Inborn Pair (真愛找麻煩) Episode 01

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

27 thoughts on “Inborn Pair (真愛找麻煩) Episode 01

  1. I really need English subs!! Pls make the effort. There are people frm other countries who wish to watch Taiwan dramas, but too bad…. 

  2. Think inborn pair is the best Taiwan drama which i have been enjoying and enable me to watch from the episodes 1 to 84. I simply loved the two leading stars, Chris Wang and Annie Chen. Especially the ways the kissed, they looked lovely together. Hopefully, in real life they can be a couple. Good luck guys.

  3. 哪有女生大白天會穿那樣去小朋友在的地方啊= =”

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