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[YT] @cherriblossomxz yeah, well its in shanghai, for the part with the sister.
thats what i meant, cause i thought it was in taiwan but everyone had that accent
[YT] OMG, next week’s epi will be even better. HAHAH I LOVE The NG. Charlene anticipated for the guytoguy kiss for a whole day haha. man, love this series~!
[YT] 呀SA好似讀稿咁……
[YT] 不知道是否呀SA要讀國語對白,覺得好似不自然咁
[YT] 嘩有點噁親下去了-..-
[YT] 有必要交代做什麼嗎.?
[YT] 有沒有人知道那裡時台灣什麼地方喔?
[YT] @on3coolos3r LOL thanx 😀 i like itt tooo !!! kakkaa
[YT] haha, every ad is taken in the same place… 😛
[YT] @speshow2323 I LIKE UR NAMEE[;
[YT] 敢咀我的最愛—–小美,大膽!!哈哈!!
[YT] 小甜甜真的很可愛,超喜歡伙他。
小甜甜你不是喜歡小豬嗎? 哈哈, 說笑!!
[YT] 突然阿sa說廣東話,小美很帥。
[YT] 真的很喜歡小美
[YT] 小美超帥,個人對阿sa沒感覺,但絕對喜歡小美。我幾喜歡小美和楊丞琳這一對,特別是惡魔在身邊和換換愛,小美那種攝人的力量也是難以抗拒。
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 警察好搞笑
[YT] Nokia commercial!
[YT] @alfredlostlol 夏和杰?? 😀
[YT] i feel this show shld be aired b4 hai pai nt some tong hua shit
[YT] 還冒煙勒 好好笑喔!!
[YT] 辦案的方向很怪耶
[YT] 還瞪大眼睛看xDDDD好笑欸
[YT] 阿力小時候好可愛!
[YT] 籃球不過10個人在搶 柏野有多少女人在搶xDDD
[YT] @gaganoel1 同意你既講法;其實我想問佢個播放時間系點架?!
[YT] @Winterlvr10 That’s Go 走 by Evan Yo 蔡旻佑!!
[YT] 這段影片的8:00~9:07的歌曲是甚麼阿???
[YT] 柏柔跟德馨長的好像唷!!
[YT] 阿力再說德馨你是我哥兒們耶
[YT] 柏野和那個女生在親的時候被阿SA拿來想像成他自己
[YT] 幹!!!!!
[YT] 哈哈 最後那幾秒好白痴好好笑XD
[YT] so weird. the sister is from china but the brother is from taiwan
[YT] a li is CUTE!
[YT] lol
the police is interrogating them to bits but they forgot about the real bank robber
[YT] 沒想到阿力和小美會親””冒汗
[YT] 我覺得能請到蔡卓妍來演 導演真的太屌了
[YT] 有人知道從8:00 開始播的那首歌的名字嗎??
[YT] 至愷..到最後一幕看到相親的人~
[YT] 阿力和小美親了…..
[YT] @snowlsl
[YT] @wing3616
[YT] 有我最喜歡的小美和至愷做~
[YT] 兩個帥哥kiss
[YT] 柏野的妹是北京的嗎
[YT] 阿力和小美好帥’
[YT] @icecream0318
王若琳的Times of Your Life
[YT] @brainybean
[YT] 真好看 期待ep3
[YT] 请问从 7:10 开始的歌叫什么?
[YT] 阿Sa好可愛 演的很棒
[YT] The kiss … OMG
[YT] 3分的時候背景音樂是什麼?!!誰可以告訴我~~?!!
[YT] @sashakelv 好多人都喜歡長髪的男生,就好像阿力,其實小美在斗牛裡已有過這髪型。小美每部戲都有不的造型,但現的髪型師就真的有點遜!小美換咗他啦!
[YT] 說得對!發掘小美的經理人也這麼想!從我第一眼看到小美便愛上他了!我也相信如果你看完小美演的劇,一定喜歡上他!
[YT] Whats the song at around 4:36 ? o: when Bo-ye (mike he) doing the commercial? please 🙂
[YT] 你好中国人民!请去看我可爱的屁股影片!你不会失望!留下太多评论!谢谢
[YT] @Orangeplanet
She’s Hunanese.
[YT] O_o Wang Rui’s actor is the same one who played the gay director in Ugly Wudi. He gives off a completely different vibe now.
[YT] 真的是太perfect了
[YT] 哈哈 太好笑了巴 :))
陳德馨也太可愛了巴 真的是笑翻我了
[YT] 阿力的嘴閉的還真緊!!~~哈哈
[YT] 誇張的一場戲!!還真摔耶~~哇!
