Autumn’s Concerto Episode 20

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815 thoughts on “Autumn’s Concerto Episode 20

  1. [YT] @francessica,

    HAHHAHA LOL… i just love your comment. i know so unbelievable…you have been lonely and suffered??? WTH, u have a beautiful g/f hahah…. the director made his character very ‘chauvinistic’ and kind of selfish u know… So WHAT IF she was w/TY right? isnt it only fair? sighh…

  2. [YT] Jesus Christ is the only way to God! We are all guilty of sin, and hell is the penalty! The good news is God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross and shed His blood as the acceptable payment for our sins. Jesus came in the flesh, died for our sins, arose from death, and will come again! You will be forgiven and receive eternal life by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Call on Jesus!

  3. [YT] oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    ” KK的空間 我的生髮見證照 滋養液 半年 ”


  4. [YT] 方哥被刺的地方應該是右邊脖子吧? @@”

  5. [YT] 突然發現…
    與拓也打鬥的時候 刀子應該是拿在右手
    拓也的左手必須與之對抗 應無空檔拿取凶器

  6. [YT] theres nth wrong with the prosecutor. hes doing wat hes supposed to do. that is to make the accused into the guilty. and don forget the prosecutor is someone pro at this. so no surprise. hes the PROSECUTOR, hes not helping fang ge at all.

  7. [YT] 就一個檢察官的角度來看,他是以現有的事實做他認為正確的決定,先不論他從沒見過案發當事人,即使他認識也應該要屏除所有的私見以證據還原現場,所以一旦他認為所有證據指向花拓也是個殺人犯,他抱有的價值觀就是要讓有罪者伏誅,你能說他錯嗎?爭強好勝也許有,但我不認為在法庭上他的行為有不當之處,頂多只是對事實的錯誤認知而已。

  8. [YT] @yan102111

    檢察官又不是神, 怎知是花拓也是自衛下才殺人…當然是以證據來辦案…

  9. [YT] 陶大義好奇怪 他為什麼要這樣
    二來還要求法官判得越重越好 這是什麼心態啊
    不算好檢察官 只是爭強好勝而已

  10. [YT] @yan102111因为警察根据证据了解到花拓也很可能是报仇,因为他们两人之前有过节,并伤害过对方,警察办案是看证据,而不是用感性处理,就像你说的,花拓也是好人,但这也许是他的片面之词.

  11. [YT] 我的確還沒看到後面,所以不知道檢察官後來說的,只是先看先講,我只是覺得奇怪,如果要定花拓也的案,為什麼一直逼他說他殺人,而不是問他是不是自衛殺人?檢察官應該知道花芬芳是壞人,想當然知道花拓也很可能為了保護自己或花癡心所以很可能在花芬芳強逼下不得已殺害花芬芳,反而一直逼他承認自己不是自衛是蓄意或是已經謨略好的呢?我只是不懂這點~

  12. [YT] @yan102111

    現在是在審花拓也的案, 不是花芬芳的案…你沒看到最後法官在退庭時說的話嗎?
    另,不是劇情白癡, 是你沒看懂,加上年紀應該還小 社會歷練不足…

  13. [YT] 不要以為看了幾部港劇就對法庭戲有多了解…
    連台灣 香港 是大陸法系和英美法系都搞不清楚的人,要批也請批對地方好嗎?

  14. [YT] 我猜編劇是寫周進財綁架小樂….要不就是…..有人故意要讓光晞和和慕橙有機會把話說清楚….不然怎麼突顯出本劇的主旨……幸福…呢

  15. [YT] 這部戲的演員都很好, 演拓也的吳慷仁 ,演花痴心的朱芯儀都長得好演技也很好,不要看痴心時臺灣國語,朱芯儀 上淡江大學法國語文學系,法語也能通吧?

