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[YT] @Alecruby yeah ! LOL, right now, i want him and Rainie to collaborate again and tell her how he can sing + he’s got his own song too. ^.^ Cause she once pointed out how singing is Mike’s weakness. XD
[YT] @Alecruby yeah ! LOL, right now, i want to see him and Rainie collaborate again and tell her how he can sing + he’s got his own song. XD Cause she once pointed out how singing is his weakness. ^.^
[YT] lavidalocaliving is seriously nonsense…she is from hong kong and mandarin is not their mother tongue at all. Of course she have a weird mandarin accent. To me I think she did her very best in speaking mandarin.
[YT] @katherinejklo
Did I use any dirty word? Did other ppl use dirty words? You are the only person that’s rude! Go get a life and stop replying to my comments.
[YT] @lavidalocaliving Im not a fan of no one, and you are rude youself at the start so stop complaining if you get treated rudely. No one said it was a crime of whatever your thinking, I’m just saying, you cant stand her accent, well I cant stand people like you complaining. Fair does?
[YT] @Junglegal88 Any lottery winner worth more than 5mil NT(before tax) must make an appointment with the lottery organizer/publisher bank (Chinatrust Commercial Bank中國信託銀行) first then collect the money from their main branch. This is to make sure the identity of the winners are protected. It is different from what they have in US. Prizes worth below 2000NT can be collected in the lottery shops/banks.
[YT] @katherinejklo
you are very rude if you are a fan of someone, I will think whoever you support deserves to have a rude fan like you!
why should I say cantonese? It’s a Taiwanese drama, isn’t it reasonable to expect actors to speak Taiwanese or Chinese? Is it a crime to be surprised by an accent?
[YT] @lavidalocaliving please, if you don’t understand Mandarin, wait for English subtitles version. All the money he made he had to give it to loan sharks his dad owe== and the actress is from Hong Kong, that’s why she has an accent.
[YT] @mlal1027 he was on tv! before Calling For Love, it was Because of You (Fairytale Under Starlight) starring Baron Chen aka Dylan. Maybe lack of promo and starry cast thats why not many knw about it
[YT] @SHOWMiiLUV Charlene only use her cantonese to yell at Mike at the book store, the beginning cantonese is by the actress who protray Charlene’s mom
[YT] @lavidalocaliving Mike explains that his character in the drama is at the point where everyone knows him but he is not yet rich. He said that things like this do happen in the ET industry.
[YT] cant stand the actress’s weird accent. I would not sit in her cab.. 小美 is handsome as before, but if on this show he’s a big hot star, how come he still has to worry about tuition fee?
[YT] @xkumagorobeamx yea.. i realized it after 😛 Went to watch Down with love and it was also traditional characters… i didnt even realize then! I guess they use more complicated vocabulary in this ? 😛
[YT] @Junglegal88 maybe its because since the government owns the lottery, you get the money from the bank.. not sure though. worked in the store b4 but never played lottery 😛
[YT] the other taxi guy is cute ^^ wish hed have short hair though -_- … and that other girl, the actress from hot shot. she seems kinda fake in this drama… i just hate the way how she talks -_- and the two fans are funny. keke 😀
[YT] why are they writing the caps in fan ti zi ? There are waaaay to much lines for my eyes! -_- and i cant help but to read caps whenever theyre there, even though i can understnad perfectly.. argh, its kinda annoying lol. isnt this drama aired in Taiwan and not in HK? anyways, hope itll be good ! ^^
阿sa 国语这么好?~
[YT] 是換換愛的第10集~
[YT] 為什麼一個大名星會沒有兩百萬
[YT] 還校花呢-..-
[YT] 彩券應該在書櫃的櫃檯那吧
[YT] 太瞎了 垃圾車就這樣走了 丟垃圾在地上
[YT] 呀sa超生氣,呵呵,,說廣東話:p
[YT] 所以彩卷去了那裡呢
[YT] 所以傻瓜在旁邊耶 哈哈
[YT] @hosfanjackie 你意思是人物設定她是香港人,但是自言自語卻用國語不合理吧//
[YT] D sound超似海派甜心xdxd
[YT] 因為都是賀軍翔演的押
[YT] @Alecruby yeah ! LOL, right now, i want him and Rainie to collaborate again and tell her how he can sing + he’s got his own song too. ^.^ Cause she once pointed out how singing is Mike’s weakness. XD
[YT] @Alecruby yeah ! LOL, right now, i want to see him and Rainie collaborate again and tell her how he can sing + he’s got his own song. XD Cause she once pointed out how singing is his weakness. ^.^
[YT] 配音好怪
我好開心, 透過網上平台, 今月兼職賺到$4230
[YT] @amxiwa 就想賴著你里還不是被配音了. 這裡沒被配音ah Sa 的角色本來就是來自香港. 大陸電視劇要配音才聽得舒服吧. 要不然一部劇里10幾種國語口音怎麼聽啊.