[YT] 超好看的說 很期待啊!
[YT] @peacie21 Well it’s only ep.2 =D
[YT] 小美帥帥帥!
[YT] 蔡旻佑的歌欸 唱腔很明顯!!
[YT] zhang yu!!!! 🙂
[YT] 我本來以為他會說寵物= = (不知道的請回顧第一集)
[YT] 撐sa!!!
[YT] 阿Sa太可愛了欸 講國語好可愛喔
本來不看好他的演出 但是我覺得演好可愛喔:)
[YT] 啊sa好可愛,超好笑的!
[YT] 好好看!1破8!祝破8!!!
[YT] love it!love it too much!!^^
[YT] nice show!
[YT] 阿Sa好可愛
[YT] 感覺第3集的阿sa會演得更好! 小美阿sa!!
[YT] 如果在台視播 可以破8吧..
[YT] 柏野的妹是誰?都不像台灣人~
[YT] so mny kiss!!lol!
[YT] @snowlsl 不是吧,吳尊比較帥吧@.@
[YT] 跟警察說這麼多無關的話幹嘛啊?
[YT] 喜歡人就說啦,還什麼好哥們,真娘娘腔
[YT] 德馨的爸不會就是惟晨的老爸吧….不要這樣的爛呀,拜託~”~
[YT] 阿sa唱歌時候的國語比較好~可是好開心,可以看到她演電視劇!!!
[YT] charlene, zhi kai, mike! 😀 love them!
[YT] 阿力明明很很很在乎德馨! 但是自己卻看不清楚!
[YT] 老闆娘好戲劇化…哈哈哈..
[YT] 天啊!!!
[YT] 阿Sa的情緒很真實, 很有親和力 😉
[YT] 警察那段好長好煩喔
[YT] 阿Sa表現很不錯! 😉
[YT] 海灣好美唷
[YT] 又要等一星期才有得睇!好期待!!
[YT] 阿力樣貌好似….吳尊…..
[YT] 阿力樣貌好似….吳尊…..
[YT] @hayashimai 她看起来就是做第3者的嘴脸!!~ 我觉得啦!!`
[YT] zhi kai is so hot in this series.
i never thot he was attractive in corner with love.
or it cudve been his personality that annoyed me.
[YT] 阿sa普通話講得很好吶,本來以為她出演會用配音的
[YT] 贺军翔这个发型看起来有点土, 还是之前的比较帅
[YT] 不也太喜欢周采詩,不是讨厌她,就是不喜欢,也不知道为什么
[YT] ah li & de xin!! 😀
[YT] 是荒miu不是荒miao…-_-!!
[YT] 警察问的80%以上都是废话..和案件无关
[YT] d 國語…………..
[YT] = =
[YT] @hellokitty122796 走 蔡旻佑
[YT] i am a fan of everyone in this show, really, except 周采詩
[YT] i find the sub plot kinda weird cuz theres like no link to the main plot at all; i know its mike’s sis and all but theres really no link…
[YT] @wakkawakkakaboom YAR SO WEIRD.
[YT] was that song called that starts at 4.38???
[YT] 這個警察問話的部分真的太長了吧。警察也問太多了拜托!
[YT] david wang’s an amazing actor.
[YT] omg, it’s jiang xiao hua’s house….
[YT] 好期待下一次sasa!!!
[YT] 阿sa演得好好xdd
[YT] sasa is good show!!!
[YT] sasa牙!!gdgdgd!!
[YT] love 阿sa so much!!
[YT] sasa好叻牙!~
[YT] 得意o既sasa!!
[YT] sa吻了ooo
[YT] 阿sa好cute!!!!~
[YT] gdgdgd!!!sasa令令
[YT] @sally00yllas
[YT] sa!!!! ADD OIL~~~~~SUPPORT YOU~~~~
[YT] 阿Sa可愛!
[YT] isn’t this jiang xiao hua’s house? HAHA
[YT] 阿力是有錢人????
[YT] 這套劇放在台視一定破8…
[YT] AhSa好可愛!!!!!=u=
[YT] @taurusbabe232 本來是 海派甜心的前一檔戲 好像有什麼問題推遲了
宣傳 都在2009年做了
[YT] 吻到^^
[YT] 德馨可愛
[YT] ,好心急!!
[YT] he switched her old sim card into the new phone, but how did he get her number…?
[YT] 給我坐下!!!XDD
[YT] 吻到了!
[YT] haha as usual charlene shows her big big appetite 😀 hehe. bo ye too 😀
[YT] 兩小無猜好可愛!=)
[YT] 是谁唱的歌??!~
[YT] 小狗完全配合小美的話,好像真的是被罵走的!
