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239 thoughts on “Easy Fortune Happy Life Episode 01”
[YT] im abit blur about the relationship on the “news”. so the oldman has two children, and the elder son died and so the daughter would do ____ to get the fortune? and how is lanzhenglong related to the oldman?
[YT] this drama looks so good already!! i loved the first episode. Qiu Ze (Roy?) looks hot as a bad guy. haha. can’t wait!! thank you sugoiteam, you guys rock.
[YT] ha ha , cause they got the faces of a gold digger ? p.s no offence to their fans , just they been like it all the ways and their great arting skill fits them , ha ah
[YT] Can someone explain to me is that two Blue’s parents?
Or his parents are dead?
He is the grandson of the old man?
Gino look so different, I can hardly recognize him…
[YT] The grandma is a great actress, I’m glad she’s in every drama, I enjoy watching her. I’m just sad that she dies in every one, most of the time early on.
[YT] Wow it’s Gino! I missed him in dramas, didn’t know he was going to be in this. <3 Great cast of characters all around. Is it both mother and father from Meteor Garden?
[YT] HAHAHHAHHAHAH!!! this show seems so niceee! I wanna watch the next episode so much!! ARGH. why must it be once a week?! Lol sorry i too anxious. how i hope everyday is saturday. lol
[YT] 好好看~^0^~
[YT] 应该是
[YT] 笑死 嚴大風怕毛毛蟲
[YT] 我很期待藍正龍的演技…
[YT] the grandmother so poor thing..
[YT] xiao zhong mus be v angry at lan zhen long..
[YT] 请问你怎么知道呢?
[YT] 会不会叫做什么隔代单传啊?哈哈!
[YT] Gino 客串 ..
[YT] 山东腔
[YT] hes so cute <3
[YT] oh my god blue is soooooo hawt !!!
this show is getting better but its still not good as i expected…… hope it gets better =)
[YT] LOL lan zheng long was hilarious when he got mad.
watching the grandma run in for her watch was so saddd. ): i was gonna cryy.
[YT] anyone knows the song at the start?
[YT] anthony so cute!
[YT] the bicycle ah peh acted in so many dramas.. esp in gong zhu xiao mei the butler..
[YT] 村长是什么口音呢?
[YT] 哇!喬恩跟藍正龍真好笑~~
[YT] 藍正龍 演技真的也很不錯
[YT] omg i love how hes like shit shit shit shit! (:
[YT] i cant wait for the next episode! 🙂
[YT] LOL! omg he does!
[YT] is ep 2 out yet?
[YT] 爷爷和孙子,奶奶和孙女居然长一样,好可爱的巧合阿。。。哈哈
[YT] 村长是山东人????好搞笑啊
[YT] the son in the pink is so much nicer than all the others.
[YT] 我也覺得親吻的時候太直接太假@@
[YT] OMG it was a real swamp?! ugh…
[YT] 1:30 can see qiaoen’s eyeshadow
[YT] the flowers look so cgi…
[YT] 大概因為是鄉下小醫院吧! 一切都很簡陋
[YT] 跟敗犬女王一樣前兩集有點東西,再來請大家別浪費生命看下去
[YT] 譚艾珍 殺青了嗎?!@@
[YT] 奶奶~~手好嫩喔~
[YT] 大家都在互相利用…
[YT] hahahah!!!love this part 04:45 / 10:33 xD
[YT] OH!! so the son tt died is blue’s parents?
[YT] i think the elder son give birth to lanzhenglong before he die. that explain the case
[YT] im abit blur about the relationship on the “news”. so the oldman has two children, and the elder son died and so the daughter would do ____ to get the fortune? and how is lanzhenglong related to the oldman?
[YT] 乔恩啊!你的演出每次平凡都一点都不平凡
[YT] Gino的眼鏡好好看XDD
[YT] niceshow ! 😀
[YT] omt gino <3 😀
[YT] 小馬 looks like he has lots of lip gloss…haha
[YT] It’s called 幸福藥草 by 伍思凱. I love it too!
[YT] what’s the song at the very beginning called?
[YT] love it
[YT] 期待邱澤出場…邱澤還蠻好笑的說!