[YT] 陳志愷變好看囉^^ 之前太太太~~瘦了,現在這種體格比較好看喔
[YT] 哈哈哈 阿sa好可愛還在拍
脫掉那邊也很好笑 哈
ps 他只是問問而已 別那麼生氣吧
[YT] 阿sa和阿力在一起很可愛
[YT] 陳至愷長得真的很美型耶!!
[YT] 我的天 真的舌吻阿O_O
[YT] 阿sa說上車的時候好可愛^^
說話聽起來很可愛 笑的時候也是 哈哈哈
[YT] @Bubbizfan I know he sounds nice hehe his fans always make fun of him when he sing, he so talented!
[YT] 有浩子..怎麼沒有阿翔…
[YT] @hosfanjackie 第一,這是台劇,第二,她是TWINS的阿SA…你不知道!?!!
[YT] Charlene演的太棒了
[YT] Charlene演的太棒了
[YT] 阿Sa 寵物那邊太可愛了 呵呵
[YT] 阿Sa好可愛 真好看
[YT] @amxiwa 是呀!原汁原味!表現呀sa的真!好好看!
[YT] 太好笑了 翻垃圾 他們兩個應該很辛苦吧
[YT] 阿Sa演的好棒
[YT] 脱掉 脱掉~ 脱掉 脱掉~
[YT] omg 阿sa超可爱哦!!!!!
[YT] 这就是我比较喜欢看台剧的原因之一
不管国语讲得怎么样 都是用真声 不像好多内地电视剧老用配音 听起来超别扭~
[YT] 阿 原来两人以前认识阿 呵呵
[YT] quite interesting drama here.
[YT] 阿力是誰,好帥@@
[YT] 開頭的廣東話是代表德馨媽媽的
[YT] @jynxsze123
[YT] why why love and devil are ba da show rites, so is this show
[YT] they left the rubbish @ the roadside??!!
[YT] @Sht911204 完全同意,可能真人是gay,從心而發,很自然很好戲做回自己喔LOL
[YT] 廣東話is good….. I’m Cantonese … you can ask any person in HK, she speaks very local cantonese,
[YT] @hosfanjackie 見識少,躲在井中談天下,可憐你
[YT] i don’t know why, but bua yah’s hair is so fake.
[YT] yah… the beginning is kinda weird………… especially the cantonese.
[YT] yah… the beginning is kinda weird………… especially the cantonese.
[YT] @chingkakaka
[YT] 換換愛
[YT] 其實彩卷在那裏??
[YT] @chingkakaka 對啊:D
[YT] 好好睇:) sasa:D
[YT] 不高興你可以轉台!!!!
[YT] @hosfanjackie 拜託香港人不能說國語嗎?
[YT] dong fang xiang and yuan daying favourite, where gt ugly..
[YT] future x cops HAHA
[YT] “哇哈哈” 那個人的名字好酷
[YT] @LeMoNxP 真的噎 我還一直在想到底像誰
[YT] @hosfanjackie 我是香港人,呀sa是以Twins出身的,她跟呀嬌是香港的組合,你是山洞人嗎-_-
[YT] 我要看男男吻!!
[YT] 楊惟晨的角色找許瑋甯演會比較適合吧!
[YT] The Voice Is NOT Charlene (ah Sa), please do not fight over it. You can hear Charlene’s cantonese and compare.
[YT] Im sure that is Mike’s tongue haha…I know that secret ^^
[YT] @hosfanjackie 喂 一個人只能懂一種語言嗎
[YT] lavidalocaliving is seriously nonsense…she is from hong kong and mandarin is not their mother tongue at all. Of course she have a weird mandarin accent. To me I think she did her very best in speaking mandarin.
[YT] 女2怎么回事 表情僵硬
[YT] 為什麼這些廣東話可以讓那麼多人討論?!!!
