Black & White Episode 15

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

295 thoughts on “Black & White Episode 15

  1. [YT] its very obvious, most ppl would have guessed it correct. I am sure u r not th onli 1, cos i guessed it correct too. No offence…. Sorry. Jus my personal feelings.

  2. [YT] 公視目前沒有海外頻道,規劃中,所以可能要請你從網路收看了,希望它未來可以跟youtube合作,像bbc那樣,有專用的網路頻道!

  3. [YT] boooo…im not liking the script right now…..

    it was very good until now….hopefully they will have some other twists and make the ending good…..

  4. [YT] ouch… Usually, they release new episodes at sunday mornings in our location’s time then the ones with the subs follows up by sunday evening. It’s already monday yet i can’t find the subbed version… 🙁

  5. [YT] 不是, 其实看的出来陈在天也是喜欢陈琳的,只是他一直没忘他的初恋,加上他唯一的朋友英雄也喜欢她,所以在天选择退出…

  6. [YT] 真不知道为什么大家这么喜欢在天和陈琳在一起?一点都不配!陈琳倒似一个不懂事爱撒野的千金大小姐。。。倒希望痞子最终和西英在一起!!!

  7. [YT] 為什麼陳在天會一直問自己有Dreamer的反應的問題?

  8. [YT] 喜歡大雁跟馬小明!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. [YT] 从怀疑陈在天是会长儿子开始..就觉得陈琳是收养的..他们2个最后不是会在一起么.?可能为了保护在天..所以收养陈琳掩饰一切..会是这样么..?

  10. [YT] 回lovejamheather~~你國中倫理道德沒有念好喔~你居然說同父異母的小孩在一起不叫亂倫~~OMG~~那可以是天大的亂倫哩~~~~OK?!!!!

  11. [YT] 陳在天 應該真的是會長的親生兒子



    大雁還需要調查嗎?! 他都講出這個方法了 呵!

  12. [YT] 對阿~!!說的真對!  擺明串通好的



  13. [YT] 大雁跟痞子說:當初你的五官長得非常槽,整型手術是他們有史以來最複雜的。痞子跟大雁說,你這人真不是什麼好人,竟然說我原本五官長得非常槽糕。…..這裡有笑點,蠻好笑的。

  14. [YT] thanks for replying, but are you sure? Usually I see televisions subtitles using the first one, and if you try typing this three characters out with 新注音輸入法, automatically you’d get the first one!
    But I’m still not sure which is correct^^”

  15. [YT] 對對﹐啤酒為什麼永遠都只是這個牌子﹗

    問題。 哈哈~

  16. [YT] ……….之前那两个探员不是要西英配合他们要陈在天的指纹..理由就是他们查到陈在天有整形而且不知道他之前的身份么 = =

  17. [YT] …………………………………….因为之前那两个被马小明杀死的探员当时去找西英说他们查到陈在天有整形,并且之前的身份不明..所以他们要西英配合他们把陈在天的指纹发给他们啊…..

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