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172 thoughts on “Easy Fortune Happy Life Episode 08”
lolz why is everybody blaming da feng @_@ he did not come late on purpose ,he already try his best to make that handmake car throughout the night because of the “promise” & fu an is kinda inconsiderate in this case ~she didnt help him with da handmake car so she shouldnt get angry for his being late plus da handmake car should be done together why in da hell did fa feng do alone == sumore fu an throw da flower tsk tsk pity da feng =//
[YT] it’s because his father married into his mom’s family, not like how normally the woman marries into the man’s family
(female dominates in this marriage)
[YT] Well, perhaps so. However if he doesn’t change his personality 360 degrees, I won’t start to appreciate his presence any time soon. Now they are trying to take out Dong Jie, I don’t see how in the world Fu An is going to forgive him
[YT] i COMPLETELY TOTALLY agree with you. i cant hate the male lead enough….wtf. fu an must be w/ dong jie or this show is too retarted……nothing really happened between da fung and fu an even now, after freakin 8 episodes……..this show is too slow, and dong jie is just too influential, like you said.
[YT] i’m starting to lose interest in this drama. the highlights of each ep are when dong jie meets up w/ fu an–not much else. da fung seems to have only one expression for smirkiness/ his evil side. he needs to work on his acting skills.
[YT] this is like the first that I hate the male lead sooo much…=__=.. I wish he could get lost with his bitchy girlfriend.
In typical drama, the other guy is nice and all, but I still wished the girl to end up with the male lead..
HOWEVER, this drama is tipping the scale a little too much. It would seem super retarded if she didn’t end up with Dong Jie, his character is way too influential to be cast aside.
[YT] I guess she is crying mostly for the disappointment that she feels against Da Feng and also she feels sad when her dream of being loved by someone has been shattered. However, I still wish that she will end up with Dong Jie.
[YT] okay this is soo fake and dramatic just because he is late she gets that angray and cries ??? comme on fu an dont be soo gulliable! and is soo weriod how she falls for da fung soo fast
[YT] fu an should ask why da fong is late.. she didnt worry what happened to him and makes him late??? she just cares.. yes or no.. that’s kindof selfish..
[YT] sigh. the two main guy characters are so cute. i really dont know which one i want fu an to be with…i mean i know who shes going to end up with but i dont know if i support that. lolz. confusing right? lolz.
[YT] no offense, but the plot is getting a bit too crazy. the character fu an is quite badly written. she is not that consistent. qiao en should try diff characters, it seems she is always playing the same naive girl. i know her acting is better than that. hopefully the drama will get better later as da feng falls for her completely
lolz why is everybody blaming da feng @_@ he did not come late on purpose ,he already try his best to make that handmake car throughout the night because of the “promise” & fu an is kinda inconsiderate in this case ~she didnt help him with da handmake car so she shouldnt get angry for his being late plus da handmake car should be done together why in da hell did fa feng do alone == sumore fu an throw da flower tsk tsk pity da feng =//
王怡仁真的好漂亮 😀
I love how dong jie is hard on the outside but soft in the inside ! 😀 Love him <3
[YT] 珍珍
[YT] 奇怪的夢想…
[YT] it’s because his father married into his mom’s family, not like how normally the woman marries into the man’s family
(female dominates in this marriage)
[YT] i like how 大風 doesn’t just get angry but is actually sad it shows his change 🙂
[YT] OMG i SO love roy in this drama
[YT] lol the teacher’s crying is so fake.
[YT] 對阿!差一點就親下去啦
[YT] 臭雞蛋??
[YT] 喬恩唱的真好聽
[YT] 對阿!
[YT] 韩东杰 &谢福安 <3
[YT] 離開悲傷 – 范逸臣
[YT] dong jie so cute !!!!! love him,especially his smile ^o^
[YT] i know. and i felt the same way too…dang jie is so nice to her. but too bad he is not the main guy,..
[YT] 韓東杰 親下去la!
