Inborn Pair Episode 06

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Tipster Rednimer

26 thoughts on “Inborn Pair Episode 06

  1. does this lady even care about her husband at all?! wtf, she might as well marry her “sister” since that appears to be the only person she actually really cares about

  2. Can’t wait for the next episode! Support the drama by liking their official Facebook page, which is VERY quick to put up new previews and goodies!!! 

  3. hmm wow this is getting a little draggy. yijie keeps screaming at weixiang.. can’t wait for them to actually fall in love with each other!

  4. lol longer time to explain, let’s out it in simple words, since it’s so simple, we don’t even have to speak it lol love the grandpa

  5. 哎!佳佳這麼大一個人了卻連怎樣照顧自己都不會, 胃痛打給好朋友就會好嗎? 
    既不會照顧自己, 更別說照顧別人了, 也不會打扮, 生活也沒有目標,活著要幹嘛都不知道, 個性又軟趴趴無趣極了! 
    做人要堅強一點, 沒男人不會死好嗎?

  6. The script is too slow… in this episode, there was a part where the granny wanted the marriage but no one else wanted it and in order to convince her, her son and her son’s wife both said the same thing… it’s too much and it’s starting to feel unreal. There have been too many coincidences.

    • 嗯,我也是這麼認為,而且我有一種不祥的預感,佳佳會不會去當柯雁妮和王客凡之間的第三者?她的出場時間過多到我個人認為不必要,這三個人給我的感覺是有戲的,又要開始拖了………

        • 嗚嗚,我快要哭了,我希望柯雁妮和王客凡之間不要出大問題或者最後依然還可以在一起,不然這部劇會很拖戲,請把重點放在宋奕婕和柯偉翔身上,最近很怕任何有關於小三的戲,可是觀眾又愛看而且又要拼收視率,我滿同情佳佳遇人不淑但她這種人不自救還裝可憐實在會讓人反感,倒是柯雁妮,雖然是千金小姐但很善良也直爽!

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