  16. [YT] 我不懂得是這位檢察官腦袋有問題…因為他為壞人辯護還一直要好人認罪~花芬芳明明就還注射毒品在花癡心身上~還吸收一些女子做酒店小姐,難道沒有罪?那警察官也明明知道花拓也是為了救花癡心才可能失手殺人,被什麼還一直要定他罪?難道花芬芳跟他的小弟罪很輕嗎?不用管嗎?幹嘛一直定好人的罪~劇情感覺好白癡喔

  17. [YT] 還有,台灣的法庭上


  18. [YT] 檢察官又不認識花拓也,

  19. [YT] 拜託~這個場景是台灣板橋地方法院好嗎?

  20. [YT] @moonandrabbit,
    OK, if she thinks its cute for kids to call parents by name then explain that reason u know but never but since its ending next week, HELL v wl never know hahahaha…

  21. [YT] @moonandrabbit,

    hahahah LOL, i have been asking about this crap forever but NOT ONCE did the director explained Y that is u know…. I know i personally find that weird as well. I mean i doubt any kid wl call their mom by name at such a young age u know esp ASIANS which v r taugh to b respectful and NEVER once did the director explained Y.

  22. [YT] @doolish23




  23. [YT] no offence, but i can’t agree the doctor’s method in making chixin recall… like how she deliberately snatch the necklace.. not all cases will worked like now, it will only make the patient feel worse n become bersek..

  24. [YT] 我想所謂的沒有見報,應該是指沒有將任爸爸的名字,以及他是方家女婿的事情報料出來吧~~報紙上面寫得是「已婚男子」與「陳女」~~

  25. [YT] 與香港的法律程序差好多喔 , 不是法庭書記先問被告是否認罪 , 才到檢方開案陳詞嗎 , bj太隨便了吧 , 有很多不對勁的地方耶

  26. [YT] 被告以凶器刺入被害人的頸動脈
    所以該當271殺人罪 但被害未死 昏迷
    所以論殺人未遂!!! 但被告可主張正當防衛來阻卻

  27. [YT] 被告以凶器刺入被害人的頸動脈
    所以該當271殺人罪 但被害未死 昏迷
    所以論殺人未遂!!! 但被告可主張自我防衛來阻卻

  28. [YT] @volu1005 the news that the fang family suppress is the one about the suicide, the one that get to the news is the parapazi news of the couple when they first got tog

  29. [YT] 拓也不是之前已經被光晞勸服了嗎?他不是說他為了家人肯與光晞合作嗎?為甚麼到了這裏又說人是他殺的呢?造成了矛盾.

  30. [YT] 如果檢方認為是預謀殺人,那花昇彬的行為就是共犯當中的幫助犯,彬仔應該一併被抓,同為被告,怎麼可能還和花田喜氏坐在一旁勒,這劇本也太隨便了~

  31. [YT] 原來大家一直以來都誤會方董事長了. 想不到她原來是個心地善良的人. 然後…總感覺方董事長之後會用這個來說服光烯接受慕橙的說!

  32. [YT] 那算我沒知識了. 我從來沒有看過這麼小的高等法院還有不可能沒有其他人旁聽的.台灣沒有報紙的嗎?如果沒有怪得沒有其他人在旁聽.還有律師的助理(師爺)一定是坐在律師身旁的.

  33. [YT] 台劇應該好好跟港劇參考一下. 這宗是謀殺案這個法庭看似來不像高等法院. 高等法院不會這麼小而且肯定有坐席給市民跟記者旁聽的. 台劇常常都不照顧到細節. 難怪始終不能跟港劇看齊

  34. [YT] Gary~你的笑太詭異了啦!! 是訂3張單程票嗎?! 哈
    小阿姨不是很窮?! 中樂透了嗎?! 哪來的遺產?!
    期待破10~破10~ 我想看慕橙跳”大小鋼管”啦 XD

  35. [YT] finally all the misunderstandings are clearing out. im so happy for all of them.. next ep is gonna be a happy ending for everyone. guang xi and mu cheng. most likely tuo ye and chi xin will be together too.

  36. [YT] i love autumn’s concerto this drama’s awesome! The lines th actors th filming th bonds th whole plot goes right down deep into ur heart! I tot this was supposed to be th last ep? Dang i really cant wait…., looking forward to ep21! Keep it going guys! I hope th ending’s gonna be sensational! :>

  37. [YT] i dun get it…. if 光希 thought it was 花癡心 all that time, he could’ve just told 拓也 that she wouldn’t be charged…

    she’ll get off with self-defence anyways….

