In Time with You Episode 02

Description: Episodes:
On her 30th birthday, Cheng You Qing received an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Li Da Ren, her best friend of 14 years. Unable to accept that Li Da Ren is like a fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she made a bet with Li to see who will get married first before they turn 35. As she looked around for a potential husband, she discovered that she was surrounded by unacceptable candidates, like gay assistant or cheating ex-boyfriend. The only man who could love her despite her ill temper and stubbornness is her best friend. The only problem was that they both swore that they were not or will ever be romantically attracted to each other.

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173 thoughts on “In Time with You Episode 02

  1. Watching it again in 2017, brings me back to 6 years ago… possessing is the start of loosing… as time passes, we learn to face many scenes, sometimes we can have company and sometimes we face them in solitude… somehow they looses colour and became odourless, but things resting in our hearts are yet to be residue, rather they are stories we can carry along in this journey.

  2. frankly speaking, i’ve no idea why the characters speak english as this is a chinese drama….
    dont really like them to speak english…  ><

  3. 陈柏霖说“我觉得我超适合的”的样子,好象他在蓝色大门里面,昂头说“我叫张士豪,天蝎座,O型,游泳队,吉他社,我还不错哦”。喔张士豪…


  4. WOW this drama is sooo different than the ones i’ve seen before!!! XD i love it!!! everything about it~~~ the dialogues are cute and the acting is realistic and natural 🙂 the plot is uber adorable too. i love everyone’s relationships with each other ^^ love the cast too!!! :)))))))))))))))))) 

  5. 金士傑老師不過演了一小段的戲卻讓我哭慘了……「一封一封…妳遺留在這個世界的信」嗚嗚嗚嗚,怎麼會這麼讓人想掉眼淚……

    • actually. that part have a very deep meaning. 
      which wants to reveal the reason why the the old man and old lady dont go to together..
      is because they dont want to lose each other. because once you get it. you will start to loose it.
      get it?;)

  6. this reminds me of a Korean drama “9 Ends 2 Out” the basic storyline is pretty much the same with some Taiwanese culture addition to it. Overall, this show is good to watch as well

  7. Another great T-drama of year 2011.
    I have a feeling that they are started to get better and better,
    and the casts are amazing at acting!!!
    Can’t wait for another great ep!

  8. i like this drama(: at first i thought it was going to be boring because it’s about getting old, but instead i actually like it…ariel’s very talented and her acting skills are presented well here(: her character is sorta the opposite of her character in ISWAK…i also think the drama teaches people to cherish their youth(: nice drama….can’t wait till next ep

  9. watching this again ‘coz this drama always gives me that mellow & relaxing vibe. hmmm… how i wish i have a Li Da ren in my life :))) Was thinking of the dialogue… “Possession is the beginning of loosing it” I just feel, i would rather believe in the phrase, “I would rather love than to not love at all.” If only You Qing & Da ren could stop analyzing their feelings! lol!  i hope this drama has a happy ending… can’t wait for the next episode….:D

  10. Many of today’s young stars are primed to be even bigger tomorrow.
    依晨,柏霖,Nic-拿铁,Maggie, 大仁.
    And, I think older actors deserve more roles in the future.
    They are so great and gradually replace such a hot Korea TV program in Taiwan.
    Let us encourage them.

  11. 我覺得又青是非常倔強的  就因為大仁的一句話”我不可能會愛你”  就否定了所有的可能

    大仁從欣賞又青 到愛上她 守護她
    他每次看又青  把別人想成又青的樣子
    那眼神都好溫柔  又苦澀

    就算真的擁有了  又因為愛  太害怕去失去…


  12. 好久沒有心揪住揪住的感覺了。只是看了2集我就覺得這戲是2011年目前為止最捧的。很少看偶像劇會覺得一開始就想追下去的說,一般到大概過了4,5集才會有這感覺的。它終於不是有錢公子配窮家女孩王子配醜小鴨的童話故事了..

  13. I really love this drama…has a lot of depth…and elegant don’t know if that’s the right word to describe it.  Yi-chan’s awesome, she’s a great actress….Da-ran’s character’s very likable.  Nic’s kind of young to play opposite yi-chan’s love interest.  Seems like there’s a lot of strong actors in this show.

