Autumn’s Concerto Episode 07

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488 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 07

  1. [YT] oh my gosh i think they did change the storyline or something. i remember in last week’s trailer for this ep. guang xi was going to go to hua tin town b/c he hit someone and for some reason he went there.. hmm interesting

  2. [YT] 以茜已經陪了他六年了



  3. [YT] 小樂打的是胰島素~
    所以小樂一出生 胰臟分泌過多胰島素
    造成血糖太低 被迫切除一半胰臟維持生命

  4. [YT] i actually think she sort of has an idea. otherwise, she wouldn’t constantly ask him if his past matters / if the bracelet matters.
    we’ll evaluate her moral/ethics as the story progresses, but i think we all know who’s going to end up w/ who in the end.

  5. [YT] I think emily knew mucheng is the one guangxi loves last time and she did feel bad about being with him now. She agreed to his propose cos at that point of romantic time, who wouldn’t?

  6. [YT] Don’t know what will happen next episode when they meet up again after 6 years ! Mucheng will be very upset when guang xi don’t know who she it. Can’t wait for next episode !!

  7. [YT] 怎麼沒人發現呀…那位醫生是在總統府前面吃牛糞漢堡抗議美國牛肉輸入台灣的台大社會所博士生吧…之前新聞有說有時他會去兼差臨演, 原來此事不假呀……

  8. [YT] yes i hv been meaning to ask this question myself….its weird how she never questions that he has a g/f of some sort i mean dont get me wrong, she is a very nice rich girl..but is she really clueless to it all w/him probably involve w/some girl???

  9. [YT] i don’t think guang xi is very love emily…if so, he will change his bad character for emily…Just like the way he done it for mucheng…he is being a nice guy after mucheng shows up in his life…but he doesn’t change for emily…he still is a meanful guy even though emily shows up in his life…if you are really fall in love with someone, you will change for him/her no matter what…

  10. [YT] i dont like this part because like some1 else said, its kinda messed up for them to separate since THEY went thru a lot of things tgt too, sure, mu chan and him have a child and they loved each other, but that doesnt mean guang xi dont love yi jian now…

  11. [YT] i realize that vanness gets w/ mad grls in this show while each grl only gets w/ him… like he has so much skinship w/ all of them, and the grls dont get anything, hes so lucky haha

  12. [YT] my favourite actor in 下一站, 幸福 is Xiao(the little boy that plays MC and GX’s son) . its really impressive for a 5 year old to perform such high quality scenes. Many kids his age would be afraid to speak to crowds and have stage fright; yet he can memorize scrips and act so naturaly infront of the many other actors and camera. i really love this drama and i cant wait ’til the drama is complete. OMG OMG, i just cant stand how cute Xiao is! <3

  13. [YT] 真的很像愛在哈佛

  14. [YT] I know right?? ‘Will You Marry Me??’ sounds much better than ‘Would You Marry Me??’
    Btw. Vaness is ABC?? Srly?? No wonder when he speaks english it sounds so smooth.. 🙂

  15. [YT] 沒有說以茜是奸角,她付出了,但她得到了更多,不是嗎?隱瞞了光烯,她與光烯的6年本來就應該是慕橙的。在精神與經濟上以茜并沒有受苦,而慕橙除了小樂就什麽都沒有了。可憐慕橙而看不下去光烯跟以茜是很正常的。害我還skip掉了大半集~

  16. [YT] but i think usually they say..”will” instead of “would”

    Vaness is ABC, he should know that….lol

    i guess he just didn’t feel like telling the director….

  17. [YT] 光晞是喪失認知能力,所學的知識其實都還在,不是完全都沒有…基礎還在,學起來就很容易…會說這樣劇情很扯的人,只能說你身邊沒有這樣的人,所以無法體會…

  18. [YT] Her son Xiao Le has diabetes. But Mu Cheng always tells Xiao Le that he has to inject “energy crystal”, because his father is from another planet, and only that can keep him alive.

  19. [YT] 可是, 光晞第一次鎮靜劑沒打好醒來時跑出醫院前有對他媽說”如果沒有慕橙我就算好了也跟死了沒兩樣”, 那時以茜在現場啊

  20. [YT] 感觉光熙对以茜的爱 有点像孩子对妈妈的爱。不是说,我们潜意识里常常把出生见到的第一个人当做母亲。光熙重生见到的第一个是她,所以才表现出依赖与亲密。这个人可以是以茜,也可以说其他任何人,所以应该不算爱情吧,至少一开始不是。

  21. [YT] 我觉得你是想太多了啦。因为花田村的人应该都是比较朴实的花农,讲闽南话才比较真实一点吧。而且,他们顶多算是现实了一点,并算不上是反派和无知吧。

  22. [YT] 補充,好像以茜並不清楚慕橙的存在耶…因為慕橙出現的時候她都剛好不在現場或是台灣,光晰跑出醫院的時候她也還沒趕到現場,如果他父親以及光晰他媽故意隱瞞的話,她也不會知道原因。

  23. [YT] 很喜歡轉到七年後的轉場方式,

  24. [YT] haha…vanness acting is a bit too quick for his patient role sometimes. Like sometimes he can’t control himself and moved a bit too fast, or spoke a little too fast… but on the whole, a wonderful episode!!!=) luv it.

  25. [YT] 我覺得有點類似韓劇 愛在哈佛 的劇情
    類似工廠長期在花田村排放有毒物 會傷害懷孕母體之類 而不自知

  26. [YT] yeah she does. before she flew to the US she gave Guangxi some references to read before the big trial defending mu cheng. it was public knowledge. i guess she just didn;t hear directly form gx how deeply he was in love with mc.

  27. [YT] i wonder where his old pals who knew about mu cheng have gone. in fact, the whole university who knew about them. anyway, …

    and to be honest, guangxi was with mucheng for a short while, whereas he has been through so much with Emily. i’d say his love for her is real enough.

  28. [YT] 光晞整個人品都變了.

  29. [YT] 我也不太懂..1定要找講台語的嘛.

  30. [YT] the love he give yiqian is juz thankful, but the love he had for mucheng is real love. i think 以茜 is selffish for not telling him about his past, but most people would be selffish in love.

  31. [YT] 這是怎麼回事? 這部戲裡所有反派或 無知角色都是講台灣國語!
    南部台灣人大多是說台灣國語 他們是我碰過最善良的人民

  32. [YT] argh, guang xi’s character now? rich, conceited b*st*rd. eww i mean he survived that brain surgery just to forget mu cheng, become a famous yet against own morals lawyer?
    i seriously pity mu cheng

  33. [YT] i dont know what pple think but the fact that vanness can forget his pain through one surgery and that mu cheng as to take care of her kid and suffer so much, i feel so sorry for her ):

  34. [YT] 以茜也付出很多,,,6年….可是…光晞對她的是感謝多於愛吧…而且她自己也知道她是人魚公主裡面的人類公主,而不是人魚公主呢…..

  35. [YT] omg xiao le “recognizes” his daddy! thats what i call blood relation. its stronger than anything in the world. its sad tho that they thought guang xi purposely didnt come to find her when he really lost his memory!

  36. [YT] tuo ye must be the greatest “dad” im all teary. i think u can really see the difference between the work of a male director and a female director. the style is totally different. maybe because im a girl, i get emotionally moved more to this drama than anything else.

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