In Time with You Episode 04

Description: Episodes:
On her 30th birthday, Cheng You Qing received an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Li Da Ren, her best friend of 14 years. Unable to accept that Li Da Ren is like a fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she made a bet with Li to see who will get married first before they turn 35. As she looked around for a potential husband, she discovered that she was surrounded by unacceptable candidates, like gay assistant or cheating ex-boyfriend. The only man who could love her despite her ill temper and stubbornness is her best friend. The only problem was that they both swore that they were not or will ever be romantically attracted to each other.

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159 thoughts on “In Time with You Episode 04

  1. ‘应该是我的生活完全被它控制吧。’- 真的。所以我的手机真的是古董手机。比程有清的还古董。连 plan 都没有。我用的是预付卡。不是买不起,是不要被手机控制!

  2. 哦~~原来人真的不能只靠脸吃饭的哈。 虽然那个叫maggie长得真的不错,可惜李大仁对她就是半点遐想都没有。 连接个吻都好像是被强迫的。

  3. 聽說 part 4 拍蛋炒飯的戲碼的時候 maggie 那個女的把蛋殼也丟進鍋裡… 不知道是不是不小心還是怎樣, 不過聽起來還蠻可笑的~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈

  4. 我看到這集才突然發現,大仁跟maggie似乎認為他們已經在交往了@@ 可是我怎麼看不出來他們是從何時開始交往的??

  5. why is Maggie qeustioning DaRen about their being together in a room for a night? I don’t think she is the GIRLFRIEND of DaREn. what right has she ? It’s funny why Youching can’t pick up the CUE when DaRen said, ” i broke off with my girlfriends because they can’t accept you BEST FRIEND” who in her right mind won’t get jealous when she learns that the best friend of her boyfriend is a woman. the fact that DaRen would give up his girlfriend for YouChing speaks a lot already…that DaRen loves YouChing more than the girlfriend.

    • oh, i eat my words. as i was watching this, it dawned on me that there was a ” mutual understanding” that they were already a couple.

  6. this episode is the one which deals with the “Awakening” of youching’s feelings for daRen.YouChing is so dense, can’t she feel that DaREn loves her not as a friend but MORE than a friend? when youching said”you don’t see me as a woman”,DaREn replied,”it’s you who don’t see me as a man.”DaREn is apprehensive in treating youChing as More than a friend because if she is not ready, their friendship will be broken.Maybe that’s why the title is “In time with you”. he will just wait IN TIME until YouChing is aware that he is always there for her as a lover and not as a friend, IN TIME unitl she realizes that she is falling for him.

    • the cell phone employee/boss looks like someone who joined the “super idol” contest. i forgot his name but he looked so familiar.

    • you can turn off the sub! click the ‘en’ button on the right side of the video then click ‘turn off'(: Hope this helps!

  7. 一个星期一集…于是一集反反复复看了好多遍…台词都快背下来了…我到底是有多喜欢这部剧?…

  8. Li Da Ren should have confessed to her long time ago, he missed the chance and the whole thing dragged on, but at least they became best friend.  Now, it’s like it’s hard to hide his feelings for her but he doesn’t dare to voice out his true feelings because he’s afraid he will totally lose her forever.  Since it’s usually not common to still be friends with your ex after the relationship is over.  If they get together, their friendship will be altered forever, either for better or worse.  

  9. Good ep!  Looking forward to the next ep :))  Finally second male lead … so he’s not a new boyfriend but an old one .. I find Nic looked a bit like Wu Zhun and Maggie reminds me of Vivian Chow…
    Da Ren kinda of made up from Takashi and Louis Koo … 

  10. wowweee i haven’t been this interested/excited for “the next episode” of a taiwanese drama in a REALLY long time. in time with you, DONT DISAPPOINT ME! <3

  11. Anyone knows the handbags sponsor of Ariel in this drama? They all look so nice…especially the one that she carried in the end of this episode…TKS!!! 

  12. Don’t know why can’t 程又青 give that young intern a chance? If he is ugly, I’d understand. But that intern is hella cute and sweet! It’s not like he is 10 or 20 years younger than her! So what’s the big deal? -___-

    • Are you watching this drama or not??????….her ex-asst is a gay dude….i believe 程又青 is looking for a normal guy?????? ……Maybe you can date him….j/k

  13. 其实maggie挺勇敢的。她都很努力在追求她要的幸福。她还要比李大仁和程又青还勇敢。不过, 我也不喜欢看她和李大仁在一起。:))

  14. Actually Maggie is quite poor thing lorh, she wants to have a boyfriend that’s all, and Li da ren is just the right person for her, everyone says she is annoying just bcoz we are biased for the main actors.

    • I hafta say i am biased since i’m all for the leading actress.
      ‘cuz in real life i dun like immature girls and/or girls w/ too
      much pretense

      Maggie is “too over” if u know wut i mean….

