 books

  30. [YT] @sacredkikyo amazingly this episode covers the first 11 chapters or so of the first book and it really is much easier to understand now that im rewatching it after reading 🙂

  31. [YT] @sacredkikyo yeah i agree with k66tm. i watched this episode then decided to read the books on, apparently all 3 of them can be found in entirety there! yeah i agree the episode was confusing, i think the editing was not bad, just that it resulted in so many unanswered questions, so yeah go read the books if you have time, im halfway through the third book right now and i can tell you this shows just gonna get better and better, all the questions are slowly and gradually answered

  32. [YT] ahh luo xis so cute, cant wait for all the lovey scenes between him and da s, man i still cant get over the fact that shes like a 34 year old playing a 15/20 year old and looks like she could really pull it off… she looks so fabulous in her white outfit even an 18 year old person half her age would be proud to look like that…

  33. [YT] @TheDingfish I don’t know if they will cut it out or not, I have nothing against that part but it seems like they’ll change everything starting at the part where Luo Xi kills him self. But I know there is a bed scene with Xia Mo and Ou Chen

  34. [YT] @TheDingfish omg i love DAs so much i cant stop commenting haha,just wanted to say anyone who can read chinese and has the time pls pls read the book on,my whole perception and enjoyment of this show has shifted after reading the bks,oddly enough the last time i felt all those emotions while reading a romance was twilight haha,for those ppl who dont like twilight, dont be affected by this comment, its just a way for me to refer to the feelings the books bring up, go read them if you can

  35. [YT] @TheDingfish , in fact its the only way her falling for ou chen can be explained, WHY would they cut it out. if anyone who likes spoilers and cant read chinese and so cant read the book thats available on, you can pm me ill tell you all about it ;DD i havent finished reading the third book yet though

  36. [YT] why do people in the comments think the part where she goes crazy will be cut out?is it some media report that said so? its such a ridiculously important and integral part of the story i CANNOT imagine that theyd cut it out, her whole persona and behaviour and changed personality comes about because of what happened (dont wanna spoil it for people who havent read the chinese book but im talking about a much much later bit where something BIG happens)

  37. [YT] @hayashimai 對啊..一開始看她的臉覺得很不習慣..但是想到夏沫淡漠而帶點憂鬱的性情..還有她內心承載的壓力..就會覺得很符合那種感覺..

  38. [YT] 我前几年就已经看过泡沫之夏的漫画及小说..那漫画的画风和人物都画的很鲜明, 可是没连接完..因此, 我才开始看小说..当我知道终于有电视剧泡沫之夏真的超开心的..可是, 我看完我真的很失望…很失望..不知道大家是否觉得大S 他的头发真的满适合这角色, 可是我较觉得刘亦菲他给我的感觉就像原著说描述那种眼神会有如海那么深邃..可是大S 的眼神比较想放空吧? 而何润东..他真的适合欧辰吗? 他是那种霸道可是 却很英俊的也..何润东比较适合正义那种..看他演的很格格不入也…心目中比较希望由勇华(CN BLUE)的队长演拉……如果大家真的想看适合伊夏沫的人是刘亦菲, 若要比较可以去网站看原著的漫画夏沫的照片再来比较…(以上纯粹是本人的看法).

  39. [YT] @car5782

  40. [YT] @car5782 我也喜欢黄晓明, 因为知道他演洛熙才看的书, 可能有点偏心吧, 但是我觉得少爷太control freak了, 不过洛熙再帅也太自恋了

  41. [YT] @imshgf 陳至愷在呼叫大明星裏面是長頭髮的 我覺得還蠻艷的 如果畫了眼線應該會很妖豔吧 鄭元暢在薔薇之戀的長髮也還蠻艷的 我個人覺得他們不錯啦
    其實我也很喜歡張根奭 我是從看黃真伊開始喜歡他 他真的很帥:)

  42. [YT] 不知道有沒有人像我一樣,因爲還看不到2,又一直心思思重看的?