[YT] this drama looks so good already!! i loved the first episode. Qiu Ze (Roy?) looks hot as a bad guy. haha. can’t wait!! thank you sugoiteam, you guys rock.
[YT] 你的手可不可以不要那麼接近我的胸部啊!還有鴿子蛋…吹喇叭!哈哈!
[YT] 那電視,看起來好像key板打上去的
[YT] 消費眷?那她奶奶沒有消費卷嗎?他弟弟沒有消費卷嗎?幹嘛那麼省勒
[YT] luv chen qiao en
[YT] 请问这套戏是不是,败犬完了之后接的戏阿?
[YT] oh man..the grandma die..
damn sad..
Can’t wait for the next ep next week!
Got QiuZhe!XD
[YT] 哪有可能就酱进手术室的.. 没逻辑
[YT] 小馬兩部戲的差別真大~~!!~
[YT] 藍正龍 FTW!
[YT] 你夠狠的,
[YT] 命中完了以后..中间隔了珊宝妹..然后又是小天的败犬..之后又回到乔恩..-_-!!重点是..和珊宝妹一样..开始的时候一定是男主角开始很坏..-_-!!
[YT] 要等到下个礼拜一才有得看。。。好久哦!
[YT] Yeah!! now that you mention it… gold diggers.. Haha..:)
Gino looks so much like Yampi in this show..
[YT] ok, they are really like swimming there
[YT] haha i know
[YT] at 4:12 did she touch his thingies and he got erection or i am just misunderstanding
[YT] 真的有点象动画。。。那个沼泽、、
[YT] omg! finally another good series~~~ yeah~~~
[YT] 哈哈奶奶每次都是有钱人。。。这次是穷人。。感觉不一样了拉。。但都是很亲切。。要是我奶奶就好了
[YT] 喬恩在片頭曲裡面真的好漂亮~好像天使的感覺~~
[YT] 藍正龍為什麼形相不足阿?
[YT] 喬恩還是演的活靈活現~~
[YT] yes
[YT] 親的時候太假ㄌㄅ
[YT] 片尾曲好好聽…
[YT] ha ha , cause they got the faces of a gold digger ? p.s no offence to their fans , just they been like it all the ways and their great arting skill fits them , ha ah
[YT] 劉漢強跟馬小明….=.=
[YT] is the lawyer GINO?…
[YT] this show is funny!!!
[YT] 福安=虎蘭
[YT] I don’t know where the Blue’s parents are in drama, but they aren’t Blue’s parents, the woman is Blue’s aunt.
[YT] 哈哈 这段太逗了。。在泥巴里两个人忒乐了。。哈哈哈
[YT] Can someone explain to me is that two Blue’s parents?
Or his parents are dead?
He is the grandson of the old man?
Gino look so different, I can hardly recognize him…
[YT] 藍正龍很帥呀
[YT] 哈哈哈好好笑
[YT] 好久沒看到GINO演戲了!!
[YT] Blue looks so good in 6.48!!!! Why do I always have to wait a whole week for such nice shows?????
[YT] Can’t wait for the next ep!!!
[YT] my God.. the dog and the boy are so cute..
[YT] 小馬擦唇蜜
[YT] 哪邊形象不足阿
挖 你好厲害喔
[YT] 好歌 好歌 有點像日本歌
[YT] Wow! Seems very interesting…can someone please sub this?
[YT] he’s hot!
[YT] yep, that quote was funny, “no buying, no kidding”
[YT] waaa 好感人…
[YT] lol at his expression at 6:43
[YT] omgosh…did the grandpa come back to see her and get into the accident? Cause that would be so sad.
[YT] next Sunday (: And every sunday after that until it’s over.
[YT] 皮蛋超可爱!
[YT] 狠心地说一句…蓝正龙换掉就对了…
[YT] OMG!!!!!! THERE IS QIU ZE!!! I miss seeing him in shows!!
[YT] 我覺得藍正龍一開始出場的氣勢..好薄弱喔..= =”…存在感太少了
[YT] if you’re asking who he is, it’s the lawyer guy
[YT] 片頭曲好難聽唷!!~
[YT] 村長的山東腔口音 pronounce 福安 as hu lan! HAHAHHAHAHAH
[YT] tat wang yi ren somehow indirectly cause the death of the granny : /
[YT] TAT wang yi ren look like she’s gonna be quite a bitchy person in this show ;o
[YT] somehow, i have a feeling that the building in 02.00 is the Guan Mei Lu Dian in Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa? – wild guess.
this show, somehow will turn successful.
