TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". September 12, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
25 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 05”
Sometimes, I think the 8th just sees the past happy Ruonan in Ruoxi.
omg i was at school and i would jus keep looking at the clock of when to go home cause of this dumb drama!!! its so irritating. i jus have to keep looking at the clock and hurry up and go home. i keep thinking of wat will happen and blah blah. (sry bout the word “dumb” i actually meant awesome :D)
Could nt stand eight prince. Elder sister already is his wife now younger sister also want. I think ruoxi shld be better off with other prince like fourth prince.
Sometimes, I think the 8th just sees the past happy Ruonan in Ruoxi.
“The earliest documentation of fireworks dates back to 7th century China…”
幹麻八爺要送她卓子 有病阿 該不會姐姐通吃???
Wait, I suddenly had this thought. Is 4 ye ma er dan from the old(original) series of HZGG? no wonder he has that grumpy look on his face… O.o
no he is not lol
no, they don’t look alike at all! 😛
LOLLL 若曦。。八爺。。若蘭。。。 現在是怎樣?? 犀利人妻??
怎么觉得好像没什么规矩阿?随随便便就能上街去,连便装也不用换,那不是百姓都知道他们是宫里的人了吗? 都不用怕有刺客什么的。。。
really? i thought she got together wit the 4th son…
according to the novel, she ends up with 14th
omg i was at school and i would jus keep looking at the clock of when to go home cause of this dumb drama!!! its so irritating. i jus have to keep looking at the clock and hurry up and go home. i keep thinking of wat will happen and blah blah. (sry bout the word “dumb” i actually meant awesome :D)
胡歌版射雕 杨康跟穆念慈 XD
Could nt stand eight prince. Elder sister already is his wife now younger sister also want. I think ruoxi shld be better off with other prince like fourth prince.
YouTube already got ep1-10…
really????? Youtube????
could u send the link plz?
everytime the scene that shows is in the book, i would always connect the sadness from the book to the show and start crying
so fast