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66 thoughts on “Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 30”
[YT] i finally figured out who that wretch bitch stepmom looks like. she looks like the female version of michael jackson!!! wonder if her nose falls off ezly as well.
yay yang yang finally got back the cute smile of a kid. so cute and swt. im so happy for him! such a poor little boy been through so much gets to be home and happy again. xD
[YT] O my god, Da yu u got to wake up, first, u a not a perfect husband and not even a good man, how could u expect to have a perfect wife?? LianLian is way too good for u already……
[YT] there are many psychopaths in this drama….. Da yu, Step mother, Yunyun…… And LianLian is so poor to have a husband like him, she deserves a better one!!!
[YT] interesting finding: Fan Jian Fu and Da Yu both look very alike to each other…just like an evolution…the former like mature Da Yu….and Da Yu looks like Fan’s early 30s….
[YT] Da Yu should know and realize that Lin Lin will not like or love her from Day 1 …this part of love triangle among him, her, and Sophie is totally bored, repetitive, and unnecessary….
[YT] just don’t know why that bitch can still have the gut to cry….she totally has no bargaining power or imprisonment for child abuse…don’t even see her remorse….2 billions given to her is really too much…should go for donation to charity instead!!! …..
[YT] they both have. lol.
[YT] 這後幾集的編劇真狗血
[YT] 給兩億離婚會部會對那個錶子太好了一點阿!!!
[YT] 這個未婚妻說話可以再更俗一點…
[YT] Lian Lian is ugly, too. Her forehead is so short. Look so weird!
[YT] haha yang yangs back to his old cute and funny self at the end of this video, tat was so cute! xDD
[YT] i finally figured out who that wretch bitch stepmom looks like. she looks like the female version of michael jackson!!! wonder if her nose falls off ezly as well.
yay yang yang finally got back the cute smile of a kid. so cute and swt. im so happy for him! such a poor little boy been through so much gets to be home and happy again. xD
[YT] i hope they made a copy cuz if they didnt then tats a stupid move to give them the disk.
[YT] thank gosh they finally put in a camera otherwise yang yang will problems when he grows up being treated like tat.
[YT] 這小女生跟她媽一個樣
[YT] 這女的真敢講
[YT] 竇智孔真的挺會演的
[YT] 真的 噁心死了 fck 大宇
[YT] yay camera!
[YT] 20billion is too much for that bitch
[YT] 二哥人好好。。。。。我要是有一个这样的哥哥我会开心死
[YT] omg .. hahahaha .. poor ah bao
[YT] too bad he didn’t learn until his brother died
[YT] 大宇是世界上最恶心的男人!!!!
[YT] yes their appearance…..especially eyes and the face
[YT] yah they have same eyes!!!
[YT] lol they should’ve first asked him if he was single before letting Ah Bao do this!
[YT] call me crazy but i think sophie and fan dong make a good couple 😀
[YT] wahlao, guys cnt hit girls lor! da yu so bastard!
[YT] dayu is the one with physical abuse symtoms, not qingjun lor.
[YT] the daughter same as the mother, so wicked.
[YT] that money is only cuz she has a daughter with him, i’m sure.
[YT] 對啊, 為什麼不多收集一點証據, 堂堂正正的在法庭把洋洋搶回來…
[YT] orh bee quack! stupid bitch!
[YT] O my god, Da yu u got to wake up, first, u a not a perfect husband and not even a good man, how could u expect to have a perfect wife?? LianLian is way too good for u already……
[YT] there are many psychopaths in this drama….. Da yu, Step mother, Yunyun…… And LianLian is so poor to have a husband like him, she deserves a better one!!!
[YT] it was 200 million dollars
[YT] yang yang was born before they met up, how can she called yang yang a bastard!!!! fXXk her
[YT] He becomes Qin Un jr=]
[YT] Da yu is too egocentric, always put himself first then the others, even to LianLian. And he really thinks himself of a perfect man……
[YT] tht bitch soooo deserve it!!!!!!!!!
[YT] i think they made a copy lar,,,
[YT] what a dumb ass father….
[YT] omg.. how dare he touch LianLian!!!!
[YT] hahah
Da Yu can’t just find Sophie like that~ Sophie is dating someone else la! Wake up, Da Yu
[YT] omg… that step mom is going to get it at the end
[YT] 等着瞧…看这后妈有何报应!!
[YT] yang yang was so smart in his old home,but in his new home,he is just a kid…
[YT] no way i think …okay maybe in some aspects but da yu is 1 million times worse. feels o bad for lian lian stuck with this jerk
[YT] 選擇了和大宇結婚~是蓮蓮這生最大的敗筆~寧缺勿濫~趕快醒醒吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] interesting finding: Fan Jian Fu and Da Yu both look very alike to each other…just like an evolution…the former like mature Da Yu….and Da Yu looks like Fan’s early 30s….
[YT] gooooood job 🙂
[YT] somebody please kick her ass!!
[YT] agree with volketball hahahhaa
[YT] Thank you for sharing this drama.
[YT] 又一個典型的大哥
[YT] 又是個典型的媽媽
[YT] Da Yu should know and realize that Lin Lin will not like or love her from Day 1 …this part of love triangle among him, her, and Sophie is totally bored, repetitive, and unnecessary….
[YT] 报应!她自找的!受到上帝惩罚
[YT] 果然又是個典型的後母阿……叫趙哥弄她…hahahah
[YT] why LIn Lin is so honest to him…she doesn’t have to say all the facts….now she screwed and jeopardized her life…..
[YT] her kid yuanyuan is evil as well, she’ll prob grow up to be like her mother, a wretch!
[YT] yang yang hao ke ai
[YT] poor sofie..always second
[YT] …. that bitch.
[YT] haha wasting bg music for da yu i like dat comment
[YT] 說實在的~~~
何必浪費那個背景音樂勒~= =
[YT] Yang Yang recovers 9 year-old child proper smiling face finally
[YT] 連連真是笨的可以了。
[YT] just don’t know why that bitch can still have the gut to cry….she totally has no bargaining power or imprisonment for child abuse…don’t even see her remorse….2 billions given to her is really too much…should go for donation to charity instead!!! …..
[YT] stupid, dont’ give them the disk but just show him the evidence….Qing Jun can use it in the court to motion for rejudgment of custody…!