[YT] 舌吻~o~
[YT] @fuukofly @fuukofly 別白痴好嗎 下一段吵架就有廣東話
[YT] 小美被至愷强吻…
ar sa好可愛喔
[YT] ar sa真的演得很好….
不過那楊惟晨很生硬 好醜喔…
[YT] 不是齊阿姨是秦阿姨 我也記得惡魔沒有這段的
[YT] 另外那个女的是谁 (不是ah sa )
丑死啦 讲话下巴一直懂 她可以不要有戏份吗
一点都不会演 辛苦我们了
[YT] @fuukofly 不是啦,開場的那段廣東話是德馨媽媽寫的話,自然不是阿Sa講的,跟合約無關。Part 5裡講廣東話的部份才是阿Sa講的
[YT] omg .. look @ 6:35 – 6:39, Mike He has his own song !
[YT] 廣東話開場那段,不像是阿sa的聲音… 廣東話好差!
[YT] 小甜甜好好笑!:D
[YT] 很好看;) 期待下一集~
[YT] de xin & ah li are so cute!!
[YT] @katherinejklo
Did I use any dirty word? Did other ppl use dirty words? You are the only person that’s rude! Go get a life and stop replying to my comments.
[YT] @lavidalocaliving Im not a fan of no one, and you are rude youself at the start so stop complaining if you get treated rudely. No one said it was a crime of whatever your thinking, I’m just saying, you cant stand her accent, well I cant stand people like you complaining. Fair does?
[YT] 百痴!啊sa是香港人呀!
[YT] 7:02 真的是小美的歌!
[YT] 好好笑 ~柏野魂 !
[YT] 但當然,那也有可能是劇中阿SA媽的心中讀白
[YT] @swyhead
[YT] @loveenusia28
i agree your point
[YT] 好多人都評論小美的髪型不好看,是呀!小美快D換髪型師la~~他不會弄頭髪!
[YT] 哈!點解小美被人強吻???好想看!!
[YT] 廣東話開場那段,不像是阿sa的聲音…
[YT] @0sally0331 呼叫比海派更早拍完
[YT] @0sally0331 一樣的導演.一樣的製作人
[YT] 阿SA不错
[YT] 7:02 小美的歌 🙂
[YT] 阿sa是香港人,會說廣東話很正常嘛,正如小美是台灣人,會說國語也是很正常的事,只是你們一般見識才對吧
[YT] @hosfanjackie 因為這是台劇…….
[YT] 7:45左右的小美還蠻可愛的
[YT] 和海派一樣片尾都是黑色框框,這部戲套用好多偶像劇
[YT] 老闆娘花痴…ㄏㄏ
[YT] 為什麼越來越難看了?海派明明就很好看為什麼要接星空,又因星空難看馬上又接這個。雖然小美很帥,但真的不好看。
[YT] @Junglegal88 Any lottery winner worth more than 5mil NT(before tax) must make an appointment with the lottery organizer/publisher bank (Chinatrust Commercial Bank中國信託銀行) first then collect the money from their main branch. This is to make sure the identity of the winners are protected. It is different from what they have in US. Prizes worth below 2000NT can be collected in the lottery shops/banks.
[YT] 經紀人怎麼那麼像gay
[YT] haha好好笑
[YT] 片頭曲好聽XDD
[YT] 陳至愷比較帥
[YT] 間屋好似換換愛 嘉蒂住個間呀!!
[YT] @katherinejklo
you are very rude if you are a fan of someone, I will think whoever you support deserves to have a rude fan like you!
why should I say cantonese? It’s a Taiwanese drama, isn’t it reasonable to expect actors to speak Taiwanese or Chinese? Is it a crime to be surprised by an accent?
[YT] 我也期待第二集!快D!
[YT] 小美擁有令無數人迷戀的眼神^這也是我們的心聲!!
[YT] o 我也中了小美毒!每天不看小美的戲便有失落感!小美love you XD
[YT] sa演得不錯吖!有新鮮感!
[YT] love 小美 x 無限^^^^^^
[YT] @lavidalocaliving please, if you don’t understand Mandarin, wait for English subtitles version. All the money he made he had to give it to loan sharks his dad owe== and the actress is from Hong Kong, that’s why she has an accent.
