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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". February 16, 2009 Tipster Rednimer
[YT] hmmm so everuthing just started with a new beginning?? its only now way better hahaha lao da throws something to the head of mong gu bao and hit him he says i dobn’t hit women but i’m asking myself are you a woman? hit him he says ofcourse you’re not a woman hahaha and yi mao meets shen again and dean the same way with the money last pictuer was great! dean on his moterbike really cool in the middle and the others next to him so cool he is so hot!
[YT] my chinese is weak plus i missed few episodes. what happened? did yi mao forget everything or whole yr restarted. confused. can someone please explain ending to me? thanks
[YT] Nahh, i think she chose Dean. She was standing nearer to him and looking at him right at the end. haha. Or maybe that’s how i want the ending to be..
Nice, cool, exciting, entertaining show. The show got better as it progressed. Just wished for a better starting and a better ( clearer ) ending.
只可惜 火狼和小蘋果 最終仍是無法在一起……
[YT] xie gui and huo lang are brothers :D, xie gui is Wei Ming….and huo lang is Xiao Bo….and where is Xiao Song :)), kakaa
[YT] so wait….I don’t get the ending…..can someone explain it to me…?pleze…?
[YT] wow, kingone didnt last very long in this series did he?
[YT] I wouldn’t know which guy to pick either…can’t it be both is that too much to ask you think!!! Ha, ha, ha.
[YT] 我讨厌邪鬼!
[YT] 林俊杰-不死之身
[YT] erm, no comment wit the ending, but where is kiingone???
[YT] the monster look like zombie!! like acting zombie movie!!
[YT] WOW…..everything just starts all over again….haha…hella stupid tho….o wells, at least part of this was good…
[YT] yes they r brothers…. >_>
[YT] my heart boke at 9.23 dean no!!!
[YT] hey wat is the song??
[YT] 石斑瑜大哥在這部戯裏面演得很搞笑~
[YT] woo nice
[YT] they are not brothers..
[YT] Omg that was awesome movie!!!!!!!! ima miss it D;
[YT] yimao fricken burnt herself
[YT] it’s funny how the guy that acted as xie gui and the guy that acted as huolang are brothers.
[YT] hmmm so everuthing just started with a new beginning?? its only now way better hahaha lao da throws something to the head of mong gu bao and hit him he says i dobn’t hit women but i’m asking myself are you a woman? hit him he says ofcourse you’re not a woman hahaha and yi mao meets shen again and dean the same way with the money last pictuer was great! dean on his moterbike really cool in the middle and the others next to him so cool he is so hot!
[YT] Is this the final part of the last episode?
[YT] oh , i hope she choice dean!
一毛總是讓他傷心 我不喜歡
新聞說要出二 可是都2008了都沒看到2的影子!
[YT] my chinese is weak plus i missed few episodes. what happened? did yi mao forget everything or whole yr restarted. confused. can someone please explain ending to me? thanks
[YT] Nahh, i think she chose Dean. She was standing nearer to him and looking at him right at the end. haha. Or maybe that’s how i want the ending to be..
Nice, cool, exciting, entertaining show. The show got better as it progressed. Just wished for a better starting and a better ( clearer ) ending.
[YT] 结果没说一毛选谁…=.=|||
[YT] omg i feel so sad for their pain T.T
[YT] i hope there will be a season two of this
[YT] ah its happening all over again?! haha
[YT] eEee.. the endinq nort nice… 🙁
[YT] 超喜歡火狼這個角色的
[YT] 越來越緊張了
[YT] 麗亞老師很偉大
[YT] So touching,,,我相信他們一定會相遇的,,,一定會的
[YT] 很好看也`
[YT] i wish it atully show that who she picked in the end lol!
[YT] 真可惜,到最後還不知道一毛選誰.
does anyone know is 馬如龍 have any other drama??
[YT] they are so brave
[YT] never knew shen is such a good fighter without those monsters
[YT] yeah.. this last episode is really very good
[YT] hehe, so glad i didn’t stop watching this half-way. this last ep is really good XD
[YT] agree agree!! ^.^b
[YT] yalol
[YT] 对我来说..这结局很感动..麦芽糖最后明白了鄂鱼骨头对她的关心..同学们为了学校的牺牲..一毛为了同学不顾自己..唯一可惜的是..他们把一切一起经历过的回忆给忘了..
[YT] 鳄鱼骨头很 protective <3
[YT] maybe yimao gt two lao gong (dean and shen)
[YT] omg…i just couldnt stop crying when i watched them die one by one..T.T
especially when mai ya tang went for er yu gu tou
[YT] lols go with it people..
[YT] oh my lord yimao sacrificed herself in order to save the world…
[YT] awesome show!
[YT] i dun reli like the ending…
[YT] oh… lao da and meng gu bao so lang man..
[YT] Omg Dean father very wat lah wan to kill his son also no wan let his die
[YT] yeah agree, this episode is the most touching part of the drama! so sad to see them like this..
[YT] i love xiao hei mao hair!
[YT] 好感动哦T T
[YT] ahh! 3 of them fight tgt. reminds me of ko one. all the shuai shuai pple of the unite and attack evil forces tgt
[YT] oh no . yimao 犧牲 herself also..
[YT] 不要﹗不要重來﹗
[YT] omg. i cant believe that devil is dean’s dad..
omg omg
[YT] cho min` hoi sao down duoc dzay !
[YT] wow!!!!