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This is exactly like the time I got angry at my teacher for saying my parents don’t know how to bring me up. I cried after apologising. It was the most humiliating thing in my life.
[YT] You should go to wikipedia and find out the ans
[YT] 這集看完覺得老師並沒有什麼錯,因為一開始是家長拜託進入這班的,而且一開始也告知了帶班風格,況且補習也是家長要求的,家長自己對兒子教育完全沒教導,完全交給老師,卻要兒子的成績領先別人,出了問題卻指責老師的不好。 雖然如此,老師的口氣也太差了,有侮辱家長跟學生的情形。
[YT] 拜託補習沒賺到錢嗎?還鞠躬盡粹耶笑話
[YT] 演詹老師的人演得真好
[YT] 超級無敵大嘴吧!! 還不到一秒鐘就……
[YT] 哇靠…什麼爛老師…
[YT] she’s not chinese though
[YT] and by paying i’m talking about at least $30 per hour.
[YT] taiwanese can score on average 10 points higher on the IQ test than white students isn’t without a reason. dude, i’m PAYING to get after school classes and test preps. not sure why people are posting these stupid comments… where’s your pride of academic excellence?
[YT] What’s wrong with tutoring sessions after school? Only people who don’t study end up like that… and those who do get to be advanced in society.
There’s nothing wrong with tutoring sessions after school but studying is not the only thing people can do. There’re other things you can excel in life to feed yourself. I don’t think studying is for everyone.
By the way, I don’t have tutoring sessions and I still do pretty well in school.
[YT] 那個母親實在有夠窩囊的不適合當母親.台灣的教育真的有夠迂腐的.
[YT] 那個校長的做法也是同樣護短還幫導師把學生揪出來讓他去斬草除根.根本整個教育系統都是老鼠屎.
[YT] 這個校長是故意質問老師給學生看的,其實是暗示詹老師有人要告狀,自己要小心的意思。
[YT] 你們看!這就是教師與學生地位不平等之處,校方處理學生申訴教師案件,怎麼可以當面找該為老師出來跟學生對質?一來讓學生暴露身份,將遭致未來更不平等的差別待遇與排擠,二來,正義未合理伸張(不論是對教師還是學生),問題也未妥善處理,更不題溝通化解誤會,一切的一切只是為後續更棘手、更對立的惡性循環埋下不定時炸彈,總歸一句!這些自認為在教育界打滾數十年的老前輩們與管理階級,請重新回到學校學習吧!你們那一套完全是行不通的,有什麼資格作教育家與教育管理者!
[YT] 張心如的聲音不錯聽捏@@
[YT] 他爸說別說出去 他還一直講= =
[YT] 對阿= = 勾起童年陰影
[YT] 錯的是老師 我也被罰過 坐到教室最後面
根本就是被看成爛學生 這種感覺真的很不好受
[YT] 好可憐…年紀輕輕卻要承擔這種壓力
[YT] if someone talked to my mother like that, i don’t care who he is, i’mma fuck him up too.
[YT] 好可怕…勾起好多童年陰影…
[YT] 錯的是升學主義的大環境
[YT] 学生没有错!!!!!!!
[YT] Vouched
[YT] The mother spoiled her son–it is the
key point for the society.
[YT] 自己錯 怪誰
[YT] poor xiao jie!!