Rice Family Episode 24

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Tipster Rednimer

196 thoughts on “Rice Family Episode 24

  1. [YT] @pspower when xin ya meets yi wu that time, yi wu already not together with xiao yu, how to call xin ya is the third party? now is xiao yu trying to become a third party o

  2. [YT] @MrDarcy297 哈哈哈!!他超白目的!!第一次跟珍妮聊天就說她看起來像27、28歲,第二次說功課不好 第三次說穿著奇怪。。。哇哈哈哈哈!!想死也不是這樣的!!

  3. [YT] 一武拋棄可憐的小魚和兒子豪豪…..狼心狗肺!


  4. [YT] @marchhippo YES!!!!!We love and support 心武!!!Many people also love!!
    Because 心亞 gave 一武 many powers and encouraged him!! She belives that 一武
    didn’t kill anyone!!!!!!! I believe they can overpass the problem together!!!!

  5. [YT] @snoopyyihsua

    im sure he did.. i mean.. he had no intentions of leaving 心亞 in the beginning.. i think his intention was to start a new life with 心亞 and then make amends with 小魚 and her family… who would have thought that the father really made her crazy…. oh i hope this struggle doesnt go on for too too long.. i love 心武!! XD

  6. [YT] 邱媽媽也感覺到小魚變了,她變得很自私!而且只會用東西收買別人~希望一武有把邱媽媽的話聽進去,就像王老師說的,小魚跟一武已經是過去了,一武只有責任,可是幫他愛他的是心亞啊!!!她也比小魚懂事多了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!編劇應該不會拆散一武跟心亞!!心亞也不能輕易放棄!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. [YT] hahaha 要不是陳醫師是關爸的主治醫師, 也是瑞德叔叔很熟的學弟, 不然我會認為永志叔叔是專以食物誘拐智商不足的少女 lol

  8. [YT] 豪豪很可憐 ~~ 先是被他外公拿來當威脅他媽媽的工具, 馬上又要被他媽媽拿來當作搶奪他爸爸的籌碼 ~~~


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