[YT] Well, perhaps so. However if he doesn’t change his personality 360 degrees, I won’t start to appreciate his presence any time soon. Now they are trying to take out Dong Jie, I don’t see how in the world Fu An is going to forgive him
[YT] 帥 帥 帥 帥 帥! 邱澤太帥了
[YT] I love the moment when 韓東杰 comes in at the door… omg *drool* he has such a great jawline
[YT] 快點到下星期!!!!!!
[YT] i know… he must be very cool in real life =)
[YT] yeahhh so true… it’s a compeition, not a family event
[YT] 他們的手….嘻~~心動呢~~
[YT] 東杰很cool耶!!!超帥的!!
[YT] 我也好期待哦!!
[YT] 每个礼拜等的好辛苦~~~
[YT] 大風被罵到臭頭…真衰
[YT] 心情不好才吃叭ㄅㄨ
[YT] 東杰…又是那種苦命的守護者吧
[YT] 東杰大亮阿
[YT] 什麼親子節 根本是炫燿大賽
[YT] 皮蛋=peter=…何潤東…???@#$%^
[YT] ha! everybody so in to it ,fully agree ,including me ^o^
[YT] 皮蛋這個死小孩
[YT] 幹麻阿?都要親下去了
[YT] 一群死小孩…..= = 受不了
[YT] 韓東杰實在太帥了! 電死我啦! 什麼時候可以有韓東杰的Miss right?
[YT] 离开悲伤 – 范逸臣
[YT] thanks for the explanation (:
[YT] 皮蛋超可愛的=p
[YT] 看不到皮蛋花了什麼心思 明明是親子節 大家還要幫他做東西
[YT] 爺爺的桌子上莫名的出現了變型金剛的大黃蜂!!! 還是卡通版的
[YT] sorry, but that is how he is supposed to portray his character in this series…and he does start to like fu an.
[YT] 爲什麽偶像劇一定都是女的好,不能是男的嗎?
[YT] 其實大風對珍珍說的話都是假的
[YT] 阳阳的爸爸入赘,so阳阳’s last name is 严 。
[YT] 只有真心爱护你的人,才会在你最需要帮助的时候出现在你的身边。编剧,让福安和东杰在一起吧!
[YT] omg i wish dong jie and fu an would be together and not dafeng and fu an
[YT] what is the title for the song that played on 1:45 to 4:13…???
[YT] 晕,亲子节皮蛋完全没有做过东西- –
[YT] dongjie reminds me of mike he:D
[YT] psp ftw
[YT] haha, where student cum first
[YT] 看不到皮蛋花了什麼心思 明明是親子節 大家還要幫他做東西 他也沒參與 真是奇怪
[YT] blue’s ringtone is pili mit’s ringtone? sounds like .
[YT] 片尾曲很好聽!
[YT] 编剧加油啊,怎么安排的不紧凑了,点很少阿,这么好的演员,别浪费了,拜托啦,我很看好男女主演阿,好喜欢他们阿
[YT] 好煩喔
[YT] 我完全支持福安跟東杰再一起!!!
[YT] 怎麼沒去醫院啊?!
[YT] 謝皮蛋好噁心
[YT] dun she have to get her phone back…?
[YT] that was wat im thinking too…
[YT] 下一部戲應該讓邱澤演男主角~lol~
[YT] 福安跟東杰比較配啦
[YT] i COMPLETELY TOTALLY agree with you. i cant hate the male lead enough….wtf. fu an must be w/ dong jie or this show is too retarted……nothing really happened between da fung and fu an even now, after freakin 8 episodes……..this show is too slow, and dong jie is just too influential, like you said.
[YT] ohh. thanks for the explanation (:
[YT] 江珍珍跟大風很搭~福安跟東杰比較配耶~~
[YT] 因為~~在比較早以前~~
一路按著舊式的喇叭~(發出ba bu聲音的那種)~告訴你冰淇淋來了~~~所以都叫ba bu lo!!~~
some place still have this tradition~~
[YT] 香港人平均擁有一部或以上!