[YT] @mika880829 so you expect her to speak canto in like half of the whole series? :S
[YT] @MeowBlep
ok. tks. I guess since I left taiwan long time ago, things have changed.
[YT] @MeowBlep
ok. tks. I guess since I left taiwan long time ago, things have changed.
[YT] @biggestECfan
thanks, then that makes sense.
[YT] @biggestECfan
thanks, then that makes sense.
[YT] @mandyfd510 惡魔在身邊是中視的, 換換愛是華視的. 很好奇為何華視敢用中視的片段.
[YT] @mlal1027 He was in Corner with Love, Reaching for the stars, Starlit.
[YT] 讓我想到bl,,xd
[YT] @mlal1027 he was on tv! before Calling For Love, it was Because of You (Fairytale Under Starlight) starring Baron Chen aka Dylan. Maybe lack of promo and starry cast thats why not many knw about it
[YT] 怪怪怪怪怪怪怪=_=
[YT] @LeMoNxP: btw, where is Dylan now? I haven’t seen him on tv for a while.
[YT] I like the supporting actor (i mean not the lead actor), I think I saw him before in other taiwanese drama.
[YT] i could tell from intro this didnt look like hk drama. LOL.
[YT] @mandyfd510 有ok 有 有有有有 你有沒有看??
[YT] @wilsonjaiii
[YT] 是惡魔啦= =
[YT] @wilsonjaiii
講得有d 5正(好似)
[YT] @superbbbbb 我不明白你的意思
[YT] 哈哈 嬲到廣東話都出埋XD
[YT] 浩子好可愛XD
[YT] 第二集就親到了喔?
[YT] 所以~柏野會廣東話喔?xd
[YT] 好期待第2集xdd
[YT] 阿sa的os怎麼不是廣東話呢?!
[YT] 可愛的sasa!!~
[YT] 令女的sasa!!
[YT] 楊惟晨真的不正-,-
[YT] 我覺得阿sa全程用普通話來演是很不容易!!
gd show!!阿sa!!
[YT] 廣東話的開場~好特別喔xd
[YT] gd!!阿sa做得好好!!
[YT] 阿力,好帥啊!!!
[YT] sa sa ^^
[YT] ar sa so lovely ?!?!
[YT] 阿sa氣到廣東話也出來了
[YT] 可愛的阿Sa
[YT] 阿sa真的是香港人..因為這是偶像劇- -“
[YT] 浩子好帥唷!
[YT] 真的ㄝ!
[YT] 是換換愛 😉
[YT] @LOZAN816 是吧
[YT] 阿sa好可愛 ; D
[YT] 電視中的女聲是楊丞琳-換換愛
[YT] @nokbee 02:10那個側影真的好像hebe哦,還是聲音跟片段都來自不同的地方
[YT] @VIOLINYinG 你不要不懂裝懂= =….
[YT] @boomCWT& @xfamily96
1:50 說了齊啊姨…所以女生是齊悅囉
[YT] @Jay8018 好像看到舌頭了啦
[YT] @luvfahren 這位”朋友”,你無知我不怪你!!不過請你尊重一下這部劇的
[YT] 我見到小慕橙*v*(不好意思
[YT] mike is so handsome! it is good!小美帥呆了!
[YT] @l0vethreegui 廣東話也是這樣說的
[YT] @SHOWMiiLUV Charlene only use her cantonese to yell at Mike at the book store, the beginning cantonese is by the actress who protray Charlene’s mom
[YT] sa很可愛
[YT] the cantonese part doesn’t sound like ah sa’s. hmmm.
[YT] Interesting
看看我的节目!! 我是美国人,但是我会说中文!请给我的录像评论,好吗? =) Xie Xie Ni!! Duo xie!!
[YT] 陈至恺好帅!
[YT] @hosfanjackie SA 是香港人阿 = =
[YT] 真的舌吻……………..
[YT] 他們吻得好像…
[YT] 主題曲好好聽~
[YT] @lavidalocaliving Mike explains that his character in the drama is at the point where everyone knows him but he is not yet rich. He said that things like this do happen in the ET industry.
[YT] 換換愛也很好看<3
[YT] 廣東話好鬼死好笑XDD
[YT] oh my God.. this necklace is from H&M that i hv also
[YT] @luvfahren 拜託!我相信呼叫大明星拍的時間不會比星光下的童話遲 !!! 只是比較遲上而已!! 更何況阿sa是有足夠經驗的 要不你來演演看哦 有問題哦你!!