  38. [YT] @aaa197862002,

    I know so goddman FUNNY hahha….take care of your son n your wife? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO? OMG, this episode is sad but does have it funny moments too. i cant believe they made us wait another week for 30 mins of ending thou? will be rushed i am sure….oh well…

  39. [YT] 唉/333

  40. [YT] 看到这一集才发现自己也从来没有对妈妈说过 我爱你 虽然在心里默默的念过无数次,却始终没有勇气说出口。
    下次见到妈妈,我一定要抱紧她,对她说出 我爱你 这三个字!
    谢谢你 下一站 幸福 !

  41. [YT] 好想好想看下一集哟。。
    不过又会好舍不得。会不想看完因为是最后一集了。。 :(

    我`爱死【下一站幸福】啦! 真的好好好好好好好好好好好好好看! 《3
    永远支持{!} ;]

  42. [YT] 也许拓也是想说痴心他不知道自己杀了人,而是认为人是拓也杀的…所以拓也才想帮痴心顶罪…

  43. [YT] Gary的偷笑在前面的某一段….

    還有稍後花姨要慕橙打扮的時候 慕橙的笑


  44. [YT] Guang Xi’s mother is really a good actress. Her facial expressions tell more than the words she said. It’s a very touching scene about their mother-son relationship but too bad this part of the episode attracts less viewership than other parts.

  45. [YT] 他是有苦衷啦


  46. [YT] i’m sad when he doesnt want xiao le anymore but started laughing when he actually nod and start talking about yi qian and america lol!!!!!!!!!!gary is always trying to impress his boss lol!!!!!!!

  47. [YT] 這倒不是
    可能是”業務需要”才被逼著改掉的 ?



  48. [YT] 妳唱的很好、〈月亮代表我的心〉鄧麗君主唱是臺灣人、中國和臺灣是兩個不同的國家、妳觀賞的這部影片〈下一站幸福〉是臺灣拍出的、新年快樂

  49. [YT] i really love what tuo ye said in here the who do you think is the YOU is so funny!!!!!!!and my conclusion for guang xi is he is still suffering from PTSD lol!!!!!!!mucheng needs to be more aggressive!!!!!!

  50. [YT] 方董真的演得很好. 光晞问她为什么的时候…这么多年来从来没有对他说过温馨话, 甚至说了我爱你, 她把那种动容却又不习惯,尴尬却又心切的矛盾完全体现在语气和表情上. 再加上这么催泪温馨的背景音乐…看得我哭惨了!!

  51. [YT] what’s mot impressive about this drama is all of the actors and actresses can cry!!!!!!!!even the little xiao xiao bin!!!!!!!!they really bring the emotion alive!!!!!!

  52. [YT] 超愛這集的!!!!!一直又哭又笑xD..T_T
    真相: 光稀對他媽媽的誤會,光稀媽對木成的誤會,癡心誤殺人,還有!!最重要的是拓也終於說出慕橙離開的原因(還有嗎?^^)!…最後一集真心就要流露囉!!!超期待!而且我發現癡心之前的超級台灣國語沒了!其實癡心換長髮髮型可能也代表著變成熟有氣質了吧..另一個情侶哦!

  53. [YT] @imsoaaa

  54. [YT] 該不會Gary先前聽到光晞要訂單程票的偷笑,是因為他比較希望光晞去美國找以茜複合吧..不然他後面也不會說,老朋友敘敘舊度假待個一陣子也不是不可能的…真是好大的膽子啊..哼哼~或者他是開心要是boss在紐約發展他也可以跟過去了..

