Dangerous Mind Episode 07

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Tipster Rednimer

29 thoughts on “Dangerous Mind Episode 07

  1. This is exactly like the time I got angry at my teacher for saying my parents don’t know how to bring me up. I cried after apologising. It was the most humiliating thing in my life.

  2. [YT] 這集看完覺得老師並沒有什麼錯,因為一開始是家長拜託進入這班的,而且一開始也告知了帶班風格,況且補習也是家長要求的,家長自己對兒子教育完全沒教導,完全交給老師,卻要兒子的成績領先別人,出了問題卻指責老師的不好。 雖然如此,老師的口氣也太差了,有侮辱家長跟學生的情形。

  3. [YT] taiwanese can score on average 10 points higher on the IQ test than white students isn’t without a reason. dude, i’m PAYING to get after school classes and test preps. not sure why people are posting these stupid comments… where’s your pride of academic excellence?

    • There’s nothing wrong with tutoring sessions after school but studying is not the only thing people can do. There’re other things you can excel in life to feed yourself. I don’t think studying is for everyone.

      By the way, I don’t have tutoring sessions and I still do pretty well in school.

  4. [YT] 你們看!這就是教師與學生地位不平等之處,校方處理學生申訴教師案件,怎麼可以當面找該為老師出來跟學生對質?一來讓學生暴露身份,將遭致未來更不平等的差別待遇與排擠,二來,正義未合理伸張(不論是對教師還是學生),問題也未妥善處理,更不題溝通化解誤會,一切的一切只是為後續更棘手、更對立的惡性循環埋下不定時炸彈,總歸一句!這些自認為在教育界打滾數十年的老前輩們與管理階級,請重新回到學校學習吧!你們那一套完全是行不通的,有什麼資格作教育家與教育管理者!

  5. [YT] 錯的是老師 我也被罰過 坐到教室最後面
    根本就是被看成爛學生 這種感覺真的很不好受

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