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46 thoughts on “Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 25”
[YT] i kinda feel bad for xiao xis dad, having a horrible wife who just as shezgotcakes said, probably just wants him to quickly die and take all his money.
[YT] the hug between xiao xi and qing jun was so cute! xD i love it! one of my favorite scenes! esp how he wouldnt let go of her for a bit. xDDD
even if xiao xi and yang yang r related, xiao xi and qing jun are not related so i dont care. i will still say: QING JUN + XIAO XI!!!! ALL THE WAY! <333
[YT] This drama is very very good. However, warn that this story is very sad, though. I cried like almost every episode. I still recommend to watch it.
[YT] good job. but what’s 華陽…never heard of it.
[YT] hahah im so happy for qing jun!!!
haha ah baos so cute, “next is for er ge and er sao to hurry and get married!” xDDD i hope for that too! xD
haha that part with all four of them was cute, where yang yang was gettin hit in the butt.
[YT] i kinda feel bad for xiao xis dad, having a horrible wife who just as shezgotcakes said, probably just wants him to quickly die and take all his money.
[YT] hahah yang yang and qing jun so cute. xDD
[YT] i want qing jun and xiao xi together!!
[YT] poor xiao xi. stupid stepmother i feel like slappin her. xOOO
[YT] the hug between xiao xi and qing jun was so cute! xD i love it! one of my favorite scenes! esp how he wouldnt let go of her for a bit. xDDD
even if xiao xi and yang yang r related, xiao xi and qing jun are not related so i dont care. i will still say: QING JUN + XIAO XI!!!! ALL THE WAY! <333
[YT] 這個淑慧以前是不是也算是搶曉希媽媽老公的女人阿
[YT] yang yang so cute lol
[YT] omg i swear those mothers crazy. first was lian lian’s mum now its that step mother! omgggggg
[YT] 哈哈 小case
[YT] poor xixi
[YT] haha typical step mother in the dramas
[YT] mr. fan has such a manly voice 🙂
[YT] that’s his personality. he’s done that many times before. anything that he does not want to accept, he plays it off like it was a joke.
[YT] oh i mean qing jun and xiao xi
[YT] they are blood related what. they share the same father.
[YT] no. xiao xi dont have blood relations with qingjun.
[YT] then that means xiao xi and qing jun are brothers sisters!!!! (not blood related but still)
[YT] xiao xi’s dad fainting so funny.
[YT] soooo happy for er ger!!!!
[YT] This drama is very very good. However, warn that this story is very sad, though. I cried like almost every episode. I still recommend to watch it.
[YT] I think when she gave him some clues, I think he’s just doesn’t want it to be real, so he’s just playing it off.
[YT] that doesn’t make fan xiao xi sister and brother to er ger? does it?
[YT] yeah, i know. i started to watch it ytd night.
its nicer than what i’ve expected. 😀
[YT] its really a very very very very goood show!!!!
[YT] his wife prolly wishes fan dong quickly dies so she can have all the money..another spoiled brat
[YT] haha 說的好 說的是
[YT] is this show nice?
[YT] poor xiao xi hope qing jun won’t start to hate his gf now..
[YT] wtfs wrong with his wife!
[YT] i guess qinjun didn’t pay attention in law class.
MUST READ carefully before signing ANYTHING!
[YT] 大宇轉性了!!!
[YT] wait.. i thought qinjun’s cell phone is dead from the previous kidnapping episode
[YT] This step-mom is so argh!!!!
[YT] yeah
she’s going to be the trouble maker
[YT] Da-yu is good now? WHAT THE….
[YT] qinjun doesn’t know… YET!!! hahah
[YT] Thank you very much! =D
[YT] 我们家换自动门啦。。哈哈哈
[YT] Thank you so much, Sugoi ;D
[YT] Ouyangyang is such a cutie! He was also really adorable in “Wish to see you again”!
[YT] so does qinjun know that yangyang’s dad is his girlfriends dad?
since he said thats why he doesnt like him.
[YT] 范曉希真可愛~~~我最愛她了!!!!
[YT] 這個繼母看這女的嘴臉就覺得 = = 真是看不下去!!!
[YT] 討厭的繼母 怎麼會有長這麼醜又心腸這麼差勁的壞女人!!!