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19 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 09”
Arghhhh, everytime I see the ending (song), it makes me sad! I have a feeling that those rainy days, those times they kneeled down, unafraid, and passing by, those thinking expressions, it gives me this sad feeling…
Can’t stand the Emperor~ What kind of lame conclusion is this?? He is super bias towards the 2nd prince!
And I dunno why Ruo Xi can’t see for herself that the 4th prince is soooooo much better than the 8th prince, at least he is more sincere and kind hearted and not as scheming as 8th prince!
I love damian lau as an actor but not as the emperor its not his fault though, in bu bu they made kang xi such a bad and bias person. even though the big ah a ge is kinda mean at least he’s not like the stupid cocky and arrogant tai zi that kang xi spoiled like crazy
i’m addicted to this drama. can’t wait for ruoxi’s romance with the 4th prince to begin.. although i know it’ll be tragic. the way he stares at her – oh gosh!
之前若曦自殺沒死成,四爺當是便說:你的命是我救的,沒我的允許不准死。現在又說雖是你起的頭, 但不由得你說結束, 也許你哪一天會想戴上。
比起八爺的溫柔體貼,冰塊臉四爺還真是難以打動女人心阿!雖說兩人同時追求她, 也難怪若曦會先對八爺心動。
Do not let the history repeats itself, Ruo Xi
why does Eight remind me sooo much of the Grinch!? See the resemblance?!
Arghhhh, everytime I see the ending (song), it makes me sad! I have a feeling that those rainy days, those times they kneeled down, unafraid, and passing by, those thinking expressions, it gives me this sad feeling…
Can’t stand the Emperor~ What kind of lame conclusion is this?? He is super bias towards the 2nd prince!
And I dunno why Ruo Xi can’t see for herself that the 4th prince is soooooo much better than the 8th prince, at least he is more sincere and kind hearted and not as scheming as 8th prince!
感覺怪怪的。。。既然RX是現代人。。。應該對八爺只是姊夫吧。。。怎會。。= =
why no updates??? =(((
i really want 4th prince and ruoxi to be together.. 4th prince really knows how to court girls.. hahaha
good, the first prince had it coming. I don’t like him
I love damian lau as an actor but not as the emperor its not his fault though, in bu bu they made kang xi such a bad and bias person. even though the big ah a ge is kinda mean at least he’s not like the stupid cocky and arrogant tai zi that kang xi spoiled like crazy
i’m addicted to this drama. can’t wait for ruoxi’s romance with the 4th prince to begin.. although i know it’ll be tragic. the way he stares at her – oh gosh!
i hate this emperor…they make him look like a 昏君- –
i agree, even that in history, he was one of the best emperor
ˊ0ˋ 讓我看著都想再拿起歷史課本再看一遍了! 怎麼差這麼多…….
According to history i thought kangxi and qianlong were two of the best emperors
根据康熙帝国, 他晚年的确比较糊涂了
can’t stop watching!!!!
Yay!!! It’s here!