Office Girls Episode 04

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81 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 04

  1. OMG I’m addicted to this drama! Roy and Alice are so cute and funny together! I have seen Roy in Easy Fortune Happy Life ( he was so hot and looked like Mike He) but I didn’t recognize him in Office Girls. But he looks hot and yummy in there too! Alice IS pretty by the way. She’s poor so obviously she can’t put on much make-up! Am I the only one who thinks Tia isn’t pretty? She reminds me of Dawn Yang.

  2. Hello people stop talking about looks can ? You think the main actress wanna dress this way ? This is her ROLE in this drama , all her clothings by the director . & what’s with the she’s not pretty ? SHE’s NATURAL to me ! She doesn’t put too much make up and looks real , really like what she’s acting . In this role she’s a girl who save all her money up so of course won’t doll herself up too much right . Hello please read the storyline and think before bashing her , put yourself in her shoes -.- . For the other chars they are cute ^^ but ROY QIU still the best haha <3 !

  3. oh my god! roy’s so charming. he’s the most nice looking one with good looks n acting skills. even show luo can’t do it. AGREE?

  4. that “fu zhong” talks so slow.. its obvious that you have to care about the buyers too… its too sweet and he’s putting pressure on kai er to make it the part of the plan… too inconsiderate -_-

        • His acting is eons ahead of her…her on screen presence wouldve be eaten alive by Roy Qiu.  The two leads should be able to compliment each other with their acting and work off what the other actor is giving you.  If the lead is played by Tia Li, her limited acting would not convey well in chemistry. 

          • That’s plain complicated is it to understand….
            The real question is..are YOU from Mars…to actually think her acting isnt limited?! She has like 3 expressions, c’mon.

          • OIC. You can only understand 3 expressions of her acting… Maybe you are not from Mars. You are from somewhere nearer… Moon. Hahaha!

  5. 哈哈~ 史特龍摔得也太好笑了吧~!! 還挫屁咧~ 那個屁的強度, 褲子應該會破洞喔~
    這齣戲挺輕鬆好看的, 希望不要像有些偶像劇那樣, 到中間開始拖戲, 然後最後爛尾, 拜託~!

      • I think tia is prettier. I dont understand why they have to choose a female lead actress that is not so pretty. /:
        I hope theres a drama where tia li is the female lead actress.

    • 不會呀~ 沈杏仁雖然不是叫人眼前一亮的標緻型, 但挺耐看的, 是越看越好看的那種.
      而且, 現在整形那麼發達, 很多明星的樣子都撞款, 大家都長得差不多, 還以為是有什麼血緣關係咧~
      相比之下, 沈杏仁這種比較獨特, 有自己的味道, 我覺得挺好的!

  6. Ahhh this drama is so good! And lol, isn’t Qin Ziqi’s house the same house Ethan Ruan’s character lived in in Fated to Love You? xD

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