Wang’s Class Reunion Episode 12

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Tipster Rednimer

93 thoughts on “Wang’s Class Reunion Episode 12

  1. [YT] 陳靖婕和其它的女明星很不一樣, 第一集時沒有太留意, 就只是個正媚罷了, 但到了第五集以後, 看她像似品紅酒一般, 越嘗越有味, 她的美很有層次感, 清新帶著點豪爽, 好似有些俏麗, 但眼神中卻又帶有一抹的思愁, 雖然是新人, 演技在情感的轉換上還不夠細膩, 她的個人味道很濃, 讓人過目不忘, 相信以後一定會在演藝圈中大放光彩

  2. [YT] 我覺得和尚的角色太挑撥離間,朋友之間不該要和睦嗎?都已經扮成仙人了,還不明白該如何與人好好相處,雖然有些是效果,但是在生活中若遇到和尚這種朋友,勢必有些影響。只是個人小意見,不過大部分的角色和劇情都很棒

  3. [YT] 還真的有人在討論eric的發音…


  4. [YT] if u listen carefully, u’ll actually notice that they dun say erica….they say “eri-kuh” refer to wat clifflin3 said, c(k) is a voiceless velar plosive, therefore its impossible to make it a syllable…..chinese people turn the k sound to the voiced affricate, which is the k-uh sound

  5. [YT] 我觉得这个不是主因,应该是台湾人的区域性语言文化。如果用中文念,应该是爱力克不是ERICA。马来西亚华侨就不会把Eric念成ERICA。

  6. [YT] 廣播那段好感人呢



  7. [YT] because Japanese doesn’t have sounds that is pronounced with a tongue roll, so they can’t pronounce “r”, e.g. red, rice….they pronounce it as led, lice….etc

  8. [YT] 雖然是喜劇,但是劇情架搆都很複雜但清楚的反映現實,一點都不像其它偶像劇和八點黨的牽强,加上老王等人的好演技。好久沒看到這樣的好戲。

  9. [YT] because chinese words dun have alphabets, it has symbols, so each symbol only represent a long sound without an end sound, however, languages that has alphabets have end sounds, so thats y they either dun say the sound or make another full syllable out of it, same thing applies to languages like japanese and other languages that uses symbols instead of alphabets

  10. [YT] 1st eric-oh combination of common taiwanese -oh- particle & bad pronunciation
    2nd eric-uh just bad pronunciation
    dun think they meant to pronounce Erica

  11. [YT] 我覺得和尚這角色太寂寞..如果他們3兄弟都可以看到他應該比較多笑點和劇情..現在他出場都自言自語…有點多此一舉…可能在伏筆..~ ~

  12. [YT] 我覺得陳漢典和正婰是一對才是吧

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