[YT] 早就应该把房子买掉啦!!!~唉!!~
[YT] 德馨一直在柏野面前出糗!可愛!
[YT] @viczai
[YT] 好白癡喔 如果是頭彩應該有固定的銀行 才能領吧 而且應該是 秘密包廂 那種
[YT] 我覺得經紀人一定是gay
[YT] @cherriblossomxz yeah, well its in shanghai, for the part with the sister.
thats what i meant, cause i thought it was in taiwan but everyone had that accent
[YT] @viczai its CTS (chinese television system), so it’s taiwan
[YT] 導演好好笑.還唱歌呢!6:04的小狗好好笑,說小美兇我!
[YT] 超好笑!初吻的對象是同一個人!!
[YT] 看來阿力是有錢人家的少爺。
[YT] 我的媽呀!!!!!!
[YT] Good so good drama!!love it!
[YT] Mike is so handsome!!<3
[YT] 小美太帥了!太精采了!好看!
[YT] love mike XD !!!!
[YT] 中毒!形容得很好!
[YT] mike is so cute so handsome ! 亞力的眼睛釨兇,好不自然!
[YT] 還是最喜歡看sugoi的=]
[YT] kiss!kiss!kissing each other! woo!
[YT] 好美的海灣!
[YT] 阿Sa看小美至愷吻戲的時候好好笑,還不自覺睜大眼睛看呢!
[YT] so is this show in china or taiwan?
[YT] 阿Sa想像那段太好笑了!可愛!
[YT] 等了一星期,好心急!!
[YT] sa看兩男生接吻的表情,好好笑!哈!哈!
[YT] that guy is so gay. taking his chances every chance he gets 🙂
[YT] @justxemily he’s cute though
[YT] 哈哈,德馨臉紅流汗!
[YT] OMFG ! ! ! 太精采了吧 ! ! !
[YT] 搶先生 = 搶匪 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
[YT] omg ah li is annoying…
[YT] it’s weird how de xing switches between thinking in canto and mandarin. i like the random canto parts though.
[YT] sasa 翻垃圾的表情好可愛 🙂
[YT] 阿力像是幼稚園的小朋友,欺負自己喜歡的人,對他好,但是也對他特別兇。
[YT] OMG, next week’s epi will be even better. HAHAH I LOVE The NG. Charlene anticipated for the guytoguy kiss for a whole day haha. man, love this series~!
[YT] so funny the bit in the taxi where the friend and the manager pass by #LOL
[YT] This is so good, all the characters are getting more develop I love it.
AH Li is so cute. Mike and Charlene are adorable!
[YT] 06:05 LOL.
[YT] 好好看喔^^期待下禮拜
[YT] WTF!!! they kiss??!
[YT] I am falling for Mike and Charlene now 😀
[YT] 是我的錯覺嗎
怎麼感覺 阿利 特別的像 柏野阿
臉型 語氣 超像的啦= =
[YT] Mike and CHARLENE!
[YT] ah sa and mike is LOVE!
[YT] mike and ah sa so cute!!!
[YT] 賀軍翔的聲音好好聽~
[YT] omfg! lol
[YT] @taurusbabe232 他们好像是2008或2009年才拍这部电影。
[YT] what is the song at the background ?
[YT] lololols
this show is soo funny
love the couple
ah sa’s acting is very good
[YT] 家明真帅,在这部偶像剧里一点也不娘
[YT] lol. It’s too funny!!
[YT] hhhahahaa omg so funny
diao igen so funny hahaha
omg i can’t wait for next week
[YT] lol. so cute. 🙂
[YT] love this drama soo muuuuuuuuuuch
[YT] ommmmmmmmmmg they kiss omg
[YT] lol the police sound like paparazzi’s
[YT] hahah xiao tian tian & ba yu
ah sa & mike<3<3<3
[YT] 現在已經是2010了…….. 那麼阿力的薪水就搞定了啊?~
[YT] 你好快啊!!~ 一起身就有得睇!!!` thx!!!!~
[YT] mike & ah sa<3<3<3
[YT] thxxxx
[YT] 毒性很強喔-講的超有臺灣味的!!標準!!
[YT] De xing & Bo ye <3<3<3<3
bo ye handsome & de xing cute
[YT] weird policeman lol. 🙂
[YT] omg they kiss omg
[YT] LoL!! they’re kissing each other. XD
[YT] poor cheng de xing:(
[YT] I love the ost!! XD
[YT] omg omg thankk uu so mucch
[YT] hahas,,,bo ye’s hungry too…XD
[YT] Finally!!!