[YT] 賀小美真的是帥翻了啦!!
[YT] 默默地..那是書面吧??
[YT] 好恐怖的廣東話….
[YT] Woww finally…Been waiting for this for ages XD Yayy 阿Sa!
[YT] 卓妍小姐的確不容易 國語對白全實錄 而且他是第一次演台灣偶像劇
對台灣觀眾也算換換廣式口味吧 而且是女計程車司機~
[YT] 如果呀sa 是香港人,那她自言自語的時間又怎會說國語呢?
[YT] 俊男美女的組合 外加 計程車司機 與大明星之戀 的題材 可看度還滿高喔
[YT] I reakon the lottery tickets in carlenes place. cose i think she took the book out… and then it fell out while she took the book.
[YT] @luvfahren 你老母吃屎吃少了?抄你媽啦!兩部劇都好看啊不可以嗎?白目!
[YT] 阿sa看起來比阿嬌單純多了
[YT] @nokbee 不是鬥牛要不要嗎,那是hebe的聲音吧
[YT] @ajipaliang exactly!!!!!!!!! is that his tongue??????? i feel weird~
[YT] 哈哈激到要講廣東話xd好可愛:-*
[YT] around 7.35 there is it mike who sing ?? look like his sound
[YT] 好好笑XD
[YT] 可愛的寵物~
[YT] @VIOLINYinG有什麼差的?
[YT] @luvfahren
[YT] cant stand the actress’s weird accent. I would not sit in her cab.. 小美 is handsome as before, but if on this show he’s a big hot star, how come he still has to worry about tuition fee?
[YT] 那女的一點也不美-,-
[YT] 大明星當眾翻垃圾= =
[YT] @nokbee is why why love
[YT] 開頭的廣東話好差…..
[YT] 好中文@@
[YT] @wing3616 我也是
五官是漂亮的 可是不怎麼配合
[YT] sa so cute<3333
[YT] 呵呵~1:50-惡魔在身邊…
[YT] @luvfahren 是你眼睛瞎了吧?!
你看不到 AR SA演得多好嘛??
[YT] 為什麼我覺得那個什麼晨不美= =
[YT] notice sth at 7:50 to 7:51
[YT] @luvfahren 那你去演演看
[YT] who sing the ending song? I heard Mike sing in here too 😀
[YT] 巴鈺和小甜甜好好笑
[YT] 他是陳至愷 演過真命天女和轉角遇到愛
[YT] 阿Sa也太可愛了把 哈哈
[YT] 喜歡阿sa的聲音 有點沙沙的
[YT] 期待好久 😉
[YT] 那個男的是誰啊? 好可愛喔
怎麼會有這麼年輕又帥的taxi driver啊?
[YT] 柏野廣州話是打飛機,炒飯的意思.
[YT] 阿力好帅哦!
[YT] Omg 小甜甜=0=
[YT] omg!!! finally this drama is up!!!!!
[YT] 氣到廣東話也出來了!XD
[YT] finally after so many mths of waiting….
[YT] 阿Sa那句 巷口見 也太可愛了吧!
[YT] 阿Sa的演出很棒!一個香港人全程用國語演出很不容易,不會看的人就不要胡說,人家阿Sa可是真真正正的影后級人馬來的!
[YT] em gai cua nhan vat chinh dien te qua> noi chuyen guong gao qua the
[YT] @waipoon1989 不是嗎?難道你們都眼睛瞎啦?演技這麼差,整部劇都被她搞的一點都不好看了。
[YT] 莎姊(優兔不讓我打英文)國語進步超多
[YT] @luvfahren 阿sa出來演就准沒好劇看?你腦子被槍打過哦?
[YT] the taxi scene is from Madonna’s BMW commercial!!!!
haha. just something.. random.
[YT] @LeMoNxP agreeee
[YT] 脱掉脱掉!
[YT] 厄~那个女主角好假漂亮可是好假
[YT] 阿sa!
haha but I still can’t get used to the accent…
and is it possible to get to 130+ mi with that many cars to take over?