[YT] what a date… hahaha!
[YT] 嗯嗯
[YT] 皮蛋跟珍珍約會時的髮型很好笑, 但也可愛.
[YT] 我也是!
[YT] 我覺得劇情真的不太吸引人。可惜了一群好演員。
[YT] 這是隔壁的…
[YT] 喬恩玩Nintendo DS Lite!! 我也有 呵呵 X)
[YT] Omg, so sweeet, dong jie and fu an. I hope this goes the same for me too. hehe xD hohoho, beginning to think dong jie is humsum :O
[YT] 是陳喬”恩”喔!
[YT] 董士長是入贅的,所以他全名叫做「嚴董士長」。小孩自然跟母姓
[YT] for once i hope this doesnt end predictably!!! fu an should be with dong jie~~~! <3
[YT] 唉﹗有些失望,劇情太鬆散…陳喬恩的演技都差不多…
[YT] His father 入贅
[YT] I dono why ppl would think Pei Dan cute?? sigh…
[YT] 是”幸福藥草”
[YT] i guess it maks him eligible for the 八百億???
[YT] 伍思凱
[YT] i’m starting to lose interest in this drama. the highlights of each ep are when dong jie meets up w/ fu an–not much else. da fung seems to have only one expression for smirkiness/ his evil side. he needs to work on his acting skills.
[YT] 05:06爺爺的桌子上莫名的出現了變型金剛的大黃蜂!!! 是開玩笑嗎??
[YT] why is 阳阳’s last name 严? shouldnt it be the same as his father’s and not his mom’s?
[YT] 我也喜歡東杰
[YT] chen qiao en is only 163.. ? i thought she’s 165.. haha but then celebrities like to report a few cms taller than their actual height
[YT] 神燈啊神燈!
[YT] haha, main lead actress usually never ends up with the second lead actor.
[YT] 東杰加油!!!
[YT] omg omg omg omg omg
im so in love with 韩东杰 XD
[YT] 珍珍?珍珍魷魚絲嗎?
[YT] ahah his hair is so funny
[YT] 東杰和福安很配呀……心跳…哈哈..
[YT] this is like the first that I hate the male lead sooo much…=__=.. I wish he could get lost with his bitchy girlfriend.
In typical drama, the other guy is nice and all, but I still wished the girl to end up with the male lead..
HOWEVER, this drama is tipping the scale a little too much. It would seem super retarded if she didn’t end up with Dong Jie, his character is way too influential to be cast aside.
[YT] 怪怪… 「親子節」的主角皮蛋完全不動腦動手,連唯一親屬謝福安啥也沒做。
[YT] omg i cried when she said everything is over and walked away 🙁
[YT] 韓東杰你給我親下去!xd
[YT] 公司比較忙心跳會變快吼?xd
[YT] 主题曲是谁唱的?!歌名是什么?!
[YT] 韓東杰<3
[YT] I guess she is crying mostly for the disappointment that she feels against Da Feng and also she feels sad when her dream of being loved by someone has been shattered. However, I still wish that she will end up with Dong Jie.
[YT] 是七朵花..
sweety 是曾之喬跟劉品言兩個人
[YT] 姐弟恋 LOL
[YT] psh, the cell phone didnt even hit her there.
[YT] well she kinda sorta REALLLLY deserves it.
[YT] drama…
[YT] 3:16 ah, i lovee yangyanggggg. 🙂
bahaa,the date was funny,
[YT] aww that was so cute! them 2 eating ice cream, heart beat races, holds hands. awwh 🙂
[YT] wasnt that the song in fated to love you?
[YT] 我觉得福安和东杰两个很配耶!好多大风
[YT] 我知道..七朵花!!
[YT] =( they so evil.. coz of money wanna kill ppl.. sian
if fu an with han dong jie will be better llor..
[YT] 有出過阿
[YT] this wasnt on my subscriptions… 🙁
[YT] yang yang is like “OMG not again… ” lol
han dong jie is so cute and caring and obviously very loving and loves fu an… why doesnt fu an like him?