  43. [YT] 是很俊男美女 可是何潤東拍了兩三年已經趕不上現在的攝影技巧了 目前電視劇都像電影手法 這兩三年前的拍攝手法老了 可惜

  44. [YT] @k66tm
    因為看了漫畫 跟小說 洛熙根本是自私的人ㄚ 明明夏沫都已經放下身段願意接納洛熙
    洛熙確怎樣都不信任夏沫 毆辰稍微説些沒有的事情 洛熙就當真 還跟夏沫提出分手ㄖ
    在說 毆辰是真心想給夏沫過幸福的生活 當然我喜歡黃曉明辣 只是不太喜歡洛熙這角色

  45. [YT] @shelly2 There’s an English subbed version of this on YouTube, I’ll send it to you if you can’t find it, and of course Peter’s English is good, he live in Canada for a long time I don’t remember how long

  46. [YT] @Seanvista Because most people who are watching this read the book and knows what’s going on (at least that’s what they assume)

  47. [YT] @hihi1718 因為是原作fan,當聽說要拍電視的時候就一直很關心三位男主角的人選。說真的大家一開始都擔心沒人挑得起演洛熙跟歐晨的份..結果曉明跟何潤東都演得挺到位,反而大S讓我失望了…

  48. [YT] i wan ask somethin. xia mo’s mother died when xia mo was still a little girl rite ???
    but why are her parents still alive when she’s in high sch ? her parents adopted luo xi when she had alrdy grew up. so when did her parents died ?

  49. [YT] 我最愛的小說泡沫之夏拍了電視劇..有點失望..(是因為這會破壞了我看書的時候的幻想..)天使街到底是不是拍的?

  50. [YT] 10:18 哈~夏沫打槍洛熙那段真精彩..「….因為他每次都是考第一名(ㄘㄟ了洛熙一眼),所以他就不想特別提了」意有所指洛熙很愛現!!哈~好嗆辣喔~可是卻都用甜甜的表情跟平淡的口吻表係出來..真的是很陰沉的一個人..好愛夏沫的個性喔….

  51. [YT] 大S高中的樣子好漂亮唷 看起來也好小! 現在的妝也不錯呀 沒有那麼糟吧 不知道年齡根本不覺得S已經3字頭了 做高中生根本就還是很可以的

  52. [YT] Peter唱的主題曲是翻唱韓曲….原曲是輕快版的….Peter即將出的新專輯”記得我愛過”會有這首歌的快版….跟主題曲的fu很不一樣….但也很好聽喔….請大家多多支持^^

  53. [YT] @hihi1718 我肯定他們的演技….但就差在外型跟氣質….跟夏沫的感覺就是不像….你說的許小姐的確很可惜….我也很喜歡她….唉….><

  54. [YT] @hihi1718 其實我心目中的洛熙是”是美男啊”的男主角張根奭~他有邪魅fu~有人說李準基很適合但總覺得他不夠帥!!…但製作人說了這部戲變成合拍必須用一位大陸籍演員做主角之ㄧ,曉明雖然外型上有些牽強,但他夠帥演技好,所以我還能接受!!陳至愷??別逗了..他是陽光男兒啊..鄭元暢很帥但不夠邪魅….><

  55. [YT] @imshgf 陳妍希 陳怡蓉 曾愷旋的樣子夠清新 她們的演技也有一定的程度
    妍希在聽說如未金馬獎最佳新人 陳怡容入圍2009年第四十四屆《金鐘獎》最佳女主角獎項 曾愷旋在香港一套電影里飾演奸角 非常不錯! 所以我認為她們可以將淡漠的性格演出來 對不起 沒看過原著 不知道女主角要求要白 而吳亞馨想了想也好像怪怪的 不適合。。。。不過我又想起了一個演員 許瑋倫 外形符合 如果她還在 可以挑戰這個角色看看:)

  56. [YT] @mlal1027 雖然沒看過小說 但看了百度提供的消息
    我覺得鄭元暢比較適合吧 最近覺得陳志愷也買妖豔的

  57. [YT] @hihi1718: 除了安以軒(有外表有演技),其他的演技不足以handle夏沫這種角色。 至於安以軒,她應該和大S差不多大吧。

  58. [YT] 到底為什麼呢? 看得出來一開始導演想呈現吸人眼球的懸疑hook,
    燈光staff們 follow up一下好嗎?

  59. [YT] @1989welfare
    造著劇情看下去 就應該會了解演員們為何要這樣做呢

  60. [YT] 每個人看了原著後對於腳色的長相及個性會有不一項的見解

  61. [YT] @hihi1718 演夏沫必須要有象牙白膚色+海藻般的長髮..氣質要冷淡有點距離感又有個性….安以軒我滿喜歡..可惜她不白><....陳怡蓉的傻妹形象!?....陳妍希太活潑可愛沒有夏沫的淡然....吳亞馨太高身材太好不適合被男主角呵護的角色..外加她"口音"獨特..曾愷旋夠白夠美可惜也太高不適合有點可憐的角色....

