Black & White Episode 07

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264 thoughts on “Black & White Episode 07

  1. [YT] he went into the building without disguise… with the amount of security cameras in the building.. he is bound to get in trouble.

  2. [YT] rlly,sorry i guess im mistaken,haha cos dramas like frog prince or fated to love you get such high ratings and when ppl talk abt good ratings its always like 4 or 5 b4 its considered a success like how the cast always says they will quan luo if it breaks a certain number.i dont live in taiwan so i dunno how it works but thats what i get from watching the entertainment shows.its great news to me that zaizai’s show is doing well i luv him!! rlly just curious when i ask isnt 2% considered rlly bad?

  3. [YT] 其實我也這麼覺得

  4. [YT] haa. haa. that big boss was the guy in X family. It’s hard to see him in a serious role, cus when I see him, it’s always been funny. …….that computer dude and that chief police must be in it together, eh?

  5. [YT] 同意,要用看一部拍得還不錯看的戲那樣的心態來看 ,要不然台灣有那種笨條子和整天狙擊老百姓的惡棍,還能住嗎?( 雖說,某種程度上也反應了事實啦)

  6. [YT] 不知道应该说那些黑道真的有够白痴的,还是有商业良知啊,会把厂内的枪都调走,却把陈在天所买的枪留下。。。。

  7. [YT] 這部戲從一開始就把所有東西重新設計,

  8. [YT] actually…i’ve been thinking that 陳琳/陳意涵 reminds me of someone at certain angles…now i think she looks like a younger version of 趙薇…but again, only at some angles.

  9. [YT] tv rating for this drama series isnt bad at all in taiwan…coz taiwan audience got more than 110 channels to choose from…2% is actually pretty good. btw, Tsai’s production’s always popular here

  10. [YT] wow,115000plus ppl have watched this as of now,that is AMAZING.except for super famous ones its so rare to see a drama video so popular!sad thing is that wikis reported tv ratings seem to be SO BAD its insane,i dont get how zai can be so popular,his acting so credited by the critics and the media and yet his shows always seem to do so badly in terms of ratings,i dont think the taiwanese have such bad taste they dont watch shows with substance like this! come on ppl in that country, buck up!

  11. [YT] 那时监视器的人都已说只要有个电脑高手在外面潜入也能关掉监视器。浩克很有可能。陈组长可能带走蓝西英,浩克可能关掉监视器,那么是谁带走证物的?有可能是还有同党,也还有可能是浩克顺便拿走的。

  12. [YT] 恩 讓他調查的時候眼神怪怪的 不過記不記得組長到檢驗科的時候在那個槍哪裡的行為也怪怪的~ 而且mark說有內奸的時候 他的反應有點激烈

  13. [YT] 就算是跟黑道買槍 不是也可以得到證據嗎~ 比對之類的 那個組長只會在兩個人有什麽發現才出現 然後選擇自己抗下所有榮耀 還是他們抗下所有黑鍋 鄙視

  14. [YT] 笑了. 人物设计本来就是要这样, 一个性格火爆的英雄+一个处事圆滑的痞子, 而且那一场英雄火了吼那个陈队长也没什么不合理啊. 我也想吼那个家伙很久了!! 最令人讨厌的角色!!

  15. [YT] 英雄從第一集吼到現在還在吼,覺得有點想吐的感覺,害我每次看到英雄頭都好暈。會吼才帥嗎?要表現個人英雄主義應該還有很多方式。

  16. [YT] their leader has got to be the most useless shit policeman iv ever seen on tv, ever since the beginning he only uses emotions and pride to do his job, only hoping to look good in the news, his policemen find a break in the case at the risk of their lives, he finds them beaten and tied up and yet all he can do is throw a tantrum, hes freaking irritating to watch as a character even, so weak!

  17. [YT] He’s got her mobile phone to access the Gangster Head’s vault room. First, the phone was obtained without her (Head’s daughter) consent. Secondly, he enters the room to look for evidence but without permission or warrant from a judge. In accordance with police and criminal evidence law and procedures – generally any evidence obtained in this way would be inadmissible in a court of law.

  18. [YT] Finally they confirmed that she is the daughter of the gangster (01:07) – didn’t they know that it is a conflict of interest for a police officer to associate with gangsters. In the previous episodes she simply walked into a police dept with cakes treating their dept. Is there a police station that would freely permit a known gangster Head’s daughter into the private office area – what happened at the police station reception, they don’t have one?

  19. [YT] 痞子英雄從一開始設立海港城啦三聯會啦北區啦南區﹐這樣一步一步來﹐
    本來只有小瑕疵﹐可是這場戲真的讓我有點失望。 完全一樣的臺詞跟

  20. [YT] 這個在三聯會大眾前吵架的戲碼很差。


  21. [YT] 台灣的幫派根本沒那麼有體制吧++還穿制服哩

    看到這情況我開始懷疑日本的幫派是否真的有像媒體報導的那樣有體制= =

  22. [YT] but is zai tian gave her to use oni ma.. remb wat he said to her, i think the cup is juz meant for her to use oni n yet she gave ying xiong use.. This can see she really like ying xiong alot

  23. [YT] 为什么陈琳可以进去啊, 她又不管三联的事, 平常一个女孩子没什么戒心, 真有什么需要进去的时候可以跟别人一起啊

  24. [YT] I’m actually excited when watching this show, it’s good that it’s not those other drama that u could predict the ending from the first ep..

  25. [YT] 把人綁在上面~是不是學成龍的一部港片~




  26. [YT] 其實在現實生活中,像英雄這麼衝動的人早就死於非命了吧?!跑到人家裡砸場子怎麼可能就這麼算了?!這劇情太不合邏輯了。

  27. [YT] 吴英雄你真是够了…
    人家陈琳好好给你一个台阶下, 你跟她翻脸…
    然后你居然跑去找喜欢你的女生诉说你怎么”伤”了另一个女生…. 怎样, 你是嫌西英她还不够”知音姐姐”啊….

  28. [YT] i read about the part where they were hanging beforehand. zai zai said that they had to hang like that for a long time and it was really uncomfortable.
    thx so much. i was waiting for this!!

  29. [YT] i love how ying xiong never has to completely tell the whole story to xi ying, but she always knows whats on his mind and listens to him so intently. i really want them to be together but i donno if thats gonna happen

  30. [YT] i like how pi zi just slowly tries to hide in the crowd of all black clothed ppl while he’s wearing all white, hoping they wouldnt see him. hahaha he got ying xiong in trouble and tries to hide. lol gotta love zai zai. his “pi zi” is so funny and charming

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