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38 thoughts on “Goku Dou High School Episode 24”
私は彼女が部長を選択願っています i hope she choose dean.. 彼が実際には本当にスマートで甘いです.he is in fact really smart and sweet
[YT] omg! her english sucks! it sounds hella irritatiing! if the directors know that they cant speak english then dont let them say a english speech… god! she’s like a sucky actress…WANNA BE!!
[YT] Questions:i wonder who is dean parents. is yimao an angel cuz i watch the last part of the last ep and they said yimao distory the evil book. wat happened to miss apple? her hair turned white the last time i see her in this show. will shen remember everything agin?
[YT] Be fair. She is just acting what the writer want her to be. I say the writer is ‘sucks’. Cos his script make her to become a ‘two-timer’. This is quite a good drama… all of them act very well.. except the passion part is kind of dumb (Yi Mao,Shen & Dean). What a waste. xp
私は彼女が部長を選択願っています i hope she choose dean.. 彼が実際には本当にスマートで甘いです.he is in fact really smart and sweet
[YT] dean’s accent sound kinda werid and funny at the same time…. but he is good looking though.
[YT] wow, i actually lost count on how mant yi mao haters there are with these comments.
[YT] omg! her english sucks! it sounds hella irritatiing! if the directors know that they cant speak english then dont let them say a english speech… god! she’s like a sucky actress…WANNA BE!!
[YT] Yi Mao smiles wayy to much. her smiles sorta irritatting now…
[YT] i wish there was another grl to play Yi Mao, cuz i dont like the actress they hav now…. >__>
[YT] yimao seems like a 2timer.
her heart is not to 1
[YT] 一毛一次又一次地伤害dean的心。。好生气哦!!!
[YT] Fk yi mao has such a big mouth
[YT] i hate Lao lao shi T_T…..Using Dean for his money
[YT] did you know what they wrote on that piece of paper when dean and yi mao came to school and then got chase by a bunch of people?
[YT] 不要在傷dean的心了!
[YT] 一毛又再一次伤了dean的心…
[YT] Yimao is super irritating,
dunn0 weather she likes shen or dean one!
hurting both parties..
[YT] 蠢····
[YT] how old already??
still playing police and theif
[YT] 为錢这一点去骗人 始终太过分
[YT] no the comment in this vid. is more than the other ones
[YT] wow she is good…she remember!
[YT] haha cookie!
[YT] miss apple is the angel..when she saved yi gu da she died
[YT] wahaha so hilarious the lao xiao zhang qi kong liu xie
[YT] Dean is so cute..=]
[YT] Questions:i wonder who is dean parents. is yimao an angel cuz i watch the last part of the last ep and they said yimao distory the evil book. wat happened to miss apple? her hair turned white the last time i see her in this show. will shen remember everything agin?
[YT] i hate that stupid yimao
[YT] That yimao really gets onto my nerves!
cant she just make up her mind!
[YT] This show for some reason is getting more boring but I will still keep on watching just because I want to see what will happen…
[YT] thx for postin
[YT] y lesser and lesser comments
[YT] her skirt so short. -.-
[YT] lawl. the writer wants kids/teens to be two timers by showing this :B
[YT] lao da too 好胜.i hate him
[YT] totally agree….yu-er is not like tat in real life de…the writer is dumb…agree….
[YT] ya i agree with u this is wad she has to do she in real life not like this de la
[YT] Be fair. She is just acting what the writer want her to be. I say the writer is ‘sucks’. Cos his script make her to become a ‘two-timer’. This is quite a good drama… all of them act very well.. except the passion part is kind of dumb (Yi Mao,Shen & Dean). What a waste. xp
[YT] if there s no 1mao or find a new actress instead of her, this soap will be much better….
[YT] this is retarded. everyone wants to be dean parents cause of his money. wow -.-
[YT] 錢的魔力。咳!