  55. [YT] 應該是痴心殺的沒錯, 因為托也的燭台上沒有血! 拓也用的是右手, 要用那麼大的力氣刺傷花分方的右頸有點困難… 純粹個人的推測…

  56. [YT] 拓也就是傻的。。

    以為幫癡心頂罪就能讓她脫罪 這樣就會幸福。。

    他有沒有想過到癡心想起來的時候知道他為她頂罪癡心比自己認罪了 更痛苦啊 花拓也真是!@¥%

  57. [YT] vanness: but this is all in the past now. i’ve already requested for us to separate. and she has already accepted this outcome. this is the truth i see, her last choice/decision, will never be me. leave. ur mom is waiting for you. [ends at 7:16]

  58. [YT] Vanness: Yes, she is very silly and
    *selfish. Who does she think she is, helping me make my own decisions, who does she think she is? to leave me alone, all by myself. to live on with my life all alone, will i be happy? chris: yes, she is very selfish. she didn’t ask you, but you’re alive. isn’t this more important than anything else? i believe, then, if you switched roles with her, for the people who you love, you would have made the same decision. unless if you don’t love MC enough.

  59. [YT] MC only left because she wanted to save you, wanted you to let go of her, to accept HeDong(yi qian’s father)’s treatment, which is why she got me to help her lie to you. These six years, she knew you were still alive, yet she couldn’t go find you just because she didn’t want to ruin you and your mother’s relatoinship. but right now she has to take this hatred from you, do you know how sad she is?

  60. [YT] yet you can’t think of such a simple answer? the answer is, MC this silly girl, from beginning to end has only loved one man. Ren Guan Xi, it’s you. It’s also because of this reason she couldn’t not lie to you 6 years ago. Vanness: you said Mc lied to me?
    Chris: You really think MC is such a realistic girl? 6 years ago, if it wasn’t for your mother who asked her to leave you alone.

  61. [YT] chris: Lawyer Ren. You mustn’t still not know the reason as to why MC left you right? vanness:what are you trying to say?
    chris: have you ever thought about it? if i was the one she has chosen from the beginning then how come in these 6 years she still wouldn’t accept me? why would she keep teling XL he has an alien father. keeps telling him to yell, “mi xu mi xu” xu xu xu you you you. Who is that “you?” you are a good lawyer, so smart on court

  62. [YT] chris: did i hear wrong? you want me to take care of your own son? and your own wife? then what do you have to do?
    vanness: i’ll go explain to MC. In the beginning i only kept her by my side was because i thought we could change something, but in the end we only ended up hurting each other. what MC said 6 years ago was right. I’m really not the person who she can rely on, the person who can give her a tomorrow. you are the one.

  63. [YT] vanness: this can only prove that i am a good lawyer. others…. are nothing.
    chris: what is that suppose to mean?
    vanness: what i mean is, as a lawyer, i’ve already helped you bring MC and XL back to you by your side. my responsibility is over now, so i hope you can continue this responsibility you had for them for these 6 years, and treat them well.

  64. [YT] start from 2:46:
    chris: 6 years ago at the school’s court, you saved MC and now you helped me. the truth is obvious. you are the one who has the ability to take care of MC and XL(the two of them).

  65. [YT] @urasiansourceCpop2
    i know so funny. always love TY, hes so funny and its a sad episode but TY’s words are so damn funny…修修修you you you , also the part, I will take care of you kid n your wife, what r u going do? LMAO, hahahaha so damn funny.

  66. [YT] 該不會是阿財吧 ?? 不過阿財應該被抓去關了不是嘛 ??… 好多疑問喔..
    多有一集真好 再多真的就拖戲耶..
    這樣也不錯啊 不是嘛 ?

  67. [YT] 是時候該小阿姨出現了……

  68. [YT] OMG~!!!!…i thought this was the final ep…and i was like wat kind of ending is this…
    but when i saw the final previeww…now tat is an ending…!!

  69. [YT] 好噁心的爸爸喔,跟自己的學生搞外遇啊?

    光唏媽媽好可憐,這麼多年自己兒子最珍惜的地方是自己最討厭的地方. 🙁


  70. [YT] i’m not gonna lie, i don’t give a crap about tuo ye and all that murdering business D:< i've skipped past all that in the past episodes so i don't really know what's going on 😛

  71. [YT] Ahhh so good!! I really like the similarity between this court storyline and the entire gx/mc story, with one person losing their memory and the other person wanting to protect them. Yay go writers haha.

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