[YT] the didi so cute!! curly hair :0
[YT] only xiu is the best so kind hearted! diff like the others
[YT] omg the family members just wann his money -_-” dont even care abt the old grandpa
[YT] gino looks so much hawrter in this hairstyle! 😀
[YT] yup
[YT] 很浪漫啊
[YT] is this a once a week drama?
[YT] 好好奇邱澤演的是什么样的角色.感觉挺有趣的
[YT] 還好啦不會很難聽
[YT] he’s role here is far far from piziyingxiong!
but he’s still cute~
[YT] 终于等到了。。。
[YT] gino?
[YT] 先生,你的手可不可以不要那么接近我的胸部啊! 哈哈哈哈!!! xDDD
[YT] =.=不知怎麼螢幕就是一片黑
[YT] 是人工沼澤
[YT] 那是人工沼澤
[YT] haha watch 命中注定我愛你!
she didnt die in there.
and her role is pretty cute 😀
[YT] she looks soooo beautiful!!
[YT] The story is going pretty fast!
[YT] 親就親~
[YT] 譚艾珍
[YT] 哈哈~~~村長的口音超像羅小豬的山東腔xd”
[YT] 王怡仁 is sooooo hot
[YT] 皮蛋也太Q了吧
[YT] 片頭曲好難聽 囧”
[YT] 為什麼藍正龍在片頭取臉這麼猙獰= =
[YT] i’m not a fan of his. more interested in the story drama’s plot and the way the show is filmed… but thanks anyways.
[YT] chill out man .. if it was me, i would just enjoy the kiss personally during the shooting. in such case, pro acting is out of the question.
[YT] on the 14th
[YT] Pinksnowstars, if you like this, I recommend just about all Blue’s dramas, especially The Outsiders, I Do, and Police et vous.
[YT] Hope not…
[YT] YA YA 小馬
[YT] Jocelyn Wang’s gorgeous
[YT] 王怡仁長的沒什麼記憶力
[YT] 奶奶怎么只出現一集而已啊
so sad
[YT] does anybody know whos subbing this drama
[YT] when is ep 2 gotta be out??
[YT] 錢可以買到肉給你孫子吃
[YT] 這個涼亭 敲敲愛上妳也有
[YT] Yep it’s Gino! I’m so glad he’s in this, he hasn’t been in anything since Smiling Pasta and that was 3 years ago.
Why is it that those parents are always gold diggers, in every drama they’re in?
[YT] so clear thank you so much
[YT] The grandma is a great actress, I’m glad she’s in every drama, I enjoy watching her. I’m just sad that she dies in every one, most of the time early on.
[YT] She’s a great actress, I’m glad she’s in every drama. I’m just sad that she dies in every one, most of the time early on.
[YT] 陳喬恩在片頭裡面好漂亮喔! hahah, I think this drama looks good!
[YT] This drama will BE NICE!
[YT] 這隻安東尼跟我朋友家的可魯長得一模一樣哦!很可愛ㄝ
[YT] Looks like Xiu Jie Kai (the brother)’s character and Gino’s character are good people though.
[YT] what the hell is that???
they are all cold-blooded and inhuman.
[YT] Wow it’s Gino! I missed him in dramas, didn’t know he was going to be in this. <3 Great cast of characters all around. Is it both mother and father from Meteor Garden?
[YT] oooo i dramawiki-ed him but didnt know it that was really him. 😉 lol i didnt know he’s so old. he looks really young!
[YT] yout quick, waiting for this. thank you
[YT] ooo funny show. haha. i never ever watch blue’s show. this is the first time. looks funny and not bad!!!
[YT] jeez what kind of a family r they???
[YT] is the director the one who directed woody sambo?
[YT] oh too funny..
“no buying.. no killing.. you know”
i like this quote
[YT] 修好可愛啊~~^^
[YT] 修好可愛^^
[YT] 沼澤好像是動畫耶?!
[YT] 納豆耶﹗﹗﹗
[YT] they don’t know how to kiss at all….maybe don’t know how to act.
