Easy Fortune Happy Life Episode 10

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209 thoughts on “Easy Fortune Happy Life Episode 10

  1. [YT] 這真是看過電視/影中最冷感的求婚,沒有一點chemistry. 竟讓我想快轉過去看嚴陽v.s.珍珍

    還好喬恩演技不錯 自己演到眼眶溼潤…


  2. [YT] I have a feeling that grandpa did something to da fong because he was smirking a little when he fainted… But what I’m thinking is that he bribed the doctor to say he had that problem thing… just to test if he really fell in love with Fu An because he doesn’t want anyone hurting Fu An. Its not the [[best]] way to handle it but im sure he had no other choice seeing what he, himself, did to Fu An’s grandma.

  3. [YT] Both 珍珍&大風 are starting to like others but they are forcing themselves to stay together just for the 八佰億. But they should just forget about it because the more they try and act the lesser chance they’ll get it. Plus, they probably still want 八佰億 but not as much as before because they’re in love [[kind of]] but they found great pairs :] especially 珍珍. She’s lucky to have 嚴陽.

  4. [YT] I see. That’s rather queer, but as you’ve said correctly, I’ve never been to Taiwan, so I wouldn’t know. ^^

    And no need for honorifics, I’m not yet over 16.
    (hard to imagine such long lines for egg custards)

  5. [YT] 呵呵 這位大大 可能不是很了解台灣 是啊人吃東西是跟根據自己愛不愛吃 台灣一般的飲食 也是大家愛吃什麼就吃什麼啊 但是不定時有人引進什麼料理或點心 那一陣子某些東西就會很受歡迎 前幾年有人引進葡式蛋塔 有些店每天有上百人排隊 所以好多蛋塔店都出現了 但是沒多久 風潮過去店又倒了 這就是我為什麼用”流行”來形容 呵呵 不好意思 讓您誤解了

  6. [YT] 我也超喜歡嚴陽的~~

  7. [YT] 痒痒好傻

  8. [YT] 導演很遜耶! 導的不合羅邏輯,

  9. [YT] 原發性肝癌耶~黑市買來的牛樟菇派的上用場了.這個開假病歷的醫生,以後給大風當上負責人後會過的生不如死的生活吧…這個人的得失心那麼重,應該是會先自我了結的性格吧… 這一切的一切會激蕩出什麼樣的火花我们繼續看下去…

  10. [YT] sigh hes not going to sign it…
    omg i have to wait a week!
    does anybody know exactly what time eastern time the next episode come out? thank you thank you thank you!

  11. [YT] omg da feng…*tears*
    i know its all a plan and all but he doesnt know that…and how he said even if im leaving you, ill find you a knight to watch over you…aww!!!!!!

  12. [YT] It’s obviously grandpa’s plan. Grandpa put something in dai fung’s drink that’s y he fainted. Grandpa wants jun jun to reveal her own self and stay away from dai fung.

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