    • 我喜歡的是又青下樓自然的拿水果吃,自然的躺下來,跟爸爸聊高中同學,那個躺姿真的太到位了!
      媽媽下樓來,又青把腳放在媽媽大腿上,so sweet~看到這一幕真的好棒,一家子閒話家常,好自然好悠閒,平凡的幸福!

      • 那一幕我也很喜歡~!!!  我覺得呀, 林美秀這位大眾媽咪, 當過這麼多偶像劇女演員的媽, 還是跟林依晨最像真正的母女; 不做作, 母女之間的感情在小細節中自然流露, 沒有那種演出 ” 我們母女感情很好喔” 讓人起雞皮疙瘩的樣子; 那種演法, 在真實生活中, 根本不存在. (或是極少吧…)

      • 對耶,看過林美秀和那麼多女星演母女,看到那一幕覺得她和林依晨最自然,整齣戲自然到不像是在看電視,彷彿就像是在看身旁發生的事一樣。

  14. 這個戲真是太棒了! 那些小細節, 比如只是通個電話, 都見巧思; 而平凡的場景, 好比只是家常的隔著廁所門對話, 都洋溢著濃郁的戲味.
    編劇跟導演, 在背後是花了多大的功夫啊~!
    台灣的偶像劇, 柴娃娃、胡胡鬧鬧, 只靠男女主角的charisma來撐場、打混的不少; 看的時候嘻嘻哈哈, 看完了, 卻都忘了自己看了些什麼.
    但這套戲不同, 它直指人心, 只要是對生活、人生還有感受性, 而不是只想靠 K偶像劇來麻醉自己的人, 很難不被感動.
    如無意外, 這個應該是我今年最喜歡的台灣電視劇!

  15. Its an ordinary story but somehow its really refreshing. The story told us to look at what you have in front of you not to always complain with you didnt have..i love it

  16. feel sad, there’s a possibility that she might just siwtched to making movies thus her last idol drama, yet people from taiwan not still supporting as much, she’s a good actress and she did entertain us, we can at least support her and the series

    • ratings may be important but it doesn’t mean that ms. ariel lin’s fans are not supporting her. there are a lot of factors to consider, in this day & age, television is not the only medium, there’s the internet. the audience may still be adjusting to a different type of “idol” drama. honestly, ms. ariel has already proven herself that she is a bankable star since the start of her career. i’m glad that now she has chosen to act in a more mature type of role.

      eventually, all these idol stars will age and be in their 30’s, so i guess ms. ariel lin’s fans will slowly have to mature as well, together with their “idol”. basing from ms. lin’s speech upon receiving her golden bell best actress award last 2008, she is thankful that as an actress she has touched the lives of her audience through her drama. indeed, she has, the mark of a true GREAT ACTRESS!

      still loving this drama because it’s like reading a book, it makes you think. telling you a story of ordinary people. i like the mellow and heart warming feel it gives. Very light but it kinda makes you reflect a lot because of the dialogues & interaction between the characters. 🙂

      • i did not say her fans are not supporting her, im referring to taiwanese audience in general, i was hoping even if theyre not fans of ariel, they will still watch it, just for support since she may stop for a long time in idol sereis, besides it was really good, so im sure sooner or later ratings will rise, just have to be patient i guess 🙂

        • oh i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it in that context. i guess watching ms. ariel in this type of drama is new to her fans and taiwanese audience in general, hence, the not so high ratings. i love ms. ariel lin but that’s not the sole reason i’m watching this drama. i’m sure tv audiences in taiwan will have a new appreciation for “idol” dramas once they watch this drama. 🙂 

    • 說真的我覺得大仁演得好好..除了他我真的想不到有哪一個男演員可以勝任這個角色呢..

      PS 我不是他的FANS..只是以事論事

    • 不會喔~ 我覺得他其實很會演戲, 而且是個演法滿細膩的演員. 如果這不是長久磨出來的, 那就是他天份過人.

