Black & White Episode 23

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353 thoughts on “Black & White Episode 23

  1. [YT] 會長腿不是被射中….


  2. [YT] 西英應該要提防有人跟蹤吧
    都被追殺這麼多次還學不乖 冏
    感覺這集有虎頭蛇尾的嫌疑 =^=

  3. [YT] 好怪….. 明明很緊張的劇情…突然小馬開始講”這曷二十九年前的一個夏天..一個純樸凡0小鎮裡..發生的愛情故事…….”

  4. [YT] actually i agree with that ju zhang… why in the world did they hang around to chit chat waiting for bad guys to come knowing that everyone around them is bad….. strange strange..

  5. [YT] 蔡導的預算可不少啊


  6. [YT] 完了~~也太好看了吧從 第1集到最後一集都沒有冷場的好戲.
    蔡導是如 何用這樣少的預算拍出大螢幕的戲劇

  7. [YT] 唐蓁這個角色就在大東橋上跟蹤拿包裹的李先生出現, 李先生被雙胞胎姐弟刺殺後, 陳組長質問吳英雄踩線時也跟在陳組長身邊的刑警

  8. [YT] 媽的,越到後面,怎麼越多不合理的畫面ㄚ,原本可以很融入劇情的,突然下一個場景一變,那ㄟ安內!!ex:奇怪!!陳琳怎麼知道薩克奇聚點ㄚ,還有一些怪怪的地方,真是讓人很難進入狀況耶!!

  9. [YT] 痞子跟西英這兩個人的關係超曖昧的,朋友以上戀人未滿。西英不比陳琳差呀,痞子跟西英很速配,乾脆就送作堆算了。

  10. [YT] 为什么西英每次都是一个人去冒险… 而且, 痞子跟西英也对视的太久了吧, 我都以为他们要kiss了咧…
    英雄演技变好了, 全场眼眶泛泪~~~

  11. [YT] wow so sweet for every one of the fans to come and watch at a beautiful night. i wish i can ever attend something like that. and the actors are all awesome. all have sense of humor. feels weird watching the bad guys joke around but i wish i can watch them fool around more. *sigh* i dont want it to end!!!!!!!!! *tears*

  12. [YT] lol the part with xiao ma was so breathtaking and suspenseful but then he opens his mouth and said “lets get this over with” with a terrible accent and i cracked up. lol SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD man yingxiong was so damn strong breaking the rope with bare strength. i guess desperate times make u stronger than u realize

  13. [YT] 西英真的好強,


  14. [YT] lololo… of all modes of transportation for transporting something so important, it had to be the PUBLIC subway in the middle of the night.

  15. [YT] 他媽的。。。。。好屌!!!打的好厲害!!比起那些臭屁偶像劇的打戲好看多了!!而且又是用真槍!!屌死了!

    但西英。。。如果真實生活中我立刻就拿了晶片就bye bye………但。。。。。。是劇本

  16. [YT] whoa zai tian so cool shot the guy in da head! and….ying xiong whoa drinking man niu…and is it THAT easy to just deactivate the c4? lol no one at the station! LOL its always been on his car and NO AMMO! LOL! and why are they attkcing that ship?

  17. [YT] lol i like how hao ke’s friends is just like WAH KAO! this is real stuff? OMG I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE! TOo intense! my hearts like beating! lol xiao ma speakign english…o no zai tian got shot!

  18. [YT] Ying Xiong does not know 會長 is friend with the president, how would he be able to deduce that he’s the president’s son? Plus, there are so many si shen zi around, he won’t be so big-headed to assume that just becasue he’s one, he’s definitely the president’s. He will only know so if the 會長 has already told him, or he found out that the 會長 is friend with the president and trying to protect him.

    Sorry, do not mean to argue your point, just voicing my doubts. 🙂

  19. [YT] 都已经救出痞子了,那就快走啊…为什么要留在大堂里慢吞吞地讲故事等局长来灭口…这个角色的时间真是史上最短….

  20. [YT] YES XIAO MA YEAH!!! idk y, but xi ying looks hotter in this ep! lol xi ying and zai tian hugging, xiao ma’s just standing there awkward. omg jasons back…so scary! oh so emotional ying xiong and president…

  21. [YT] 。。。。。。。

    如果不是劇本的關系,不是一部虛構劇的話,我一定會飆臟話的 —— 陳琳太自以為是了吧。。。。(要冷靜。。。。。。。劇本劇本。。。。。。)

  22. [YT] oh no poor huei zhang!!! I guess Ying Xiong was curious, since this was a HUGE news, and he knows that he himself is a si sen zhi, and so once the president said it, ying xiong knew, its that obvious. yeah seriously, whos tang qing?

  23. [YT] How did Ying Xiong know to go to the media conference? He cried, does that mean he knows that he’s the president’s son? How did he know? It was not shown in the previous episode.

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