Office Girls Episode 07

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96 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 07

  1. 好大的一股醋味!i love how mandy always tries to smart talk but always gets bitched at in the end hahaha! i love the manager!!!

  2. mostly after reading so many comments i think its better if no one likes her or hate her(李毓芬).some people have a problem with her acting skills why not just post it on her fb or wei bo and tell her face to face rather than scolding her on the sly.those who are her fans spare a thought for those who does not like her and stop getting into verbal fights with them.its just acting.

  3. i liked this drama. Roy is hot and great !
    It was really funny when he mentioned SNSD on the way she dressed. Looking forward to next epi ^^

  4. 不得不說,越來越喜歡鄭凱兒了。可能女生會討厭她,不過在男生看來,一個李毓芬就夠了,絕對的正面形象!

  5. I think ur over reacted!! Every show is different, not like they are all the same, what for have so many different show!!! Lol

  6. 唉 鄭凱而鄭凱而 真的是裡面演技最爛的 看的好無言喔
    還是新片: 我可能不會愛上你好看


  7. I feel this production of the drama is like a sub version of the Fierce Wife, like in the music piece, textual effect and actors, to a degree, almost unbearable.   It is incomparable with the Princess’ Man of Epdrama, especially, considering its non-HD quality.   

  8. 為什麼這麼多人批評李毓芬? 我覺得她真的很漂亮, 而且角色既然是反派, 那演得討厭就算是成功啊… 何況又不是什麼一 線演員, 有進步就好嘛… 又不是每個人都能一下就上手.

    • She looks like a walking blow-up doll. No expressions, no substance, no brains – just filled up with air in her. Producers should stop using her in shows like these and give the chance to those who can act or at least try to. 

      • To  :  死Fefe 
        You thought that nobody can understand English!! You did not like her not representing nobody to like her ~ adding that she did not have cerebrum ~ not to think your ~ you worked as actor’s share did not have also to scold others ~ idiot!!

      • 雖然她的演技是平淡了一點, 表情是單調了一點, 但有時候, overact 比underact 更叫人受不了啊~ 至少她演起來沒有讓人看得不舒服或是彆扭.
        我不是李毓芬的粉絲啦, 但這樣評斷她好像 over了一點, 反倒顯得像人身攻擊了.

  9. 很老實說
    都是 批發商(wholesaler)設計 然後Ralph Lauren, CK etc.. 他們的採購經理點頭
    幾個月後 衣服就會從中國印度 運到批發商 再到品牌的門店
    如果設計師 真的都好像 余承風 連牛仔褲都自己設計的話

  10. 史特龍真的好好笑啊~ 他怎麼搞笑得那麼渾然天成啊! 他口齒不清的說 “為什麼為什麼~”, 然後秦子奇又模仿他說為什麼那一幕, 噗哧一聲笑了~

  11. 好奇怪, 一般女生頭髮放下來都比較漂亮, 但沈杏仁吃法國餐那幕, 把頭髮放下來, 可能是長度或卷度不適合吧, 搞得有點像戴假髮, 顯得她輪廓更男性化, 而且臉變大了, 反倒沒有把頭髮紮起來好看.
    反而余承風在那一場, 髮型跟服裝都好好看, 整個人變帥了, 叫人眼前一亮!

  12. 原本是衝著邱澤來看的… 沒想到不但邱澤沒讓我失望, 編劇對白都讚, 還有那個史特龍真的是太驚喜了!! 超好笑…
    小叮做事小叮噹! 哈哈哈哈哈哈….

  13. 这戏的编剧真不错,比起其他偶像剧里面台词恶心幼稚,这部戏的台词比较自然风趣,不讨人厌,赞。

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