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[YT] 總經理的們要換了 換一個隔音更好的 呼呼呼
[YT] 最後一段滿硬的
[YT] 下一集好看喔!小馬趕快去追求若梅吧!
[YT] 還是小馬最瞭解若梅。一看就知道若梅說謊
[YT] i think in a few more episodes when Smart is like extreamly crazy XM and RM will be together. XM won’t let anyone hurt RM especially if he finds out how Smart is treating RM
[YT] 小吉利好可愛
[YT] 小吉利好可愛
[YT] 能不能请这位smart先生不要在出现在我屏幕上啊!!! 我现在不止不喜欢smart这个角色,我更不喜欢这个烂演员!
[YT] smart整天在那里扮好人了。。真是气死了!!smart真讨人厌ughhh!!! 若梅,你要清醒啊!! 你到现在还不知道smart的真面目!! 小马才是真的为你好和爱你的人!!!
[YT] 鬥牛賽嗎?打架有好處嗎?都是那臭Smart引起的!可惡!
[YT] 長的一副XX的樣子
[YT] Smart 有病!!!!
[YT] come on xm and rm have to be 2gether, then smart can go die in a hole!
[YT] Smart 他是有病嗎?? 為什麼他會突然很暴怒 然後轉眼又可以突然很冷靜?!!
[YT] 好討厭smart的嘴臉
[YT] Gino 演得好好… 光看预告就好感动
[YT] 小馬都是為了若梅著想的!!
懂不懂啊!! 曾聰明
[YT] 求求你,結束吧
[YT] 快完了吧
[YT] i think ruo mei is just controlling her feelings towards xiao ma because she doesn’t want to hurt smart’s feelings.
[YT] couldn’t the directors find any person who’s not as annoying as that guy who plays smart? that guy isn’t that effective for me. he doesn’t suit to be gino’s (xiao ma’s) rival.
[YT] 就戲嘛
[YT] 請編劇注意!不要對情節的誇張以達成戲劇效果,而忽略了作好合理的交代。
[YT] 06:15 Smart 構成傷害罪?還是,06:54 殺人未遂刑責?
[YT] what’s going on with Smart?
[YT] RM and XM need to be together NOW! ugh, how long is it going to take for this to happen?!?! Smart needs to be out of the picture.
[YT] 若梅你什么时候才会清醒???? 小马哭的好残…
[YT] 若梅你什么时候才会清醒???? 小马哭的好残…
[YT] How could Ruo Mei not hear that? It was basically right outside her front door!
[YT] 我操你媽的!!! Smart他跩什麼跩啊!!! 廠商是他介紹的ㄟ 我覺得一定是Smart叫廠商這麼做的. 還一直說愛若梅 但一天到晚都在吃醋, 若梅啊若梅!!!! 妳要趕快清醒 趕快看出Smart的真面目啊 XD