Black & White Episode 10

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441 thoughts on “Black & White Episode 10

  1. [YT] dude, the hot dog man just said he wasn’t there, but then he changed the story to…”I was just a bystander.” yea..lying thru his teeth, man. Catch him ying xiong!

  2. [YT] 將軍在前面幾局
    陳在天跟 英雄 因為阿德提供的錯誤線報誤闖
    總統候選人的飯局內 有 拍到 將軍的身影
    坐在 總統候選人跟 局長中間 所以 將軍不是
    會長 不同人

  3. [YT] this is so impossible that pizi never get hurt after such a huge bomb, because when a place was exploded, the person around the place where there is explosion will usually become unconscious.

  4. [YT] 我也覺得那個將軍是三聯會老大、陳琳的爸爸,不只聲音像,外型也有點像…雖然沒看到他的臉,但藏住臉,是不是代表他是一位露臉後會讓人嚇一跳的人?

  5. [YT] 動畫應該是穿插在當中吧…
    因為這漢堡店聽蔡導在節目中說,是請來專業的爆破小組來進行的說…所以爆炸的場景確實是真的,光是在這集這場爆炸場面就畫了300萬…真敢花錢的說= =

  6. [YT] A friend just pointed out to me this suspicious guy with blonde hair, wearing a cap, who went in and then out the restaurant. See 6:06 min and 6:50-6:57 min. PIZI even turned back and looked at him when he left. He might be the real bomber, and not Xiao Ma.

  7. [YT] 女神小玫可能是壞人喔!!

  8. [YT] 在第四集後面花絮有一幕小玫脫帽離開漢堡

    店… … 所以她沒死~




  9. [YT] could it be that xiao ma planted a bomb to kill pizi’s gf so that pizi will be distracted with anguish and so xiao ma can gather more info from him? this is so complicated… cos xiao ma made use of pizi’s weak moment to save his thumbprint… just guessing.

  10. [YT] I think those black-clothed people are controlling chen lin’s dad and many other powerful people, could be from sarkozy… and i agree that chen lin’s dad could be both san lian hui’s chair and the police boss. this is like the best taiwanese show i’ve watched!

  11. [YT] 對啊.政府口口聲聲說要振興觀光.把行政院擴大內需680億撥出10億,就可以拍10部像痞子英雄這樣的好片.光是東南亞日本韓國粉絲來台的數量,肯定不輸給中國觀光客.

  12. [YT] 陈琳爱上陈在天是因为陈在天每次都在她最伤心的时候出现然后安慰她。不像英雄,每次都只会让她伤心。如果是我,我也会爱上痞子的!

  13. [YT] i think they are being used by other ppl. cuz that black clothed woman is the one who killed that man in the hospital. and seems like they were trying to kill an zai’s mom, whom chen lin was protecting. so they cant be part of san lian hui. that means their boss is not chen lin’s dad. i think he’s like the boss of the police department or something. i might be wrong. there are so many speculations! oolalala exciting!! hehe

  14. [YT] 我覺得 我有點點懷疑兩陳兄妹說~~~ 因為~~最後預告英雄說~~~對你而言 我們三個人究竟算是什麼??? 但卻又不得不覺得…..兄妹說的 可能性超大!!!!! 一切只能等 禮拜六上演了!!!!!! 這部片 真的 要靠大家推廣啦~~~~台灣超棒動作派連續劇!!!!!台灣加油!!!!!

  15. [YT] but isnt the 2black clothed ppl from the “CIA” o something? they went to Pizi to ask him to report to them in the last epi but he refuse. And if not mistaken their boss is chen lin’s dad. so i guess the plot thickens. mob guy = police top officer?

  16. [YT] 幫助陳在天的可能是前調查局辦案高手

  17. [YT] 不可能氣爆啦,有一點常識就知了啦



  18. [YT] 你們有沒有注意到……………

  19. [YT] 後來再去看一下前面那集(EP2)…在英雄車旁等那個短髮女的男的不是高義….sorry…是跟那個短髮女一起去痞子家的那個男的….

  20. [YT] 其實…
    西英比較能包容痞子吧 我想

  21. [YT] 其實仔細看的話就可以發現導演從一開始就一直在鋪喜歡痞子的梗了呀 並不是誰救她就喜歡誰 而是之前痞子就有很多貼心小動作吸引陳琳了

  22. [YT] 看到幕後花絮的一些片斷 有看到何小玫好像其實沒死 在爆炸之前他從另外一道門走掉了 且眼神帶點詭異~~
    怎麼會這樣 我寧願他是死掉的~
    拜託 讓他心中的女神是美好的吧~~

  23. [YT] Actually I really don’t understand why u all think that they maybe a bro-sis relationship…I personally think it is obvious that there is somekind of relationship between chenlin’s dad and pi zi…but not kind of dad-son…haha..idk..just see next weekepisodes…a long week to go!Lol…

  24. [YT] 我倒是注意到一個伏筆, 就是英雄開始在吃味陳在天的女人緣了, 西英和陳琳在乎痞子的狀況比英雄的多~我想… 英雄個性裡最黑暗的一面漸漸被挑出了..