  15. 真的很喜歡依晨. 從我中一 (即國中一年級) 就喜歡依晨;

  16. 看到因為大仁要調職而把愛請守則的其中一項給劃掉,就覺得Maggie其實不是很討厭

  17. YES!!!! they’re seperating in next episode!!!!! i can’t wait HAHAHAHAHA

    this drama is so good….probably really the best drama this year.

    PS. I LOVE 陳柏霖﹗﹗﹗超可愛﹐超帥的﹗﹗﹗^0^

  18. Maggie and 李大仁 is trying so hard to get into a relationship together. but trying just doesn’t work cause 李大仁 loves 程幼青.

  19. 有一个像李大仁这样的男性朋友有11年了…有苦水烦恼就会向他发牢骚…关于男友的烦心事也会求助…彼此知道曾经暗恋的对象…帮他给向他告白的女生写比较婉转的回绝信…他时常会开玩笑说我这样的女生把男人都吓跑了…他失恋了还要特地给他身边的朋友发信息一定不要让他借酒消愁…还让他的好哥们帮忙介绍合适的女生…我妈很喜欢他…天天夸他这样那样的好…每次我都像又青那样跳脚…再说最后一次哦!我们是好兄弟!…我真的很希望有很单纯的男女友情…如果一直这样下去就好了…

  20. Is it just me or what? I start to dislike Lidaren..I know Maggie is annoying but still I feel sorry for her >< if it wasnt Ariel, I think I won't like you Qing in real life too! Sigh…got a bit depressed after this episode:(

    • as much as i love li da ren, there’s a side of him that i dislike too. he is so passive & he’s not a “go getter”. he doesn’t go for what he wants. he tends to be “overpowered” by women around him. he just goes with the flow. what he said to You Qing in high school kept on dragging up to now ‘coz he just didn’t clear it up way back. and i don’t know why he “encourages” maggie by being with her when obviously he doesn’t even love her. i don’t know but it’s like he’s “dating” (if you can call that dating, lol!) her while he can’t find the courage to tell You Qing he loves her. Find that courage, Li Da ren dear!!!… sigh,,,,:)))

      • From his dream (when he kissed her), it deciphered that he is afraid of expressing his love to her as he may lose the friendship that they are having.

  21. I had a friend that I lost because I realized I wanted to be more than friends. She never talked to me ever again….. T.T…..It really sucks to be a “李大任”.

    • awww, that’s sad but does that mean she doesn’t love you as much as you love her? or maybe she loves someone else at that time. as in this drama, timing is everything… 🙂

  22. awww… the look of disappointment in Da ren’s face was priceless! how he wish You Qing went on with the kiss…. arghhh! this two are oh sooo adorable. And ariel & bolin has this “intimate”, amazing chemistry, it’s so real that at times i forget i’m just watching a drama.

    bravo to the scriptwriter of this drama, such an awesome & well written script! 1st time i fell in love with a drama just by the conversations with the two leads alone. their conversations are so interesting & funny! :))))

    • I love the connection they had at the light bulb museum

      I think the ending theme song has ariel saying she will marry da
      ren and it shows different expressions from every person

      I maybe can’t love you sounds a bit awkward though haha

      • ah so that’s a light bulb museum, i was wondering what that was. i’m sure there’s a significance to that scene with You Qing & Da ren. i love it when he went there because he was thinking something like… “if i discover your world & follow your path, will i be closer to you?” awww, he just loves You Qing so much & he missed her terribly because they hadn’t talked for a while. 

        yup! they should get married ‘coz obviously their world is not complete without each other. :)))

  23. 好喜欢这部戏的经典台词:


  24. Omg they [you qing and da ren] are sooo freaking cute <3
    please just get together get married and let us watch you guys be happy for the rest of your lives already! <333

  25. ….現任女友, 前女友+前前女友的3人晚餐 -v-……………………..呵呵….真的可以聊得起來么 ?

  26. just thinking, is Da ren & annoying Maggie “officially” together? Or that’s only what Maggie believes? Because, really….. she’s sooo freakin’ annoying!!! I can’t stand her, so i tend to fast forward her scenes with Da ren, hahaha!!! 🙂 what decent girl, in her right mind gives her house key to a guy who obviously is not into her. why can’t Da ren resist her advances, he’s leading her on… sigh… 🙁

    • I am a guy, I like maggie.  I knew why you gals want ff maggies scenes…hehehe

      就是要你慢慢上隱…KISS GOOD NIGHT!!

      Did you all noticed that lala and maggie are two of the 臺大五姬?

      • hehehe! you’re funny! yes, i’m sure guys would love girls like Maggie… for obvious reasons. Lol!!!
        she’s pretty, submissive & straight-forward… :)))) what guy wouldn’t want a girl who takes the 1st move, hehehe!!! 🙂

  27. WILSON CHEN IS SO ADORABLEEEEE AND LOVEABLEEEE! That desperate “girlfriend” of his is so demanding. He doesn’t want to kiss you so get over it!!! XDD

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