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Young men and women enter the police force for different reasons. This is the story of how their ideals clash with reality. |
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October 25, 2008
English subtitles ?
[YT] 為什麼有人給不好的評語給teggae的留言咧?
[YT] 很真實~並不會太美化~也有把一些鑽漏洞和摸魚的一面拍出來
[YT] “等哪天歹徒用槍頂著你的腦袋,你好意思跟歹徒說你只是出來混口飯 吃嗎?”其實這句話滿有道理的
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] 蓝正龙的演技让人眼前一亮耶!
[YT] He try to help him. But i think he is good to him.
[YT] wad r they doing abt wang fang yi?
[YT] Taco是俊維‧林同學喔。
林俊維: 我不會再讓別人欺負我!
劉漢強: 對! 這個世界要公平!
林俊維: 我不要像爸爸一樣被人家騙
劉漢強: 對!
林俊維: …….我要什麼都贏別人!
劉漢強: 也要幫助別人!
林俊維: 我要很有錢! 我不要求別人! 我要很多很多很多的錢!
劉漢強: 對! 然後發給全世界的窮人!
劉漢強: 我長大以後要當警察
林俊維: 我要揍扁全世界的壞人
[YT] 樊光耀 is only 33 years old? I don’t believe it!
[YT] 新生不懂規矩是不是啊@還給我走後門呦!
[YT] 請問各位大大,那個Taco是潘士淵嗎?謝謝~
[YT] 是的, 也是光陰的故事裡的孫爸. 他是樊光耀,
[YT] 新竹啦,是客家話呀!
[YT] 再不平權待遇下被放逐的孩子
[YT] 士淵不覺得那個湯香香的嗎?
[YT] 這…
那位先生都倒在地上了說 囧
[YT] 把警察太過美化了吧
[YT] 潘士淵實在是有夠天………..
[YT] I think those two guys help her is because don’t want her to kick out from school..other wise will cost money.Those guys help their friend,too
[YT] 長官太過了,too over
[YT] 帥ㄟ翻轉那個!
[YT] 這個警察哥哥是不是之前演豆導的
墾丁天氣晴 裡面那個鈞甯的外遇對象
[YT] agree
[YT] 很有道理
[YT] 好看好看!!!!
[YT] 真的
[YT] 害羞啊
[YT] 呵,警專的新生訓練就跟當兵一樣,看了不禁讓我發笑,那些班長一副兇神惡煞的樣子,頂多只能嚇嚇那些菜鳥罷了,呵。
[YT] 李安毅這個人根本就是莫名奇妙,人家有後台是他家的事,關他個屌事,他心裡是在不爽什麼??
[YT] 等哪天歹徒用槍頂著你的腦袋,你好意思跟歹徒說你只是出來混口飯吃嗎?
[YT] 他為什麼要穿衣服洗澡啊….@@”
想當天兵想瘋了嗎…= =
[YT] this drama took a lot of effort!
i’m following this one~~~
[YT] omg i cant believe he killed 3 policemen/soon to be!!! >=o
[YT] haha but she looks hot when she dress like a guy…XD
[YT] 台灣警察制服不好看..
[YT] Je viens de connaitre cette serie, elle est superbe!Mais si vous ne connaissez pas la culture taiwanase et les differentes laugues qui existent a Taiwan, vous ne pourriez pas comprendre cette serie sympatique.
[YT] Love this drama!
[YT] 他们两个被整的好好玩哦,可惜蓝正龙了,没机会可以帅了。那个马志翔啊,一看就是个山里面的,演这种角色正像
[YT] 超写实的!!衣服都超俗!感觉拍得还不错啊!
[YT] 劉漢強有大舌頭~
[YT] 阿麼講的是哪裡的方言啊?
[YT] 幾好睇,台灣拍寫實片唔錯!
[YT] 怎麼警察都是帥哥啊 讚!
