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i need eng sub T_T no other web has ep 6 and up but this. Some asshole that posted videos on youtube deleted viki’s eng sub just cuz they used their video. i curse that person gahhhh
[YT] 在電視上一聽到那種超高頻走音就想轉台…
[YT] 人也太少了吧..如果是小豬拍這部戲的話..根本就不用請臨演喇..
[YT] 孫凡那樣的態度有點討厭
[YT] 是星野媽媽算數不行,還是編劇記憶力不好…光是子浩送的鑽表,就不只100萬了耶……(雖然這不是重點~)
[YT] The more I look, the more that Lego looks like Yunho! 😛
[YT] omgggg…. that jap girl is so annoying!!!!!! WHY THE HELL does she want to be a star if she’s weak like that? i mean come on! You gotta have determination and a strong will to be able to survive in the entertainment business.. LOL, she’ll just crack with that weak personality of hers. Who would want to be a fan of someone like her? She’s not even passionate of her profession, she jsut want to be known… lol, sorry, had to vent my anger! 😛
[YT] @KawaiiSuki121
拜托 这就是在批评啊 莫名其妙
[YT] 我反而比較期待子浩跟彤彤在ㄧ起!
[YT] @YCornV thnx so much 🙂
[YT] @jenn40421
It’s called 因为你, it’s actually the ending song for this drama..
[YT] 真的很少FANS
[YT] xin ye crie really fake >.> its sorta getting annoying
[YT] xin ye crie really fake >.> its sorta getting annoying
[YT] arghhhhh the mother is so annoying.,.. all she cares about is money so up herself >.>
[YT] arghhhhh the mother is so annoying.,.. all she cares about is money so up herself >.>
[YT] does anyone know the song he sings?
[YT] does anyone know the song he sings?
[YT] 希望最後彤彤和方子浩在一起…
[YT] 酷喔
[YT] KawaiiSuki121 不要亂罵
[YT] 白癡
[YT] sun fan has lost himself
[YT] 對嘴
[YT] 進展好快喔:D
[YT] 夜來〝臭〞吧= =
[YT] 靠= =
滿嘴都錢錢錢錢錢的- –
[YT] what is the name of that song?
[YT] 找趙樹海演這種角色很適合他ㄝ 嚴格…
[YT] 找趙樹海演這種角色很適合他ㄝ 嚴肅…
[YT] 星野現在應該是娛樂版臭紅人物了吧= =拜他媽所賜
[YT] 怎麼沒有人找阿ben演戲?他演得很好耶
[YT] 這個叫人多? 好像我學校園遊會請的不知名人物上台唱歌的人數ㄟ@@
[YT] Ye, finally can see tongtong ang sunfan ep….oh pls 4 more days……
[YT] Ye, finally can see tongtong ang sunfan ep….oh pls 4 more days……
[YT] @lydia940056 估计是孙凡想要tongtong模仿一下星野啦
[YT] 化糞池施工中~
[YT] there needs to be more scene of tong tong. the rest of the characters are just annoying, selfish, lousy, etc. It seems like she is the only likable character lol but her obsession is just too much.
[YT] @luvJC4eversoul
是爛,错别字嘛! 这不是批评! 只是我的个人意见,我不喜欢就是不喜欢,实话实说嘛!
[YT] tong tong u r the best
[YT] 懶?還是爛? 自己國語也沒多好 不要批評別人
[YT] I love the song he sings 😀
[YT] omg he has a tuuuummyyy hahahha
[YT] 哈哈ㄏㄚ 真得超好笑 彤彤好棒!!
[YT] 星野真,是自作自受!
[YT] 簽唱會這樣叫多人?!Come on~導演..你臨演發的不夠啦!什麼才叫做多人?請參考羅志祥,蔡依林等人的天王天后簽唱會,那樣才叫多人啦!呵呵
[YT] 現代葛嵐耶。
[YT] yay cant wait for next week!! finally some sunfan and tongtong!
man a whole week wait =[
[YT] 扮演星野妈妈这位演得真不错啊,让人恨的牙痒痒de
[YT] xiexie!
[YT] 星野真可憐 有這種媽 要紅也是臭紅
[YT] 期待下一集!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 他媽真勢利眼…
[YT] 都找不女主角了嘛,台湾这么多女演员,找了个这种货色,国语又懒,晕死了
[YT] 讨厌星也真
[YT] 阿ben好厲害哦~
[YT] yeah, but it sounds like it hurts a lot x (
[YT] @sacredkikyo but i must say.. it was well deserved. he was getting cocky!
[YT] 夜来香太臭啦, 就跟妈妈一样。
[YT] 背景音樂讓我想到不能說的秘密 =3=
[YT] Can’t wait for next weeeek : )
[YT] OUCHH!! that slap…. sounded
[YT] i love the little sister’s hair xD
[YT] xing yie’s mom is pissing me off D:
[YT] worst mom ever!!
[YT] He is playing “Falling Slowly” at the background
[YT] 媽媽的夜來香太可怕啦!!