      細心一點看, 其實他有一些小動作, 小語氣是非常自然到位的, 譬如上一集他接電話時那 “有~”一聲的語氣, 已精要的點出了他跟又青從讀書時代到現在的深厚感情. 而且, 他揹著背囊在校園裡偶遇又青時的步姿, 傻傻憨憨的就是一個大學生的樣子, 而且跟角色性格也符合; 但看他當機場督導時, 走路就不是這個樣子的, 就覺得這個小子, 怎麼連走路都有戲呀~

      而這一集, 他看著剛睡醒的又青, 視線由臉掃到脖子、胸部, 然後托著腮一副欲笑未笑的樣子, 他演得真好! 因為演戲最難就是這種很subtle很微妙的戲了. 演得不好, 就會太著痕跡, 變得色色的 (請比對Nic看又青的樣子); 但他演起來, 就是那種本來是好朋友卻在某個 magic moment 突然變回以男人的角度看又青的感覺, 演得是真的棒!

      如果不喜歡他演戲, 可能是根本不喜歡陳柏林吧…畢竟合不合眼緣也是因素之一.

      • 說得太好了…!!
        和大大一樣,「如無意外, 這個應該是我今年最喜歡的台灣電視劇!」

    • i disagree. i think he is one of taiwan’s most promising  real actors. he has depth and he is perfect in his character role here

  17. It is so amazing to seeing 许豪恩.
    He (David, Nic, 拿铁,许豪恩) is perfectly gorgeous at first galnce
    So pure and clean.

    Is 拿铁 schooling at SFU in Canada /

  18. 我喜歡片尾的製作 一下子就好像弄清楚主角和配角間的情感和關係也可以從中知道腳色個性是怎樣(還有演員本身演技如何)蠻簡單但蠻不錯的

  19. Whoa, 陳匡怡 got a lot skinnier! When they were first trying out customs/outfits,  her face was round~
    The drama is mundane and mellow…it has a heart.  But to be completely honest, the pace at times is a tad too slow…but i still LOVE this drama.
    It’s gonna hurt in the future eps, Li Da Ren goes through a lot of heartbreak when Ding Li Wei enters the picture. He always seems to be the more ready one to move their relationship to the next level.

  20. This is such a mellow drama, but something about it has completely drawn me in. The characters are so easy to relate to. It’s interesting how it’s filmed more like a music video than typical dramas. I like it =) 

    By the way, have you guys noticed that their homes look really realistic? They’re not super empty but are packed with little nick-nacks and stuff like a real home? 

    Nic seems kind of fishy to me. He’s so obviously seducing her (and maybe even stalking her too?). He looks like such a kid and makes her seem like a cougar. Maybe that’s what the director was going for? lol 

  21. 这部电视剧拍得很电影….认真不乱来,又没有偶像剧的通用烂梗…台湾就是要有多一点这样的戏剧才有可能把韩剧比下去.

  22. “陳匡怡?” 什麼的,   不是余涵彌吧.
    這木頭美女的演技很生澀, 和林依晨這前輩自然生動的演技比起來,  沒靈魂當然看起來怪, 要進步的空間很大, 木頭美女可要加油啦. 

      • 同意 MAGGIE跟LALA感覺挺像的= =”
        或許大家年輕的時候  也是這種感覺吧= =!!! 
        (又青的17歲大膽則是相反 它是有正義感 會直接反對惡勢力 也裝著不要別人保護的倔強

        演技的話~   Maggie跟Lala
        反正我是為了~~~依晨~~~來的  哈哈
        他們兩個被劇情折磨 少出現  我都沒關係XDD”

        相較之下  邁向熟女的又青  那種倔強卻又有正義感的個性  真討人喜愛!

  23. 很想忍住不看>”<在一次追完!!! 怎會那麼好看呢?!

    看了心會揪了一下~ 明明行為不只朋友了! 卻總是說朋友!

  24. 魚含彌怎麼可以這麼討厭… 平平都是正  林一晨為什麼可以讓觀眾看了有親切感  魚含彌就… 很.討.厭.

  25. getting thru one of these acting classes, you will never be afraid of anything again.. you will never mind whatever others thinking of you. 

  26. 好看好看!好久沒有看過這樣認真不胡鬧的電視劇了!太值得看了!而且每一集都可以學到一些東西,好好想一想社會現實,更認識自己和身邊的人!

  27. like the scene when Ariel had the dialogue with Da Ren about their future half when she is in the bathroom…..kinda embarrassing but sweet

  28. 就是因为Nic什么都完美(除了与又青间的年龄差),所以他的角色定位是gay…


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