[YT] 挖 怎麼一開始就讓我快掉眼淚了…
[YT] 藍正龍 還蠻據喜感的嘛!
[YT] est-ce que la serie est bonne??
[YT] 他那個鳥頭真的很有趣
[YT] 恩~好看好看 原來警察真的是好辛苦
[YT] the xue zhang’s kinda mean. but he’s like kind in some sense yea?
[YT] gosh. the jian cha guan’s not really pretty leh??
[YT] 真是…台暴…
[YT] 哈哈~~
[YT] i think he’s trying to help him.
[YT] je sais c’est en francais, mais pourquoi en francais? Et je pense que “vous” est “you” en anglais, no?! (我來鬧的,哈哈哈)
[YT] je sais c’est en francais, mais pourquoi en francais??
[YT] its police et vous. it means police and they in french
[YT] 蓝正龙不错,和以前的角色截然不同,很棒
[YT] Pourquoi et vous??
[YT] great show
[YT] it’s a bit unfair how those two guys helped that girl just because she’s different. personally i reckon it;s unfair man.
[YT] the officer is being an asshole~~
[YT] 藍正龍 is diff this time
[YT] 花了兩天晚上看完第一集
不芭樂 讓我們了解警察世界
會繼續支持 :)
[YT] 感謝分享
[YT] 藍正龍帥斃了!
[YT] i got c hei se hui~
[YT] i like the two kids
they act naturally
[YT] excellent show (:
[YT] not easy to b police.
so scary !
[YT] they reli act well (:
[YT] taco ~
LOLS, anione saw hei se hui?
[YT] 很久没看到林佑威,第一次看桂伦镁和蓝正龙他们三人演的戏剧,这部剧还不错看地,还拍了约一年才完成哟?!!
[YT] mayb tis show cn win ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni ~
[YT] 藍正龍在這裡超可愛啊~哈哈~
[YT] 好久沒看到這麽有内容的劇
[YT] 好看啊~~
[YT] 好优的戏~ 演员又赞~~ <3
[YT] i know…..
[YT] yeah
[YT] 天啊!! 真是用電影規格在拍電視劇~導演與製作真不簡單! Taiwan’s TV series production has really high quality!! 加油!
[YT] 藍正龍演技進步了耶~
[YT] tis drama gt hw many episode?
[YT] i tink he wan to act as if he very man! lol
[YT] 波麗士=police?!
[YT] Man… they r crazy!!!
[YT] 好看, 期待下一集, 幕後花絮沒有搞笑很符合這部戲.
[YT] that girl from secret oo?
[YT] thanks so much!!!! i am so excited for this!!!!
[YT] taiwan nice drama
[YT] nice show!
[YT] i kinda like it
[YT] the police would have pulled out his whistle to scare away the bad guy aleady..
[YT] 看完第一集了!!!我會繼續follow下去,報告完畢。
[YT] nice opening =D and lan zheng long is shuai indeed
[YT] how cute… there’s somebody called Taco, like the mexican food. looking forward for this movie!!!!
[YT] i like this drama!
[YT] 謝謝>>>>所有的波麗士大人>>>雖然壞警察很多但是好警察的努力不該被否定!!加油唷!!
[YT] Blue’s hair is funny
[YT] un titre en français?? Police et vous?!
C pa tro tôt :s
[YT] Reminds me of Bao Gao Ban Zhang… just that this is police force~ =)
[YT] Ahahaha… Lan Zheng Long’s hairstyle is funny~
[YT] the soup must be soap… haha lotsa bubbles
[YT] wah lan zheng long very fit leh~
[YT] 還不錯 前兩天才被我罰 lol~
[YT] loooooooool!!!
mouse 🙂
[YT] that officer is really too much!!!
[YT] suppose to talk softly in the police force i guess…. they always emphasize to be quiet
[YT] why does that guy always whispering? He’s embarrassing himself. That robot move was funny. heehee.