  62. [YT] 如果大S的妝容可以清新一點~會比較有愛情的感覺~會比較有可看性~無關乎年紀問題~倒是整體的妝扮跟劇情搭配不太起來~感覺大S任何時刻都顯得很陰暗~還沒開始進入真正的愛情泫渦裡就好像已經沒辦法承受的沉重感~

  63. [YT] @mlal1027 女主角我覺得曾愷旋 陳妍希 吳亞馨 陳怡蓉 安以軒等等這些都好不錯
    她們來演演技一定不會比大S差 而且又年輕漂亮 男主角可以耍帥又可以裝深情的台灣實在太多了吧。。。。

  64. [YT] @mlal1027 女主角我覺得曾愷旋 陳妍希 吳亞馨 陳怡蓉 安以軒等等這些都好不錯
    她們來演演技一定不會比大S差 而且又年輕漂亮 男主角可以耍帥又可以裝深情的台灣實在太多了吧。。。。

  65. [YT] @PrincessJoanne 不會亂阿 只是洛熙提出分手不相信夏沫 小說後面是跟歐辰在一起 還有小寶寶喔 因該說 是洛熙把夏沫推到歐辰身邊低

  66. [YT] @imshgf 找年紀大的人拍偶像劇真的是很大風險
    偶像劇主要是是看演員的外表 因為劇情都是差不多都是一樣的
    台灣有很多年輕演員是不錯的 而且也是一線 演技當然也不差
    最近 木村也拍愛情劇 收視越來越差了

  67. [YT] @223zan 呵呵 這個故事是有一點深度 應該有點點輔導級的感覺..
    沒看到最後 有點不懂也沒什麼不對的呀…

  68. [YT] 我忍不住想說…
    大S演的蠻好的呀 不過某幾個片段覺得他也開始有歲月的痕跡了^^”

  69. [YT] @lightronger haha yeah i know im chinese so i know mostly chinese artists dont go through that kind of training, but dont you think the training period is incredibly stunted in this show haha especially since theyre making such a big deal about the pairing with a big star

  70. [YT] 啊, 第一集看完了. 我也说说看法.
    小说看了好几遍, 真人演出当然永远比不上小说里的想象空间. 但是看了电视剧还是很喜欢的.
    第一次读小说时, 读到海藻般的长发, 心中想到的就是大S的头发, 没想到真的是她演这个角色.
    晓明的皮肤不是小说中的白皙,但是他嘴角挂着的坏坏的笑容很象洛希的感觉. PETER的身材没话说, 真的很MAN.
    可惜有些地方在电视中被省略了, 例如为了帮夏沫唱歌, 大家一个接一个走进音乐厅. 还有演小澄的男孩虽然很可爱, 但是书中是11, 12 岁的小男孩, 他应该只演五年后的尹澄更好些.
    哎呀, 第一次写了这么多. 瑕不掩瑜, 电视剧还是超好看的. 好羡慕女主角的桃花. 我身边怎么没有这样深情的大帅哥..

  71. [YT] @k66tm
    丟小澄的畫不是故意給夏沫看的 也不是為了吸引夏沫 是洛熙本然就是這樣的人


  72. [YT] @love2hazuki 因為 洛熙被他媽媽拋棄 又被第一個領養的宋家拋棄 領養家中有個小孩 陷害絡熙 所以宋家的人不得不把洛熙送回孤兒院 連續兩個拋棄 又被陷害 道至他不相信任何人 也委裝自己人前人後不一樣

  73. [YT] @appaks 下一站的任光晞 不是刻意要找回記憶 是不小心 泡沫之夏的歐辰為了找回記憶 用盡各種辦法 甚至找徵信社 查夏沫生世 一切一切 如果歐辰跟任光晞一樣 那他就不是歐辰了

  74. [YT] @imshgf I knew he was born in the US but didn’t know he lived in Canada. I love his English! He’s really attractive when he speaks it!

  75. [YT] @sacredkikyo it helps if you read the book I think, otherwise it is confusing with the editing, and there are a lot going on in just the first episode, which is good I think, unlike other shows where it takes like three episodes just for the guy to tell the girl he likes her, this is much faster and I like it

  76. [YT] @sandy01021 沒有化太白~我去首映會看到她本人真的超白~她的妝並不濃!!!!!小說中的夏沫就是有著象牙白的膚色~所以大S很適合!!!!!