[YT] @Winterlvr10 That’s Charlene Choi Ah Sa 蔡卓妍 and she’s singing her newly released song as the CFL themesong called “愛贏才會拼” 🙂
[YT] @xkumagorobeamx yea.. i realized it after 😛 Went to watch Down with love and it was also traditional characters… i didnt even realize then! I guess they use more complicated vocabulary in this ? 😛
[YT] @jaaaaayL cuz tw uses tradition characters too…
[YT] Thanks for sharing. Are you going to sub it in English though??
[YT] 06:46 事蔡旻佑的歌ㄟ! =D
[YT] the ticket might be dropped off the book and left at the cashier desk
[YT] love to watch Chen You Fong, the taxi cab owner….so bitchy boss…
[YT] @jaaaaayL The way she talks is really annoying. why guys like this kinda girl…
[YT] did they ever think of going back to the bookstore?
[YT] the lotto ticket may be left at the bookstore…
[YT] mike’s hair’s funni
[YT] why is everyone asking money from boli? it’s not fair 🙁
[YT] @luvfahren actually the ideas now, are all old. there is not really such a thing as ‘original’ anymore.. it’s the 21st century…
[YT] i remember some Taiwanese said the closed captions are for disable people….
[YT] 好帥哦 <3
[YT] @Winterlvr10 Charlene Choi. She is from hong kong. a famous singer
[YT] the taxi scene ngs were so cute. zhi kai and charlene are so cute together.
[YT] whats the song in the begingin the girl singing?
[YT] Wow this is so good, Charlene makes the screen so alive. and MIKE omg miss him so much! YES fab pairing!
[YT] i want to watch te next ep =(
[YT] I love mike and Charlene!
[YT] Mike and Charlene so cute!
[YT] looking forward for next ep
[YT] @cianwen MIke switch books with Charlene, but omg where is the book
[YT] @jaaaaayL
i agree, the way she speaks really bothers me too.
[YT] MISa are so cute, I can’t wait to see epi 2, they make a cute couple! Waited so long finally get to see it. YES great series!
[YT] Mike and Charlene are so cute! and omg Chen zhi Kai the second male lead is handsome as well.
[YT] LOL, MIke and Charlene HOT. OMG, Charlene haha starstruck!
[YT] thanks sooo much for sharing!!
[YT] I love it, they are so good! they are so cute!
[YT] where’s the lottery ticket? ;o
[YT] @Junglegal88 maybe its because since the government owns the lottery, you get the money from the bank.. not sure though. worked in the store b4 but never played lottery 😛
[YT] that house is the same house as the 1 in Prince + Princess 2!!!
[YT] xiao tian tian & ba yu ahha
oomg omg i can’t wait for next ep and it’s kiss scene so fast omg
[YT] why collect the lottery money from bank????? shouldn’t be from the lottery company???
[YT] lol. 5 10 15 20
[YT] 當大明星 也太心酸了吧…..
[YT] why why love haaha
[YT] Mike’s hair style can be improved …..
[YT] awe ah sa speak catno;D
she is so cute
[YT] @LeMoNxP i agree with that. XD
[YT] the other taxi guy is cute ^^ wish hed have short hair though -_- … and that other girl, the actress from hot shot. she seems kinda fake in this drama… i just hate the way how she talks -_- and the two fans are funny. keke 😀
[YT] his sis is too cute le ba? XD
[YT] @luvfahren
[YT] xiao tian tian & ba yu are so funny
ah sa is so cute
[YT] that looks like one of the Madonna’s MTV clips…lol
[YT] 呼叫大明星 去年早就拍好了 只是拖到現在才播 ~~ 哪有抄襲星光下的童話啊!!!!
[YT] why are they writing the caps in fan ti zi ? There are waaaay to much lines for my eyes! -_- and i cant help but to read caps whenever theyre there, even though i can understnad perfectly.. argh, its kinda annoying lol. isnt this drama aired in Taiwan and not in HK? anyways, hope itll be good ! ^^
[YT] 那男的造型好像以前《命中》的Dylan
[YT] do you have part 6? 🙂
[YT] thank you!!
[YT] It seems interesting and great~~~
[YT] Seems like the synopsis is the extension of “Because of you”~~~>all about debts and money
[YT] 更本就是抄襲星光下的童話的idea,有沒有新的創意啊?阿sa出來演就准沒好劇看
[YT] can’t find part 1…
[YT] never seen such old MV director….lol
[YT] thanks for sharing!<3sa
[YT] omg omg thaaaaaankkk uuu
Mike he & ah sa<3<3<33<