Inborn Pair Episode 35

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40 thoughts on “Inborn Pair Episode 35

  1. 忘恩負義的柯媽
    她一心只想要羅芸當她兒媳婦 (現實)

  2. whoa! i never thought that there’s also something interesting to this episode. i love that the couple finally have their happy moments at the park. 

  3. Oh my goodness. Am I the only one who finds the girl who keeps saying “oppa, oppa” hella annoying? I know k-pop is really in right now, but it doesn’t even flow in this drama, and it gets tacky since she constantly uses it. Ughhhh… Not even native Koreans would keep using it like her.

  4. Just saying for those who have been not so happy since last week. We all know it’s an 80 episode drama of course you’re going to get plot fillers. Just stop watching if it drags or seems boring to you.
    Cos’ for a whole lot of us watching who are subbers- this is light, fun, pure entertainment and doesn’t require brainpower  🙂  Thoroughly enjoying. It’s cute.

  5. epi yi jie’s senior is coming up…yeaa ha…will be exicted..wei xiang will get jealous???cant’t wait for next epi…
    thx for so fast uploading

      • yes I think the picture is definitely her senior and I read somewhere that YiJie and her senior were lovers haha..   can’t wait to see how his appearance will be.

  6. Thank You for the fast uploading!!~ I ever mention that upon reading the show info, Yi Jie would have a senior that wants to chase her and make Wei Xiang jealous, but seeing the advertisement, this senior is the man that Yi Jie once likes, but he left her maybe because of someone or career, and Yi Jie will feel vey upset seeing him, at this time, Wei Xiang would come and comfort her. But I think my other assumption should be right, which is Yi Jie would fulfil her promise to Luo Yun, which is to leave Wei Xiang, and to go somewhere far, but maybe not exactly after 1 year, at this time, Wei Xiang would go find her, knowing that he has fell in love with her!!~

      • no, wei xiang doesnt know the agreement. yi jie made that promise to luo yun because she believes that luo yun is the right one for wei xiang, not her… 🙁
        but still, wei xiang is gonna be jealous as well since that “pig head” is coming next ep 🙂

        • oh… that’s so sad to hear.  that means she’s giving up wei xiang though i believe she’s starting to like him.. 🙁  i hope that pig head will appear a.s.a.p. LOL

          thank u so much for being helpful to this non-chinese speaking soul 😀 

  7. 這婆婆也真難伺候,難怪台灣的 低出生率 跟 低結緍率 是世界第一,之前總統還將 少子化 列為國安危機。可以再機車一點啊!  就會都沒有人要結緍跟生小孩了!!!! 

    呈呈是有被虐傾向是不是?  黎兒跟太妹就一直很假啊,跟只要不順她的意就揍他啊!  這有什麼好懷念的?  又不是 SM !!!!! = =

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