[YT] why are ice cream cones called “ba bu”??
[YT] 陳喬欣好美喔~
[YT] oh noooo~~ 拜托不要大风和福安在一起!!不想看到东杰难过!! 邱好帅阿!!
[YT] 喬恩真的應該出唱片的..她的聲音讓人很舒服…
[YT] blue is so cute when he smiles! he has dimples!!
[YT] how come dong jie suddenly has a car? o.o
[YT] 支持邱澤 愛他
[YT] 編劇應該改一下…讓福安跟東杰在一起…怎麼看…大風都假假的…不像東杰這麼討喜….
[YT] hahahahhahahaahahhahahaha peter and the zheng zheng teacher r sooo funnnyyy hahahh their little date is sooo funny
[YT] why don’t we end this drama here? 我們就當作福安對惡魔失戀了,卻被東杰天使感動到迷戀,然後不管大風多麼地追求她,她還是會跟韓東杰在一起,過著福氣又安康的生活。因為他們倆真的很配 ^^
[YT] okay this is soo fake and dramatic just because he is late she gets that angray and cries ??? comme on fu an dont be soo gulliable! and is soo weriod how she falls for da fung soo fast
[YT] why is people disliking this comment? dont get me wrong! i LOVE gay and bi people. they are adorable!
but isnt yang yang gay?
[YT] 邱澤滿適合這樣皮笑肉不笑的搞笑
[YT] dont worry, I have the same problem. I understand! lol
[YT] 邱澤真的好帥!
[YT] 珍珍尖叫的聲音好可愛唷~
cute cute~
[YT] LOL so awkawrd for a date like that XD
[YT] they are trying to get rid of han dong jie 🙁
[YT] oh my gosh i feel so bad for 珍珍. bad luck just like me.
[YT] 韩东杰这个角色怎么看都是这部戏目前为止最讨喜的,反倒是男主角这个角色好讨人厌哦。。。。。。
[YT] haha true very true yang yang is cute but isnt he gay?
[YT] me too! but everyone knows that fu an is going to be with da fong…sigh. dong jie is such a better person right now!
[YT] grr now im more like GO DONG JIE!!! da fu is just UGH. EVIL with that bitch of a gf!
[YT] I WANT fu an to be with Yangyang! <3
they so cute
of course da fong isnt bad but i ilke yangyang more<3 hes dam cute and hot<3!!
[YT] i will see the next episode!!!!
[YT] 這個邱澤長得也太帥了吧!
[YT] fu an should ask why da fong is late.. she didnt worry what happened to him and makes him late??? she just cares.. yes or no.. that’s kindof selfish..
[YT] 谢啦~~在pps不知道为什么没放上第8集~~
[YT] agreed
[YT] 同意~~
[YT] i want her with hang dong jie!!!<3333
[YT] sigh. the two main guy characters are so cute. i really dont know which one i want fu an to be with…i mean i know who shes going to end up with but i dont know if i support that. lolz. confusing right? lolz.
[YT] Same here. 東杰又帥又型格
[YT] no offense, but the plot is getting a bit too crazy. the character fu an is quite badly written. she is not that consistent. qiao en should try diff characters, it seems she is always playing the same naive girl. i know her acting is better than that. hopefully the drama will get better later as da feng falls for her completely
[YT] 唔鐘意藍正龍..
只係想睇 東杰同福安
[YT] roy is so hot!!! 😀
[YT] thXXX!!“-V-`
[YT] 哈哈哈
[YT] thX<3```
[YT] fu an so cute<33333333
[YT] peter so cute hahahahha
[YT] i still like dong jie with her better ^^ He’s so~ Perfect! haha…. I like him so much now~
[YT] Danke sehr~ So schnell~
[YT] 哈哈哈~~~
[YT] thanks!!!!!!!
[YT] thank yo so much! OH MY GOD. finally it’s out! hahas =D
[YT] 啊! 等得超辛苦的!