Woody Sambo Episode 09

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142 thoughts on “Woody Sambo Episode 09

  1. [YT] weiqing is too much la! why he so dumb? work for those people who actually are the murders! and weiqing isn’t handsome! as in in this show he isn’t handsome. his hair very ugly!

    weiqing really went so overboard!
    when he do all this after that will his wife
    came back alive! revenge revenge revenge!
    he will regret DE! working fer the one who really kill his wife!

  3. [YT] 从第一集到这集,珊宝到底被男人吻过几次了啊?
    好可怜哦.. 好像都是被强吻的,没有一个是她主动或自愿被吻的吧? (除了某一集唯青吻她的时候)

  4. [YT] 臭八蛋纪大纬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. [YT] 張棟樑唱這首歌.. 真的很催淚.. 應該是說.. 他唱的歌都很催淚… 就像在馬來西亞從他第一次唱黃昏時.. 都感動而落淚了..

  6. [YT] 邱澤真的演的很好..愛死他了.. 只是角色真的很讓人討厭.. 跟以往他詮釋的角色不同.. 他也能演的那麼討人厭.. 佩服佩服~~

  7. [YT] initially i was still in tat sad mood..
    but san bao’s brother realli funny lar..
    i was laughing out when he “zhao siang” when he sae sun wu di is a HUA HUO!!!! LOL

  8. [YT] Even though there had been quite a few comments about Wei qing being “Mike He look alike”. I personally thought that Mike He is much cuter.

  9. [YT] ya exactly! this show sort of uses other drama’s characters to like bring up the drama’s rating. kinda cheap -.- not to forget, their first episode was rated so high due to the fated to love you characters.

  10. [YT] 天啊。。。这是他吗?? 在原位的夏天里。。他很黑 怎么突然这么白?? 还是他本来就这么白??看到这里我才知道他是邱泽

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