  25. [YT] 小玫真的很漂亮,是一种让人不由自主喜欢上的美好,在她身边一定很温暖而快乐,如果在天和她一起的话,他们一定会很幸福,只是命运只是让相爱的两个人阴阳相隔!

  26. [YT] 哈哈,也沒什麼其實~

  27. [YT] 陳琳她爸先說她特別不可以跟陳在天在一起
    後面預告時 三聯會會長又說 陳在天是他一個很重要的人
    外加…他們都姓陳…= =+
    要是他講了 他活不過一小時= =+

    總總疑點加起來.. = 陳在天是三聯幫公子!!!!!

  28. [YT] 陳琳在前幾集也有說,把她從捷運裡背出去的那個人, 讓她感受到爸爸那般的保護感(以陳琳的成長環境來看,有那樣權勢的父親,也許他自小就對老爸有所仰慕)。


  29. [YT] 那個調查局短髮的女的是那個去醫院注射殺韓國人的短髮女是同ㄧ個(高義在英雄車旁等的那個短髮女)…..但是跟短髮女ㄧ起去痞子家的那個男的有去飯店要殺高義….越來越難猜….

  30. [YT] 痞子好可憐,尋尋覓覓好不容易找到所愛的人,可是卻被恐怖分子炸得粉碎。那些恐怖分子應該拿來血祭那些死者,再誅十族。

  31. [YT] 很好看,在下近幾年大多在看日、韓劇,好不容易有一部夠水準的片子了,不會讓日本和韓國瞧不起了,如果政府能像韓國一樣多贊助一點經費就更好了!

    Go! Go! Black & White

  32. [YT] the preview (7:47 to 8:47) stated that he’s a very important person to chen lin’s dad and also chen lin’s dad warned her that she shouldn’t get too close to chen zai tian, so there’s probably some kind of relationship between them.

  33. [YT] i think cuz chen lin’s dad really forbids her to get close to pi zi, and somehow pi zi is a HUGE part of san lian hui who they have been using for some purpose. like it was obvious san lian hui was the one sending him secret clues and providing him lots of money and a huge house….so perhaps ppl think he is chen lin’s dad’s another son? oh well!! it will all be revealed next week! YAY

  34. [YT] 好討厭等待啊~…為什麼每次都是最精彩的時候就沒有了.每次預告都是那麼讓人迫不及待的想要看……想等到全部出來一起看,但是手不聽話的點開了這個視屏,.呵呵

  35. [YT] wow this is the first taiwan drama where i don’t know wat is going to happen next. the show just gets better and better with every episode, so much character development..

    im still hoping chen lin will get together with hero tho…

  36. [YT] cai dao is the man!! i love how passionate he is. ivy, mark and all the newbies are very lucky they got to meet such a great director who cares so much about the actors, and not just making money. the more i watch cai dao talk about his projects, the more i really admire him! he trained so many great actors in this drama. and man!!!! everything is soooooo awesome!

  37. [YT] i dont think they are blood related. that would be too awful for the fans. but pi zi def is related to san lian hui. and he’s being used by them, in a good way. but thats not even the main climax. i want to know who the “bad” guys are!!!!! the real ones!!!

  38. [YT] chen boss guy is such a hypocrite and a big fat liar. so obvious he is a traitor!! i hope the bad guys really get it at the end. it seems like san lian hui is actually protecting pi zi, at least for the time being, giving him clues to solve cases, sending xiao ma to check pi zi. even tho they prob are just using him, at least i dont think they really do plan to kill him or something. cuz chen lin’s dad told her to never get close to pizi ying xiong. but those 2 black clothed guys are def bad

  39. [YT] sooooooooooooo intense!! 3 groups of ppl who all want pi zi. sigh. why is this getting more intense every episode. lol my heart cannot take the suspense!!!! i hope they really find some lead to whos the bad guy.

  40. [YT] yeah i think he’s only checking to see if pi zi’s house is bugged. so he can protect him and make sure that the bad guys-the 2 on the roof-arent controlling him and using him for their goals.

  41. [YT] 那兩個應該是國防部的吧

  42. [YT] 每次看這部戲真的都想給蔡導夫婦拍拍手!!! 他們把台灣偶像劇的質感增進了一大步!!! 以前看偶像劇看一集就不會想followup~ 這次真的不一樣!!! 故事內容很緊湊!! 選角選的好~ 選景也選的好!!!! 台灣的景色真美!!!!

  43. [YT] 小玫和陈在天很配阿

  44. [YT] 我到過火燒現場,是不能有一個地方是白色的!!!還有是燒到高溫是不可能有一個地方的裝修可以保存下來的!!拜訪佈景的設計師要有一點常識~!!爆炸現場是滿地碎片怎可能坐在地上!!!

  45. [YT] Before I thought 可樂 was killed because she was about to leak some info, but now 何小玫 too. Possible that they died because of 陳在天?

  46. [YT] 两人说好谁都不能离开谁~~~~想不到才短短的一天女的就离开了~~~~痞子等待了那么久都白等了~~~~ How sad ~~~~

    really a great drama ….

  47. [YT] 他,爲了她,等了三年。

  48. [YT] 這麼好看的片

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