  77. [YT] s有說她拍這部戲大家都會買東西來片場,所以她胖了四公斤,她臉小又白當然上鏡頭看起來臉會腫腫的了,對岸別再說她整型了吧…她出道到現在也沒啥變化阿

  78. [YT] @hihi1718 若找年輕演員來拍未必效果就好吧~

  79. [YT] i feel like we need more younger actors coming forth…i understand these 3 are big stars and the production company feel more confident having them to garner higher rating..but they are TOO OLD!

  80. [YT] 之前看片花很失望,覺得3個主角年紀有點大和原著比~~而且總覺得何潤東不適合演歐辰,就像黃曉明沒洛希的那種妖豔~~不過看完一集怎麼說,也沒那麼糟,算不錯!!除了那個化妝師,為什麽幫大S的眼妝化那麼老氣哦~~無語~~可能小說給人太多想像空間了吧,不過算拍的不錯了~~ PS:最不能接受綠絲帶變長條抹布~~

  81. [YT] 看到男主角失去記憶….怎麼感覺跟下一站很像…一樣是有錢人少爺…愛上窮世家的女主角,父母騙他的女朋友是有錢人的女兒,但男主角卻要找回真正的愛人

  82. [YT] 劇情其實和原著大致相同,對白也大致一樣,只是倒述先後編排令人有種懸疑推測的感覺,看原著後再看電視劇有另一噃吸引味道…

  83. [YT] 劇情是一定絕對沒有問題的
    至於大S 的演技也是不錯的和氣質也絕對可以滿足夏沫這角色的
    而且如果不是真的知道大S現實幾歲 我覺得演學生時期也是沒問題的

  84. [YT] 不喜歡的人請不要出言相罵,因爲這是小説改編的,而且很多劇情都是跟原文走,你罵電視劇,就是罵原作。還有我看到有人說女主角的表情僵,沒錯。

  85. [YT] 沒必要對主角做人身攻擊吧!線上偶像劇演員明明年紀都差不多!不是你喜歡的就忽略他們的努力一昧的批評很差勁!

  86. [YT] i am a little bit confused about the plot , why the scriptwriter put so many scenes happened 5 yrs ago into this episode , but this is a very good drama anyway , great cast and nice theme song..

  87. [YT] @shelly2
    Peter lose his memory 5 years ago. he always dreams about same girl. he wants to find out who is her. so he decides to go back taipai. I think it will explain it later. it is a nice drama. enjoy it

  88. [YT] 拍攝手法和劇情都很文藝電影~不像一般肥皂偶像劇很容易懂!喜歡的人會就喜歡~不喜歡這類型的會覺得很悶!這是一部要用心看的劇

  89. [YT] 好狗血哦~~可是我很愛看..哈哈^^

  90. [YT] @TheDingfish
    But they’re not a group and not Korean.
    In Chinese companies, especially with soloists, it’s more normal for companies to find people with abilities rather than train people to have abilities.

  91. [YT] @travaillezmoi 原著小說中的夏沫本來就光芒四射..會被相中當明星是很合理的啊!!..大S很符合這個角色!!..扮少女或許有點吃力..但她的高中生扮相不可否認真的很正..所以那些個小小缺憾就不足為惜了..

  92. [YT] @bee915 即使老掉牙的劇情依然有新穎之處….繼續看下去才能明白這部劇的真義…女主角雖然身世可憐但性格一點也不悲情….相反的她很堅強有主見….是很有個性的女生….兩位男主角身分地位崇高但內心都有不為人知的黑暗面….分別與女主角擦出不同的火花….這是在探討”怎樣懂得去愛一個人”的一部戲劇….

  93. [YT] 看了頭幾分鐘就不想看了….

  94. [YT] Too bad I don’t know Chinese 🙁
    I am still waiting for the English Sub…….
    But from the raws, it looks good. There are a lot of effects in the opening LOL.

  95. [YT] seriously…training only lasted so little… haha i know its only a show but in real life just check out any korean group, trainings anywhere from 2 to 5 years before they allow them to debut…

  96. [YT] Wow, Peter Ho’s English is so good. My first time hearing it! Anyways, can someone explain what’s really going on? I can’t understand Mandarin. Thanks, I appreciate.

  97. [YT] the girlfriend thing makes no sense to me, if he had the accident five years ago and doesnt feel anything towards the girl and theyre not married and dont have kids, why doesnt he just break up with her,,

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