[YT] sick of this old woman…….she is fricking on every drama…… hate her acting.
[YT] 小馬 🙂
[YT] omg lawyer li is GIno!! so cute w/ glasses =]
[YT] YE YE 有小馬 !!!!
[YT] hand made:D
[YT] thanks!
[YT] 好可怕喔那個沼澤..那麼多泡泡!!像會有那些奇奇怪怪的東西在..
[YT] 桐花給人的感覺像天使的羽翼
[YT] 片頭開始那裡好美..
[YT] is sumone gunna sub dis!!!!!
[YT] is there an eng sub for this drama?
[YT] 劇情模式都一樣,套用不同主題而已。
[YT] Opening song: Happy Herb (Xing Fu Yao Cao) by Sky Wu
Ending song: Just Have Happiness (Jiu Yao Xing Fu Le) by Rita Ma
[YT] omg finally, it’s came out
thank u sooo much
[YT] 他不是刚刚在拍婚纱照吗。。。
[YT] 誰是奶奶呀?
[YT] ahhahahah that was so funny
[YT] are they human??!! that grandpas is about to die and as family members they are not signing it!! soooo mean!!!!
[YT] oh man..both main characters love to make fun of each other…sooo funny~~~
haha cant wait for the next ep!
[YT] it’s gino!!
[YT] 薻澤是真的嗎?
[YT] THis drama is very good! Blue and qiao en are cute together! I don’t know why but they are so cute!
[YT] 有新梗ㄟ~~
[YT] Isn’t the assistant guy GINO? The GINO in K-One?
His hairstyle fits him a lot in this drama, hot!
[YT] dude its good!!!!! :]
[YT] 王怡仁 can’t act mean
she just looks like a nice girl..
[YT] OMG..SO GOOD~ cant wait for next week
[YT] 實在好看!!
[YT] this drama is so touching
[YT] love Jocelyn Wang~so beautiful~~
[YT] 還可以
[YT] what is his gf doing and what was those guy talked to her about ? she much going be the evil bitch ?
[YT] he is so mean lmao
[YT] 修杰楷怎么用lipgloss??!!
[YT] 真的是邱澤剛剛沒看出來!!
[YT] it sure is nice and funny !
[YT] who sing the ending theme song of this drama
who sing the opening theme song of this drama
plz tell me
thanks you
this drama is the best
[YT] 啊!!!! 奶奶!!! :'(
[YT] 哭
[YT] 王怡仁好正~可是不太習慣他演這種心機的角色~他跟blue的舌吻好猛~~~~~~~
[YT] HAHAHHAHHAHAH!!! this show seems so niceee! I wanna watch the next episode so much!! ARGH. why must it be once a week?! Lol sorry i too anxious. how i hope everyday is saturday. lol
[YT] like this drama so far:D:D
love it
[YT] hahahaha 06:35 so funny!!!!
[YT] OH oH!!! Gino is not the doc, but the assistant of the grandpa. Nowonder i find him so handsome also! LOL. Glad that he’s acting in this show!
[YT] ahh that assistant guy of the grandpa is sooooooo cute!
[YT] yay~ HQ makes the flowers more lovely
oh sh*t… that’s GINO, i was wondering why the doctor looked so familiar (and so good looking XP)
[YT] 奶奶第一次演窮人耶
[YT] thnaks 😀
this drama looks so good:D
[YT] 蠻好看的,想看下一集~ 下一集的邱澤很帥喔
[YT] their so cute^^ cute wait for the next episode! 😀
[YT] 哈哈,好好笑
[YT] 謝皮蛋也太討喜了!!!!
[YT] 我的媽呀!
[YT] thx!! ^^
[YT] 哈哈..好好笑!
[YT] AWESOME!! so far im liking this drama!!
[YT] 好棒好棒 修也在這部戲裡 哈哈
[YT] 是啊 超可愛
[YT] 1st 😮
[YT] 謝皮蛋好可愛喔
[YT] omg,,the opening IS SO GOODD
[YT] 3rd 🙂
[YT] 哇,那豆呢
[YT] 等很久来 ,终于有得看了!
[YT] 2nd~ ^^
[YT] omg am i de 1st?!!!