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58 thoughts on “Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 15”
[YT] does the mother even have a conscience to lock her daughter up in the first place to ask her whether she has a conscience to starve herself??! the daughter is starving herself because of HER! what a bitch.
[YT] i love them cute
[YT] 哈哈 elmo008的回答太經典了!!我喜歡 !!!
[YT] 是阿
[YT] 恩….好幾面人吧………..
[YT] 榮媽其實沒有很壞……
[YT] hahah so cute!!!!!!! i seriously love these two together. xDDD
[YT] hahah how cute hes still waiting for her. xD hahaha yang yangs so cute around 5:13. yay he went to go look for her! xDDD
[YT] dude thats true to wat yunheishere said, i havent seen houses with locks on the outside of the door. lian lian + qing un. xDDD
da yu and the mom should seriously go marry each other. irritating pair. xPPP
tat old man in lian lians house is even better then the mom a hundred, no a thousand times more! xP
[YT] hahaha so cute!!!! qing juns waiting for her to come. so cute! i love those two together. cant stop smiling. xD
[YT] gosh xiao xi and qing jun looks so good together. love those two together! xDDD
man tat scene at 3:21 made my heart race, haha. damn it i thought he was goin to kiss her. hahaha so cute when she hugged him. xDDD
hahaha yang yang and ah bao are so cute bringing over his blanket. xD
gosh da yu is so annoyin always going to bother su fei.
[YT] gosh that girl tat likes qing jun is so pretty. she looks so professional and pretty in tat outfit with the glasses.
[YT] gosh thank god qing jun picked up the phone.
wat a stupid mom, shes the one whos causing her daughter to starve herself.
[YT] i love the old man at lian lians house. he is such a good man.
[YT] 看來榮家只有蓮蓮跟元叔是有腦袋的
[YT] 蓮蓮她媽媽真是見識淺薄
[YT] 有時候覺得其實他還蠻可憐的
[YT] so cute~!
[YT] that damn da wei is an idiot. freaking ass hole.
[YT] the mother can go and marry da wei herself! what an ass!!!
[YT] hahaha it was so cute when the da ge was shy and stammering at around 8:03 onwards. hahaaa
[YT] does the mother even have a conscience to lock her daughter up in the first place to ask her whether she has a conscience to starve herself??! the daughter is starving herself because of HER! what a bitch.
[YT] elle est belle!
[YT] sugoi you are sugoi!
[YT] 7:48 的時候 洋洋跟阿寶好像唷~ ㄎㄎ
[YT] 為人父母 當父母也不希望孩子把一生交給條件不好的人
只不過蓮媽媽 不知道大宇是更靠不住的
[YT] hit him in the dick instead!
[YT] i love the song that comes on with sophie and da yu or whatever his name is…anyone know it??
[YT] fucker mum!
[YT] what kinda house have locks on the outside of the door???
[YT] nooooo don’t hit him in the face!!!
[YT] hope that xiao xi and xing jun get together! 😀
[YT] 荣妈给雷劈算了!
[YT] bien fait pour ta gueule, face de cul! nlm
[YT] 哈哈,賣靈骨塔的是他朋友。
[YT] 有這麼超可愛的弟妹
到底哪裡有負擔= =!!
[YT] 如果有人算的了的話= =~~
[YT] oh my god, he really just said that
shame on him!!!
[YT] 太假了吧 江大宇!!!!!
[YT] 為什麼當初丸子不一槍把死江大宇打死! 順便把榮媽也打死好了~
[YT] how come after 5 years, Da Yue still carries the same childish face…..so naive…
[YT] how cute. he was looking all over for her! :p
[YT] da yu’s evil and the mom is just crazy
[YT] 妙招
[YT] yes, 牽牛花開的日子-電視原聲帶[專輯語言] :國語[發行公司] : [ 發行日期] :2008-9-12
[YT] 元叔>>>好傢伙!!這樣才對ㄇㄟ!
[YT] 哪个死八婆`看到她就讨厌
[YT] the songs for this show should have a soundtrack cd, or is there already one out?
[YT] I agree. horrible scene.
[YT] 容媽真討人厭!!!!
[YT] what’s the song when shaio fan hugs er ge? Who sings it?
[YT] = =天阿~~這種話講的出來,什麼鳥男人阿???!!!
[YT] 蓮蓮他媽真的太過分了!!!
[YT] 大宇,你怎麼這麼壞!!!
[YT] 蓮蓮&慶恩要加油喔!!!
[YT] love it!!!
[YT] first
[YT] ㄜ甜蜜到最後的片段…..怎會又看到大宇……哀 好感又破滅!!!!!!
[YT] 擁抱住甜蜜幸福的剎那!!!感動!!!