TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". October 9, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
Poor anqi, but once the scene where she was cleaning such a pretty house i just knew she was a house keeper instead of a house owner. Suks, but she is still optimistic!
安娜真的是很莫名其妙 有一個這麼愛他的姐姐 這麼愛他的家人 還有這麼愛她的男人 甚麼都讓著他 甚麼都為她著想 但他心裡卻只有仇恨 整天覺得別人對不起她 整天覺得自己的命運不如別人 有沒有想過自己的命運是自己搞砸的 是自己毀掉的 現在殺了人還不認罪 自以為是的在牢裡發飆 到底憑甚麼!!!
Poor anqi, but once the scene where she was cleaning such a pretty house i just knew she was a house keeper instead of a house owner. Suks, but she is still optimistic!
no more feng mi T^T
first to comment 😛